Are you curious about climate change? Our friend Sarah is! After taking a huge interest in reading articles, watching the news and documentaries, she decided that it was time that our generation start talking about it as much as the talking heads on TV! We’ve helped her develop a brand new podcast for teens and kids called The Big Melt!
Tune in as she takes on the global climate crisis in her very own way and breaks down the what’s, when’s, how’s and why’s of climate change. Whether she’s reaching out to teens that are changing the world, discovering brilliant minds that are reimagining the future or getting down to business with eco-entrepreneurs, she’s not afraid to ask hard questions and she’s got the research to prove it…
Episode 1: Tipping points
It can be difficult to get a handle on just how far gone the climate crisis is, and how much time we have left to fix it. Sarah breaks it down for us here.
Episode 2: Like the sea levels, we rise!
What can we kids do to start making waves in this rising ocean we are swimming in? How do we get the attention of the planet’s decision-makers?
Episode 3: We ♥ the North!
What can we kids do to start making waves in this rising ocean we are swimming in? How do we get the attention of the planet’s decision-makers?
Episode 4: On the grill
Sarah investigates ways to take small but effective steps forward to help lower her carbon footprint, in hopes to reduce her personal impact on climate change.
Episode 5: Tornadoes, Floods and Super Storms – oh my!
What is the link between the higher frequency of crazy weather events to climate change?
Episode 6: OK Boomer!
What is the link between the higher frequency of crazy weather events to climate change?
Episode 7: Robots vs. Climate Change
At this very moment, there are teams of people working on advanced carbon capture machines. But should we? Could it potentially go wrong?
Episode 8: Change the Policies – Not the Climate!
Sarah looks at the big, big and the super small… about local effects and nationwide initiatives when it comes to slowing down climate change.
Episode 9: Doomsday Prepping and other Adaptation Approaches
It’s not all doom and gloom, a big part of this preparing for what climate change brings is about imagining the future: dreaming up sustainable living cities… And the coolest thing? If we do it right, this prep can actually help us stop global warming!
Episode 10: It’s the Final Meltdown
Climate change may seem like a thoroughly modern problem, but scientists have been exploring the question of the earth’s climate for over a hundred years. So the next big question is: how do you get people to listen?
Bonus: Under the Weather Together
Since everyone is following the coronavirus pandemic as it unfolds, and we’re getting news from different sources Sarah decided to use the power of fact-checking to sort some of it out.
Sarah knows global warming is the challenge of her generation and she won’t back down until she figures it out; sorting through the science, busting myths and getting real about what’s really happening. She’s tired of waiting for someone else to fix things, She’s going DIY; learning the facts, interviewing experts and actually being honest about how it feels to not know all the answers. Because It matters. Because She cares. Because it’s our job to fix it. Even if she has to share her podcast studio with her little brother.
What’s your favourite episode of the Big Melt? Let us know in the comments below!

I know
I am turning my own backyard into 4 habitats the wetland the meadow and the woodlands last is the seashore
Cool! I’m watching these podcasts! They’re really good!!!
We must stop climate change
I agree we should stand up for the animals
Oh no
I know we can help that
What’s wrong?!❣❓❕❗️❔‼️⁉️↕️
I ❤️ The North.
I love all of the habits and the rest of the world and animals.
Climate change IS now stopping since factory’s are closing and there are less cars on the road!!!
Because of the corona virus.
How do you play games
Poor animals
I feel the same way.