We need your help! This animal is trying to tell us something but we can’t figure it out! Do you know what these two monkeys are saying?
Caption This: What are these two monkeys saying?
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I think the monkeys are fighting for a banana they saw at the same time
First monkey is pulling on the second monkey‘s tail to hold him from not dropping
“You won’t fall,I got you!”
You are going to let go of me!!
Monkey1, which it monkey2hehehehehehehehehehehehehehe
Monkey1 what’s so funny about that monkey2 Nothings funny
Monkey one monkey two can I play with you?
Top monkey: where are you goooiiing? Come baaack!!! Bottom Monkey: I want to go on a adventure!
Monkey 1 I told you not to eat that sandwich and now ur throwing up
Monkey 2 but it looked so good I want MORE
Do you want me to bring you up or do you want me to just drop you off the bridge and die
I think it’s like this: top monkey: let’s go and sleep
Bottom monkey: I DON’T WANT A NAP