The animals in the picture below are up to something. Can you figure out what they are thinking? See if you can come up with the best caption and leave it in the comments below!
Caption This! What are these animals thinking?
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dolphin i got you
pufferfish ahhhh
it looks like a see animal killing a sqwid
it looks like a funny animal
there so cute
i like to swim
i looks like they are trying to play basket ball
Haha true true
hey, what happened to you? I puffed up!!
I think I am getting attacked!!!
Get out of my way!
David the Dolphin: ” Hmmmmm. This is a strange look’n ball.” Bob the Blow Fish: ” I’m not a ball! I’m a Blow Fish! “
puffer fish : “Ouch!!! Whats wrong??”
dolphin: “IM LATE I HAVE TO GO!!!!”