This summer, we asked you to make paper snowflakes and send them to us at the Earth Rangers Centre. We got so many from you that they filled boxes and boxes. Your messages for the planet showed us just how much you care! We’ll be using them to (hopefully) break the GUINNESS WORLD RECORD® title for the longest chain of paper snowflakes!
That’s right, we’re trying to build the longest chain of paper snowflakes EVER! Next week, we’ll be heading to the Toronto Zoo to put them all together. If it measures more than 214 metres long (that’s four times the height of Niagara Falls) the record is ours!

Isn’t it amazing what we can do when we work together? We could literally break a world record! Come back next week to find out if we did it!

Speaking of teamwork, we’ve got something new and super special coming to Earth Rangers. Want to know what it is? You’re going to have to wait until next week!
Maybe there’s a going to be something new in the earth rangers app?
It’s the science week project 2050
A new animal to help?
A new environment friendly project?
Do they want us
To guesse a prize?
Oh! I get it… maybe a new mission?
A new contest or adoption animal? also, Ranger Neve here I would like to add shoulder length hair that’s brown to the avatar section please. Because I currently don’t have hair on my avatar that looks like my hair. Oh and maybe denim shorts too if you have enough time. This isn’t an order it’s just a suggestion. Keep up the great work!!!!!!! -NatureNeve
Maybe now a
I hope we’ll break the record