Hi! I’m Julia Poetschke! (My name is pronounced poe-et-sh-key.) I have a pretty cool job at the Nature Conservancy of Canada: I spend my days in the Rocky Mountain Trench, making this cool and craggy ecosystem comfortable for the animals that call it home.
Lots of creatures rely on the tall grasses and dense forests here for shelter and food. Some of my favorites include grizzly bears, bighorn sheep, and American badgers. But their habitat is threatened because, in the past, people didn’t manage the wildfires here properly.
This week, I’m here to answer all your questions about badgers, bears, and bighorn sheep! How deep does a badger dig its burrow? Is it safe (or even possible) to pet a grizzly bear? And what makes bighorn sheep different from the kind we find on farms? Comment below with your questions, and I’ll do my best to answer them!
And remember: when you adopt one of these animals through Earth Rangers, you’re supporting my mission to make the Rocky Mountain Trench safer and more habitable for all kinds of species.
If I see a bear what should I do
Have you seen a grizzly bear ever in your life?
Do American badgers hibernate?
What are a bighorn sheep’s group called ?
I’m just saying if I was to get my car I would’ve had it in the shop but you don’t have a license to drive and drive it I would’ve
I think no
Do grizzly bears eat strawberries.
I love it.
If I encounter a grizzly, what do I do?