Just how swift is a swift fox? What makes them different from other foxes? Where do they live, and how can we keep their habitats safe?
Whatever questions you might have about swift foxes, our resident expert Peter Soroye is here to answer them! He’s a researcher who works with the Wildlife Conservation Society Canada to identify and protect Key Biodiversity Areas: the most important places in the world for species and their habitats. Peter works in Saskatchewan’s grasslands, a Key Biodiversity Area that’s home to swift foxes and many other species!
This is your chance to ask Peter Soroye anything you want to know about swift foxes, Saskatchewan’s grasslands, or what makes a Key Biodiversity Area so key. Comment on this article with your questions, and we’ll send them off to Peter so he can answer a few of his favourites. Stay tuned on the Wild Wire blog for his responses – and more chances to ask our researchers questions!
In the meantime, head to the Adoptions section in the Earth Rangers App to adopt your own swift fox and learn more about Peter’s work!
Do you like dogs
Swift Fox’s are cute.
I am sure that the only game I like is this one
Swift means fast and their names are Swift boxes… So how fast can they run?
What do swift foxes eat? How big are they?
Are they playful?
were do thay live
Hl how do you know about this animal
Are they more likely dog or cat
How fast can the swift fox run?