Few things say spring more than the happy soundtrack of chirping birds. Our flying friends are all around us, and that’s why it’s the perfect time for today’s Eco-Activity! Head out to your ‘hood and take note of the birds you see, then snap photos or sketch away and add your field notes to create your own local bird guide!

Here’s how to get guiding!
1. Go for a walk around your neighbourhood and see if you can spot 2-3 different bird species.
2. Once you’ve found your birds, take photos, make sketches, and jot down notes about their behaviour in your notebook.
3. When you’re happy with the number of different birds you’ve found, it’s time to make your field guide!
4. Using paper and colouring tools, draw or print out photos of the birds you saw, then include your observations below. Make notes on things like:
a. The bird’s common and scientific name
b. Its physical characteristics – how big is it? What colours are its feathers?
c. Its behaviour – what was it doing? Was it flying? What did its song sound like? Was it alone or in a group?
5. Take your guide to the next level by looking up more details about the birds you’ve found, like their habitat range, diet, and migration patterns!
I’ve done that before with chickadees. I spent a few weeks during summer vacation (and in the other seasons to add to my notes) last year trying to find out lots of stuff about chickadees. One thing I discovered is that they have three different calls. One is a chirp, they use it most of the time, especially when they are on my bird feeder. They only use their traditional chick a de de de de when they are very relaxed. The third one they only use in spring so I think it is a mating call.
I’ve also done something like this about chickadees for homework!
We had to discover lots of things about them and do a presentation about them. Their chick-a-dee-dee-dee-dee-deee call and their mating call (fee-bee) are what we hear the most. When they call fee-bee, sometimes I feel like they’re calling to me (Car-ly).
Beatiful drawing
That was pretty interestiong
It’s perfect timing! I just got binoculars