Mudpuppies get their name from the idea that they bark, really their ‘squeaks’ don’t sound anything like a dog! Maybe we should rename them because squeaks sounds a whole lot cuter.
Mudpuppies get their name from the idea that they bark, really their ‘squeaks’ don’t sound anything like a dog! Maybe we should rename them because squeaks sounds a whole lot cuter.
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That’s cool
They kinda look like Axolotls,I did a project on Axolotls last year(:
okay its good
I’ve heard about mud puppies, they are cool!
The way it looks is so cool
science fact I have a neighbour next door with a puppy I get to walk with the puppy and I have a friend who lives down the street from me and I get to see and walk Mack (aka dog)
Have you ever seen a mudpuppy