This spring, Earth Rangers is partnering with NatureServe to bring the Just 1 Tree Mission to children and families across the United States. When your child accepts the mission, we’ll give you all the information you need to start planting—no matter where you live!
Why Just One Tree?
Climate change is happening because humans are releasing too much carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. This is causing the Earth’s temperature to rise.
As a tree grows, it naturally absorbs carbon dioxide. This helps to reduce the amount of greenhouse gas in our atmosphere. What’s more, trees and forests are important habitats for animals. They help to protect our biodiversity!
We Can Keep Our Forests Healthy!
Trees don’t live forever, which means it’s important to continually renew our forests by planting trees. When you plant just one tree, you can:
- Help absorb greenhouse gases
- Give your community fresh air to breathe
- Create a new habitat for animals
- Provide shade to keep people and animals cool
- Increase the food supply for wildlife
Are You Ready to Help?
For the Just 1 Tree Mission, we’re asking Earth Rangers to team up with a friend to plant trees. The more people who get involved, the better!
Here’s how it works:
- Download the Earth Rangers App and accept the Just 1 Tree Mission.
- Read through the Mission Brief to learn how climate change affects animals and the planet.
- Check the Planting Guide to choose trees that grow well in your area.
- Visit your local nursery to find seeds or saplings.
- Ask a friend to become an Earth Ranger, then plant your trees together!
When you’re done, tell us how your Mission went! Don’t forget to take pictures! We love to share Earth Rangers’ success stories on the Wild Wire blog.