Sticky Door Signs

Here’s a great way to upcycle your old popsicle sticks: turn them into a decoration for your door! No popsicle sticks? No problem! You can make one out of twigs instead!
Here’s what you need:
Here’s how you make it:
Step 1:
Cut a piece of string about 12 inches long.
Step 2:
Tie the ends of your string to both ends of your stick so you have a loop.
Step 3:
Glue 3 more popsicle sticks to the first one to make a square with the loop on top.
Step 4:
Once the glue has dried, flip the whole thing over so you can secure the back with another layer of popsicle sticks.
Step 5:
Decorate your door hanger and personalize it with a message for your visitors!
Coolest craft
We made eleven! & it took about 1hour soo fun!! I decorated it like Easter!
Great craft my son was so good
Doing it!
I think I might do it .
Put no string And it turned out really well
Love it