Sense Scouting

Ready to keep your eyes peeled, lend an ear, and try your hand at sense scouting? Each season has its own surprises—even winter! Just head outside and see what you discover!
Here’s what you need:
- A notebook or paper to take notes
- Something to write with like a pencil, pen, or marker
- Your favorite outdoor space
- Friends or family to join you on your sense scouting adventure
Here’s how you do it:
Step 1:
Make your way to your favorite outdoor space. It could be your local park, a walking trail, a beach, or even your backyard!
Step 2:
Spend some time paying attention to your senses. What do you hear, see, smell, and feel on your adventure? You can try all of these senses or just pick one or two to focus on.
Step 3:
Now that your senses are tingling, take notes on what you experience! You can follow our useful checklist or make your own:
□ Are there any wild animals you hear? What kind are they?
□ What smells stand out where you’re walking?
□ What traces of wild animals do you see? Is there anything they left behind?
□ Are there any interesting objects you pick up or touch? What do they feel like?
Make sure to respect nature while you’re on your adventure. Don’t take anything you find home with you. If you move something, make sure you put it back.
( not to brag) My mom once when we where camping and my mom heard/saw something slinking around, so we thought it was a MOUNTAIN LION because we always go camping in the woods/hills so, it was a big possibility! We never figured it out, because it was too dark.
I thought I was gonna be killed by a mountain lion once it might not have been one, but I still don’t know.
Talking to morcat her saying not to brag if that was a lion that could have been danger if she would had not been calm.