Plastic Tracker

Plastic Tracker

Time:45 min Difficulty:Easy  

Did you know that almost half (40%) of all plastic made each year is used just once and then tossed away? We can cut down on plastic by making better choices! Let’s start a Plastic Journal to see how much plastic you can save!

Here’s what you need:

  • A notebook or some paper
  • Something to write with like a pencil, pen, or marker
  • Friends or family to join you

Here’s how you make it:

Step 1: Make a packaging list

It’s time to get creative! Make a list that you will use to track all the things you buy with plastic packaging on your next grocery trip. Decorate your list with paint, pencils, or markers!
Here is an example of a packaging list to get you started! You can also take a screenshot of this example to keep it handy.

Click on the image below to zoom in!

Step 2: Go shopping

Time for a shopping adventure! Head to the store with a grown-up. Bring your new packaging list. Before you start writing anything down, look around and see how many items you can spot with plastic packaging. It’s like a treasure hunt, but for plastic!

Step 3: Track what’s in your basket

Track all of the groceries your parent(s) or guardian(s) have added to your cart and see which ones are or have single-use plastics. Write them down on your packaging list in the column “Did it come with single-use plastics?”

Step 4: Find better options

Once you’re back home, look at your list, and think about whether there might be eco-friendly packaging options or other products with less packaging that you and your family can keep an eye out for next time! Write down these ideas in the “Is there a better choice?” column of your packaging list. The goal is to see how much plastic you can avoid!

Step 5: Share your list

Once you’ve added these ideas to your packaging list, it’s time to team up with a grown-up! Hand it over before they go on their next shopping trip.

Was your family able to cut the amount of single-use plastics you brought home from your last grocery trip? Share your stories in the comments below! Who knows? You might get a special feature in a Wildwire blog!

Heads Up, Earth Ranger: Don't share any personal details in your comments (like your last name, school name, or even age). The Earth Rangers team checks all comments to keep it safe and fun for everyone!


  1. Well Krogers delivers at least 10 bags of groceries. And they have you return them to recycle the bags.

  2. Well it looks pretty cool. And rescuer81you don’t have to say that that’s kind of rude to the app

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