Indoor Camping

Indoor Camping

Time:60+ min Difficulty:Medium  

Stop, don’t turn that thermostat up! We know it’s getting colder, so why not enjoy a week of chilly adventures and try some indoor camping?

About the game:

Objective: When it’s cold, rather than turn up the heat, try out some tried-and-true camping tricks… inside! Build yourself a fun indoor tent, pretend you’re an arctic explorer, and find ways to stay warm even while your thermostat is turned down low!
Players: 1 or more players

Here’s what you need:

  • Chairs
  • Sheet, tablecloth, or cozy blankets
  • Cozy decorations for your indoor tent (ie. Comfy pillows, plushies)
  • Flameless candles or a lamp
  • 3-4 sticks or paper rolls
  • An adult to help

Here’s how you play it:

Step 1:

First, you need a tent. If you don’t have your own camping tent, no problem! You only need 3 chairs, a big sheet (for a tent cover) and some books.

Place the chairs facing out, hang the sheet over the top of the chairs, and put the books on top to hold the sheet on the chairs. For extra warmth, build the tent in a sunny spot (like near a window).

Step 2:

Decorate the inside of your tent! Add pillows, some plushies, or you decide!

Step 3:

Make yourself somewhere comfy to sleep on. Bring a sleeping bag or blanket into the tent – the more layers between you and the cold floor, the better!

Step 4:

Want to enjoy a safe indoor campfire? You’ll need a flashlight or flameless candle and some sticks or paper rolls.

In front of your tent, set up the flashlight or flameless candle and put the sticks or paper rolls around it to create your fire. So cozy!

Step 5:

Your tent is done! Throw on a comfy sweater, or a toasty toque, and invite some friends over for hot cocoa and a fun camping adventure!

How did your indoor camping go? What cool things did you use to decorate your tent? Got any fun stories to share? Let us know in the comments!

Heads Up, Earth Ranger: Don't share any personal details in your comments (like your last name, school name, or even age). The Earth Rangers team checks all comments to keep it safe and fun for everyone!


  1. This is kinda like making a den! I have one up 24/7, it helps me feel more connected to my theriotype (I’m a therian) :} It’s really fun, as well as being cozy and homey. It’s awsome.

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