Hungry Snake and Hoppy Frogs

We’ve got an un-frog-ettable game for you! Grab your friends so they can join in on the hissssterical fun!
About the game:
- Objective: A game of jump rope with a twist! One person, the “hungry snake”, moves in circles with their rope. To not get caught, the “frogs” must successfully jump over the rope as it comes close.
- Players: 2 or more
Here’s what you need:
- A skipping rope
- Friends or family members
- Somewhere outside to play
- Plastic or paper cups (optional)
- Water (optional)
Here’s how you do it:
Step 1:
Start by picking one person to hold the rope. This person is the snake and everyone else is a frog. If it’s hot outside, you can give each frog a cup filled with water.
Step 2:
The frogs should form a circle with the snake in the middle. They should be a little less than the distance of the rope away from the snake.
Step 3:
Next, the snake starts to spin in a circle, dragging the rope around on the ground. Frogs must jump over the rope to avoid getting “bitten”. If you’re playing with water, don’t be surprised if you get splashed! If the rope touches any of the frogs, they’re out until the next round.
Sounds and looks fun
So cool I did 99 until snake cought me
Looks cool
Funniest game on the app.
It is so cold that I will do it now!