Do You Know These Facts About Hippos?

Are you a hippo fan? To honour these amazing and powerful creatures, why not put your knowledge to the test? Take this quiz and find out just how much you know about hippos!
Are you a hippo fan? To honour these amazing and powerful creatures, why not put your knowledge to the test? Take this quiz and find out just how much you know about hippos!
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I got 100.
I don’t like it!! When I did the question can hippo swim I clicked Falls but then I got out of it after cause I want to redo it and I clicked true in there and they both don’t do anything
Me too me hoo!
It’s because the Answer is both
I tried my best thing I got 100%
I agree with you but I got 60% otherwise
You have to click both at the same time
I got 100%! All five! Yay!
I am so sorry you got 60% kayleeAnn123.
You can oh ways try again, you know?