Friendly Bug Hun!t

We are surrounded by cool critters. Grab your camera and step outdoors to see which ones you can find!
Here’s what you need:
- Your eyes, ears, and hands! (But it’s also fun to have a magnifying glass for closer looks, some paper or a journal to write down what you find, and a camera or phone to snap pictures.)
- Friends or family members.
- Your favorite outdoor space.
Here’s how you do it:
Step 1: Look up!

Start by looking for flying insects like bumblebees, butterflies, and dragonflies.
Step 2: Look around!

Check in and around plants, under leaves and inside flowers with closed petals.
Insects or small animals may be using their size, shape, or color to hide!
Step 3: Look down!

Don’t forget all the life down in the soil. Turn over rocks and logs, where many insects like to stay cool and hidden from predators (you might want to put on some gloves to protect your hands).