Decode These Riddles

We’ve got some punny animal jokes for you! Can you decode the punchline? Use our decoder key below!
We’ve got some punny animal jokes for you! Can you decode the punchline? Use our decoder key below!
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i love owls
I like the jokes they’re cool
I thought that was really fun and all the answers are cool. Makes sense to the question like bulldozer for when the bus sleeping and the algebra for favorite kind of math and were orcas. Go to hear music which is an orchestra ,orca stra, get it.
Yup I get it I handle with my dad’s dad jokes all… the time.
I thought that the first 2 were super funny. But for some reason the last one about the orcas did not work.
I don’t really know how to play but
They was so fun I loved all of them
It was so fun I loved
I think that they are all super funny!