OMG Animals

Unicorn of the Sea

Narwhals are known for the horn on their head, but it isn't really a horn. Find out what the horn actually is.

Don’t call me a Zebra!

This four legged animal isn't all as it appears. Find out what makes Okapis so interesting!

Albatross Wings

These birds are flying in the big leagues. Albatross have the longest wingspan...

What makes a platypus so dangerous?

Why you should be careful around this funny looking animal? It is more dangerous than you might think.

Dad on Duty

The male Emperor Penguins make great fathers. Find out why!

Through a Bird’s Eyes

Birds have the ability to see ultraviolet lights so what looks like a white egg to you looks very different to them.

The Octopus Spy

This octopus impersonates things that look toxic to trick predators and avoid being eaten.

Talkin’ like a Squid

How do these sea creatures communicate?

Camel Humps

Ever wondered what a camel's hump is made of?

Animal Winter Olympics

What animals should be in the Winter Olympics? Check out this list of who we think should be competing for gold in skiing, curling, sledding and more!