OMG Animals

An Aardvark’s Tongue

Ever wondered how an aardvark can eat termites without eating the dirt they...

A Wild Cat in Disguise

The Margay are sneaky hunters.

Retired Ant

Leaf-cutter ants have sharp mandibles that they use to cut leaves. As these...

Hungry Hungry Plant

Carnivorous, or meat-eating, plants mean business when it comes to hunting. The pitcher...

Octopus Decorations

The Common Octopus (Octopus vulgaris) likes to put a personal touch on its...

Why are Leopards Spotted?

See why wild cats have such fancy fur.

Moose are Amazing Swimmers

It may not look like a very good swimmer, but the moose will actually dive under water to look for food.

Walking on Ice like a Polar Bear

Ever wonder have Polar Bears don't slip on ice? The answer has to do with the design of their paws.

A Freezing Cold Frog

Did you know that some frogs, like the grey tree frog, can survive...

Secret Seal Lair

The ringed seal (Pusa hispida) is a secretive animal. Unlike other seals, they...