fun stuff

Can You Decode these Frog Jokes?

Use the decoder key to find out the punchline to these hilarious frog...

Caption This: What is this Wood Frog Thinking?

We need your help! This animal is trying to tell us something but we...

Would You Rather #15

Be able to withstand freezing temperatures like a wood frog, or super hot temperatures like a camel? Cast your vote!

Can You Decode these Red Panda Jokes?

Use the decoder key to find out the punchline to these hilarious red...

Caption This: What is this Red Panda Thinking?

We need your help! This animal is trying to tell us something but we...

Quiz: Are you a Red Panda?

Take this quiz and find out if you’re a raccoon, red panda, sea otter or wolverine.

Would You Rather #14

Spend your days chilling in a tree like a red panda, or with your feet on the ground like a wolf? Cast your vote!

Can You Decode these Butterfly Jokes?

Use the decoder key to find out the punchline to these hilarious monarch...

Would You Rather #13

Stand out like a monarch butterfly, or be camouflaged like a leaf insect? Cast your vote!

Can You Decode these Bighorn Sheep Jokes?

Use the decoder key to find out the punchline to these hilarious bighorn...