Salamander VS Gecko – The Ultimate Showdown!

Although they look similar, salamanders and geckos are not related! In fact, one of these two is not even considered a lizard, closer to its frog cousin. What does one have that the other does not? Who would win in an Ultimate Showdown?

Geckos, like all other lizards, are reptiles. These lizards can be found in the wild in mountain regions, deserts, or rainforests. The majority of gecko species do not have eyelids, with the exception of the Eublepharidae who are known as the “Eyelid Geckos”. Many have special feet that let them stick to walls and ceilings.

Salamanders, including axolotls and newts, are amphibians. They can be seen in damp areas in or close to water sources such as rivers, creeks, or ponds. They are born but often don’t remain, in water, and similar to frogs usually undergo an evolution cycle.

The awesome thing is both of these critters can regenerate limbs! As a defense mechanism, certain geckos might drop their tail to get away from danger and regrow it later, while all salamanders (including axolotls) can regenerate any limb, even their heart! What’s cooler than what these two have?

Which of these two cool critters do you think has what it takes to win an ultimate showdown?

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  1. Geckos and salamanders are almost equivalent to each other, so if you are looking for a slimy, clawless type of lizard, choose salamanders. But if you want a scaly, lizard with claws, gecko is the way to go.

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