Would you rather…
Swim on your own like a harbor seal pup or be carried around like a loon chick?
Tell us which one you pick in the comments!
More “Would You Rather” Questions!
Did you know that you can become a Wildlife Hero and help protect these animals for FREE? Just complete the Shoreline Saver Mission! When you do, you’ll get a code for a FREE harbor seal or common loon digital adoption kit that includes a donation to The Marine Mammal Center or International Bird Rescue, courtesy of Dawn to help protect and care for these animals. Plus, you’ll get an adorable buddy for your avatar.

Look for Shoreline Saver in the Mission section in the Earth Rangers App.

Be a seal pup
I’d rather be a common loon would be more fun
Besides great whites hunt harbor seals!!!
Man people do have points but I am a swimmer and it would be cool if I could swim on my own when I was born so I chose the harbor seal pup.
Seal pup
A seal pup cause I can swim fast away from a shark lol
Seal pup
Loon. That sounds like fun!
Seal, well, depends who I’m with!