Spiky Berry Hedgehog

Spiky Berry Hedgehog

Time:20 min Difficulty:Easy  

This prickly pear is no cactus…it’s a tasty hedgehog!

Here’s what you need:

  • A pear
  • Small fruit, like grapes, blueberries, or raspberries
  • Something for eyes, like raisins, bits of carrot, or pretzel pieces
  • Toothpicks
  • Vegetable peeler

Here’s how you make it:

Step 1: With an adult’s help, peel the top half of the pear.

Step 2: With your pear lying on it’s side, poke as many toothpicks as you’d like into the bottom half of it.

Step 3: Push the small fruit onto the toothpicks. We used both blueberries and grapes on ours.

Step 4: Cut two little holes into the peeled half of your pear, and push in the eyes.

That’s it! You did a grape job with your pear-fect hedgehog.

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