Hello and welcome to our brand new season! We are diving deep on some burning questions like “what does the world look like to a fly, how do whales sleep and how does an octopus go into battle? (Well armed!)
Welcome back Earth Rangers! After a wild trip around the world to find Adelia, a race across the United States and a super-productive forced “Vacation” in different national parks, Emma is finally back at the Earth Rangers Centre!

After so many different cool and excited adventures, what is there to do? Investigate mysteries about the animal kingdom, of course! Ever wondered “Can mammals lay eggs?”, “How do whales sleep?”, “What does the world look like to a fly?”, and “Are there birds that can’t fly even though they have wings?” Emma’s here to try answering these questions, and more!
Who would win in a race between a human and a horse?

Well, what do you think?
Super-athletes are fast, but can they outrun a horse in a long-distance race? Vote on the answer you think is right! If you have any thoughts, share them in the comments below.
So… what’s the answer? Be sure listen to know the full reason why! In fact, the answer can change, it all depends on very special circumstances.

A race has a lot of different elements: Horses are fast, but humans are too. Both have pretty good endurance – something that allows them to keep running for a long time without getting tired (which the super-speedy cheetah does not have). The difference? Weather and SWEAT! Humans sweat! It cools us off in hot weather. Horses sweat too, but their fur coats can heat them faster. During warm weather, humans can finally get an advantage over horses… but is that enough to beat them in a marathon?

Do you have a fun animal mystery you want us to explore?
Let us know in the comments in the Earth Rangers App!
Team human.I think a horse can beat people but i know that in athlete can beat a horse.
I know it’s a horse
♡!!!Team horse for the win!!!♡
How do bees make hives
Team Human
I think that you should race a cheetah!
I think a horse would win