What’s up, Earth Rangers! I’ve been around the world, under the sea, on top of icebergs at both poles – but I’ve never been to Hollywood! This is new for me!

Join me as I try to bust some sneaky animal myths on everyone’s favorite quiz show: Fact or Fiction!

Black cats are bad luck, true or false? False! That’s just a mean myth. At least, in some places, people think black cats are really lucky! Maybe they are… Black cats are special because the gene that makes their fur black also helps them stay healthy and not get sick as often as other cats.

What about polar bears having black skin, even when they’re white? Is that fact or fiction? Do you know the answer? Well then you might do great on today’s gameshow: Fact or Fiction!

Today’s episode we join Emma and Fact or Fiction’s gameshow host Jeffrey McJeffrey on a special myth-busting show! Rather than one specific question, we’ll ask a whole bunch of them, like “Do snakes have legs?” or “Do wolves really howl at the moon”.

The catch? You need to figure out which is fact or fiction! Will Earth Ranger Emma’s skills be up for the test? What score will she get in this gameshow and… will she break any new records?! Why not fling ourselves in like snakes to find out?!

Whew! Fact or Fiction tries its best to throw trick questions, but an animal expert should see through it all, right? After all, animals appear in many stories and tall tales, but knowing the research can show us the real answers!

As an Earth Ranger, Emma has an edge over the competition. She’s a pro about animals! Plus, many of these questions have shown up in the Earth Ranger’s app, in our Creative Corner. You can test your skills in our quiz while listening to Emma’s answers:

Are there any answers that surprised you? Stumped you and you had to wait for the answer? Or are you like Emma, a super-ranger who can bust myths easy-peasy? Let’s see how well the Earth Rangers community could do in this gameshow if they’d been in Emma’s place!

Or… maybe we could do better? Do you know any animal myths that weren’t included in the gameshow or our creative corner? Share them to see if anyone could find the answer, or if you want to give a bit of trivia you can always show off your skills by revealing some fun facts about a cute, scary, weird, or rare animal. Don’t forget Emma is still out to investigate mysteries about the world, your question could be next!

Do you have a fun animal mystery you want us to explore?
Let us know in the comments in the Earth Rangers App!

Heads Up, Earth Ranger: Don't share any personal details in your comments (like your last name, school name, or even age). The Earth Rangers team checks all comments to keep it safe and fun for everyone!


  1. I got them all right except for the baby bird one where it’s like if you touch a baby bird the, parents will abandon it

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