Lemonade stand

You can’t go wrong with this classic! Lemons, sugar, and water are all you need. Grab some glasses (preferably paper cups or some that can be cleaned and reused, avoid plastic!) and a jar of lemonade, and you’re set to sell! Your customers will surely enjoy a nice drink in the summer’s heat. As for you, why not make it a game of who can squeeze the most lemons?

  • Make your stand “stand out” – add some colorful decorations, a poster describing what animal you’re supporting, and where donations will be going! 
  • Spread the word. Get friends and family, or even nearby joggers to mention your lemonade stand to others.
  • Include a donation jar or a website link for anyone who wants to pitch in a little more!
  • Have fun! If you’re enjoying it, surely your customers will too!