World’s Best Climbers

Rock climbers are brave and daring, willing to fight against gravity and challenge themselves to get to the top. Their fluffy coat keeps them warm and their hooves help them grip…

*record scratch*

Oh! Did you think we were talking about humans? Nah! We’re talking about bighorn sheep! They are just one of the incredible climbers in the animal kingdom. Check out this list of some of our favourites!

Bighorn sheep

Bighorn sheep are impressive climbers and it’s all thanks to their hooves. These hooves have a hard outside that is perfect for digging into the ground, and a rough soft bottom that helps the sheep grip onto narrow cliff ledges.


Ever wonder what gives them their expert climbing ability? It’s teeny-tiny hairs (called setae) on the bottom of their feet. The molecules in these hairs are attracted to the molecules in the surface they’re climbing. This lets them climb almost anything!


These reptiles can climb tall trees and cliffs, and they do it without limbs! The trick has to do with the muscles in their underside. They use them to grip on to the edges of rocks or bark. One part holds on tightly, and the other slithers up the surface.


Just like spiders, geckos have teeny-tiny hairs (called setae) that help them stick to things. They can stick and unstick these hairs very quickly. This lets them scurry up walls, cling onto glass and even hang upside-down from the ceiling!


Whether it’s mountain or billy, goats truly are our #climbinggoals. Just like bighorn sheep, the secret lies in their hooves. They are wide and rough, which give them balance and grip. They are also expert jumpers. It’s not unusual to see them on cliffs, in trees or even on top of each other!

Be inspired by the bighorn sheep and the rest of these amazing climbers. Join the Earth Defence Squad and use your super climbing skills to help fight climate change!

Look for the Earth Defence Squad in the Challenges section or on!

Can You Decode these Frog Jokes?

Use the decoder key to find out the punchline to these hilarious frog jokes!

Joke 1: Why did the frog go to the hospital?

The Answer

Joke 2: What do frogs do with paper?

The Answer

Which joke did you like the best? Don’t give away the answer so other kids can play too!

Adelia Goodwin’s Secret Journal – Stranded in the Desert


Emma’s world-wide quest for Adelia Goodwin takes an unexpected detour when her trusted plane, Bessie, has a GPS breakdown. Forced to crash land in the middle of the desert, Emma is faced with a difficult decision: continue to chase after Adelia on foot and brave the inhospitable wilderness of the Namib desert, or take shelter at a nearby camp?

Look what Emma found to help make her decision: an old map! If you were Emma, what would you do?

The Namib desert can be pretty hard to live in, but there are a few animals that are tough enough to thrive there: the dik-dik, oryx, and black rhino are just a few!

Stay tuned for more episodes to find out what happens next!

Subscribe to the podcast so you don’t miss an episode!

Caption This: What is this Wood Frog Thinking?

We need your help! This animal is trying to tell us something but we can’t figure it out! Do you know what this wood frog is thinking?

Post your ideas in the comment section below.

Help wood frogs with a Wildlife Adoption!

Head to the Adoptions Section in the App or visit the Earth Rangers Shop! Get an Earth Rangers Field Notes Notebook FREE with a Plush Adoption Kit, now extended until May 15!

Jumping Frogs

Boing! Boing! Boing! Frogs are famous for their giant jumps and huge hops! In fact, it’s one of the only ways they get around. Are you ready to leap along with the frogs? For today’s Eco-Activity, we’re making some paper frogs that actually jump! Grab your paper and start folding!

Click here for detailed instructions and pictures to help!

We want to see your frogs jump! Share them with us on social media or send a photo to!

Turning into Frogsicles

We see lots of frogs in the spring and summer, but have you ever wondered what they do when the weather gets colder? Many of them hibernate, but our little wood frog buddies do things a little differently. After they bury themselves under debris (leaves and twigs) on the forest floor, they turn themselves into frogsicles!

wood frog
Wood Frog

As the temperature drops, everything the wood frog does stops. We mean EVERYTHING! It stops moving, breathing, its blood stops flowing and even its heart stops beating! During winter, 35-45% of the wood frog’s body may freeze and become ice-like.

It can pull this trick off by storing glucose in its liver. The glucose gets released into the frog’s blood while it’s ‘playing dead’, preventing its entire body from freezing. The glucose acts as antifreeze to keep this little guy alive while staying completely still. Once things warm up in the spring, the frog comes back to life (so to speak) and returns to its regular activities.

Help wood frogs with a Wildlife Adoption!

Head to the Adoptions Section in the App or visit the Earth Rangers Shop! Get an Earth Rangers Field Notes Notebook FREE with a Plush Adoption Kit, now extended until May 15!

Clean Up Litter for Frogs

When it comes to breathing, humans have lungs, fish have gills, and frogs have…skin? You read that right! Frogs have what is called permeable skin, which means they can absorb oxygen through it. The bad news is that oxygen isn’t the only thing they absorb. They can also soak up whatever chemicals and pollutants are nearby, so it’s very important that we keep their habitats clean!

For today’s Eco-Activity, we’re going to clean up litter for frogs!

Tips for your cleanup:

  1. Accept the Stash the Trash Mission in the Earth Rangers App to help guide you on your cleanup.
  2. Make sure you have an adult with you to help you stay safe.
  3. Check the weather. If it’s sunny, don’t forget to wear sunscreen!
  4. Sort as you pick up. Keep your recycling and garbage in separate bags so you can dispose of them properly when you’re done.

Would You Rather #15

Would you rather be able to withstand…

Freezing temperatures like a wood frog, or super hot temperatures like a camel?

Tell us which one you pick in the comments!

More “Would You Rather” Questions!

Help wood frogs with a Wildlife Adoption!

Head to the Adoptions Section in the App or visit the Earth Rangers Shop! Get an Earth Rangers Field Notes Notebook FREE with a Plush Adoption Kit, now extended until May 15!

It’s Wood Frog Week!

We’re all about wood frogs this week. Come back all week for frog crafts, games, facts and fun! First up, learn all about wood frog and why they need our help!

What is your favourite thing about wood frogs? Let us know in the comments!

Help wood frogs with a Wildlife Adoption!

Head to the Adoptions Section in the App or visit the Earth Rangers Shop! Get an Earth Rangers Field Notes Notebook FREE with a Plush Adoption Kit, now extended until May 15!

Can You Decode these Red Panda Jokes?

Use the decoder key to find out the punchline to these hilarious red panda jokes!

Joke 1: What do you do if your black pan breaks before dinner?

The Answer

Joke 2: What do you call a really cool panda?

The Answer

Which joke did you like the best? Don’t give away the answer so other kids can play too!