Summertime is just around the corner and the weather will finally warm enough for a trip to the beach. How about visiting world’s largest island-in-a-lake, Manitoulin Island, located on beautiful Lake Huron? What could be better: playing in the sand, building castles, taking a dip in the lake…but what if you happen to spot some garbage on the shoreline? Suddenly that summertime vacation doesn’t seem like so much fun. Especially for the animals that have to live on the island year-round.
Manitoulin Island is home to over 108 lakes. That’s right: the island is SO big that it has 108 lakes on it…some of which have islands of their own! It’s also home to many unique and special species of animals and plants. No matter where the location, all shoreline fauna and flora rely on a pollution-free habitat to call home.
Earth Rangers to the Rescue!
And that’s where you come in: Earth Rangers to the rescue! With your vast knowledge of nature, animals and the environment, you have the power to help make any messy shoreline into the perfect place for everyone to enjoy. (And that includes the shorelines of rivers, streams, ponds, creeks and wetlands – even if you can’t vacation there, the creatures that make those shorelines their home will definitely appreciate a helping hand in cleaning up.)
Why do we need to keep them clean?
First, let’s talk about why keeping the shoreline clean is so important. When garbage pollutes the shoreline, it’s more than just an eyesore. Animals can get tangled up in it. Sometimes, certain plastic garbage might look like food and cause animals to choke. Garbage can also get washed into a body of water and cause problems there. (Imagine seeing a bag floating on the pond – does it look a bit like a fish, if you’re a hungry bird?)
Become a Shoreline Saver!
So what can you do to help clean up? Accept Shoreline Saver in the Mission section in the Earth Rangers App! You’ll get ton of helpful information to get you well on your way to becoming a shoreline superstar!
If you could save any shoreline in the world, what would you choose?