Winter is coming in fast. It’s pretty chilly outside these days and many of us have turned on the heat. But did you know that heating uses LOTS of electricity? Before you crank the thermostat, try thinking of other ways to keep warm. Perhaps these ideas inspired by nature will help!
Put on Warmer Clothing
Deer grow thicker coats to stay warm in the winter.

Seal Up Drafts around Your Home
Snails go into their shell and close up the hole with a kind of skin made of calcium and slime. It keeps moisture from escaping and cold, dry air from getting in.

Nap and Snack
Squirrels nap and snack their way through winter. They spend the coldest part of the winter sleeping but will come out on warmer days to retrieve food they stored in the fall.

Hangout with Friends
Garter snakes hibernate in groups to keep warm. In certain areas, there can be hundreds and sometimes thousands of snakes grouped together.

Hide Somewhere Warm and Don’t Come Out Until It’s Spring
Some turtles find a spot to hide and go dormant for the winter.

What helps you keep warm on cold days? Let us know in the comments!

Did you know that turning down your thermostat in the winter can actually help slow down climate change? Learn more in the Re-set the ‘stat in the Missions section in the Earth Rangers App.