Would you Rather #32

Would you rather…

Float your cares away like a sea otter or slip and slide along the shores like a river otter?

Tell us which one you pick in the comments!

More “Would You Rather” Questions!

Unusual Animal BFFs


You’ve heard of Valentine’s Day, but what about PALentine’s Day? It’s the day to honour your friends and celebrate what makes your friendship special! And there are some pretty special friendships out there—just take a look at the animal kingdom! In this post, we explore some unusual animal BFFs.

Wolves and Ravens

Can you think of a more epic friendship than one between a wolf and a raven? This unlikely duo often shares meals together. The raven keeps watch while the wolf eats, then it gets to swoop in and enjoy the leftovers. Their friendship is more than just about food. They also love to play together! Wolves and ravens have been seen chasing each other and even playing tug-of-war.

Cape Buffalos and Oxpeckers

Photo Credit: Derek Keats

A big cape buffalo can be pretty scary for a small bird, but not the oxpecker! This brave bird often hitches a ride on a cape buffalo’s back, but they aren’t there for fun. They have a serious job to do: cleaning off all the annoying ticks and bugs that bite the cape buffalo. It doesn’t hurt that they make a tasty snack!

Coyotes and Badgers

Badgers aren’t known for having the best social skills—they are solitary creatures, after all. So it warms our hearts to see them hunt with coyotes. The badger digs after the prey when it’s underground, and the coyote chases it when it’s above! Together they make a great team.

Tarantulas and Humming Frogs

Photo Credit: Emanuele Biggi

Tarantulas may give some creatures the creeps but to these frogs, they are bodyguards. These spiders, who could easily eat the small frog, instead protect them from predators. Not only that, but they also let the frogs eat their leftovers. The frog pays the tarantula back by eating ants that would harm their eggs.

The friendship between each animal pair is what we call a symbiotic relationship. That’s when animals of completely different species find a way to live together and help each other survive. They truly have each other’s backs.

Which animal friendship is your favourite? Tell us in the comments!

Adelia Goodwin’s Secret Journal – Save the Red Panda


An abandoned research cabin in the Nicaraguan rainforest turned out to a cozy and safe resting spot for Emma to spend the night, or did it???! Late at night, a mysterious visitor paid Emma a sneaky visit. Are they friend or foe? Is Emma in danger? Just what will today bring?

The cozy cabin seems to hide many surprises, including internet! Finally, Emma can contact Earth Rangers headquarters, what has happened during her absence? Meet the furry friend that the Earth Rangers had been working to rescue while Emma was away: The Red Panda.

Red pandas are actually not pandas, they don’t even share the same family! Instead, they are a part of the Musteloidea family, like otters, weasels, or raccoons. These cute little critters tend to live in remote locations away from humans, but that hasn’t stopped us from threatening their habitat! Deforestation has left them with less land available to live in and hide from poachers. There are estimated to be roughly only 10,000 red pandas left in the wild.

Earth Rangers has been working with the International Conservation Fund of Canada (ICFC), the Youssef-Warren Foundation, and the Red Panda Network on a project that will help train and support local communities in conserving red panda populations and their forest habitat in Nepal. Since the Red panda’s habitat is so remote, conservation work would be almost impossible without the help of the people that share their homes with these amazing animals – like the Forest Guardians!

You too can help! Head to the Adoptions Section in the Earth Rangers App or visit the Earth Rangers Shop to get your Adoption Kit and help make a difference today!

That’s not all! Further mysteries await our hero as morning rises. Can you spot what stands out before Emma does?

Earth Rangers, this is it! Emma has made a big discovery, or more…a big discovery has found her!
Could this really be Adelia Goodwin? Is she going to be angry to find us here? What do you think?

Adelia Goodwin’s Secret Journal – Jaguars VS Ocelots


Is Emma’s quest finally coming to an end? Her search for Adelia Goodwin has brought her to Nicaragua where two little girls Emma met seem to know just where she is! Can it be true? When this all culminates to a showdown between jaguars and ocelots, where will things go? Will everything go according to plan?

During her trip Emma gets shown a…flower?! What kind could it be? Its name bears a striking resemblance to the person Emma is seeking. This is none other than an Adelia Flower! Adelia is actually a type of flowering plant. In fact, many flowers could be considered “Adelias”. The name Adelia comes from the Greek words “Not” and “Visible”, could this be a hint? Could the presence of these flowers mean that Emma’s journey is close to finding something – or someone – hidden?

We also learn a lot about two species of wild cats! The mighty Jaguar, and the swift Ocelot. Big or small, which cat will be crowned the winner in this ULTIMATE SHOWDOWN?

Which cat are you rooting for?! Were you disappointed when “Adelia” turned out to be a flower? Or…do you think its discovery could mean something? Let us know in the comments!

Pixel Puzzler #20: The Great Reveal

We’ve gotten tons of great guesses on Part 1 of this Pixel Puzzler and now it’s time for the answer. Are you ready for the great reveal? Find out if you got it right!

The answer to this Pixel Puzzler is (drum roll please) a Fire Salamander! How did you do? Tell us in the comments!

Tap here for more cool stuff like this!

Adelia Goodwin’s Secret Journal – Echoes of the Jungle


Emma’s quest for Adelia Goodwin has brought her to the skies above Nicaragua. But how is she going to get down into the jungle if there is no runway in sight. Are Emma’s quick wits and daredevil pilot skills enough to save the day? And what new mysteries await her on the jungle floor?

Many creatures creep through the jungle, one of them being the tamandua, a small member of the anteater family!

Unlike the giant anteater, tamandua cannot gallop across the jungle floor. Instead, they much prefer climbing trees. It has no teeth, but that doesn’t stop it from tearing into termite mounds! This stylish anteater has a black and yellow pattern that makes them look like they’re wearing an awesome snazzy vest! They live in trees and possess special claws and a long tongue for slurping insects and ants.

Were you able to spot the real bird in our fun reverse spot the fake? More than that! It appears Emma might finally meet Adelia! Do you trust these kids? Or is it too good to be true?

Fruity Flower Bouquet

Fruity Flower Bouquet

Time:15 min Difficulty:Easy  

Here’s an iris -istible recipe for you! Share these fruity flowers with your best bud to show them how grape-ful you are to be their friend.

Here’s what you need:

  • Fruit like strawberries, grapes, and kiwis
  • Something for a stem, like cheese, carrots, or peppers
  • A flat bowl or plate
  • Help from an adult

Here’s how you make it:

Step 1: Prepare your petals by cutting up your fruit. We cut our grapes in half and sliced our strawberries and kiwis.

Step 2: Make your stems. We cut long slim pieces of cheese but you can use anything. You’ll also need to cut some small pieces for the centre of your flowers.

Step 3: Time to put your flowers together! Start by placing one of the small pieces that you just cut on a plate. Next, pick a fruit and arrange the pieces around the cube as petals and place the stem.

Step 4: Repeat Step 3 for the rest of your fruit and create your bouquet! Be sure to space your flowers out on your plate so they don’t become too crowded.

Ta da! Your bouquet is ready to be served and enjoyed!

The Trendy Arctic Fox

Fashion trends change from season to season. One winter, the “it” colour might be black, but then it’s purple in the summer. Well, certain animals, like the Arctic Fox, have their own colour trends, except it has less to do with fashion and more to do with survival.

arctic fox
Arctic fox’s winter coat

Arctic foxes can’t take off their coats the way we can, so they have to make special adaptations for different seasons. In the winter, the Arctic fox’s coat is white and thick, which is very handy for blending into the snowy environment and staying warm in the freezing cold. In fact, their coats hold the record for being the most insulated of all mammals, which means it is the best at keeping the heat in, allowing them to survive in temperature as low as -80 degrees Celsius!

arctic fox
Arctic fox’s summer coat

These warm coats are great for the winter, but what happens when the temperature warms up and the snow melts? As you can see from these pictures, the Arctic fox’s summer coat looks completely different than its winter one. Their white fur turns brown and grey, and their coat is only about half as thick. When the temperature drops again, you can bet they will be dressed in their brightest and whitest once more.

Head to the Adoptions Section in the Earth Rangers App or visit the Earth Rangers Shop to get your Adoption Kit and help make a difference today!

One person, one action, three ideas

When you were a kid, did you ever wish you could just skip school, build a fort, and hang out with your friends? (or was that just me!?) I dreamt about waving a magic wand that allowed me to make all the decisions – not the grown-ups. With a flick of the wrist, I would be in charge, and you can bet it involved chocolate for breakfast. But alas, as a child, the magic, and indeed the control over my daily routine and food choices, rested firmly with grown-ups.  With the issue of climate change dominating the headlines, it got me thinking about how today’s kids must feel like they want a magic wand too. Not just to add fun in their daily routine but for a sense of control about how the future looks for the planet. Our eco-anxiety research tells us, kids are concerned about climate change and need creative solutions for how they can help. As individuals, they are willing to chip in and support the animals they love. 
At the United Nation’s COP27 climate summit in Egypt, there was renewed debate in the media about the impact an individual can have on our warming planet versus government policy makers and corporations. It’s been argued that it might be more effective to focus on certain high emission sectors than ask the public to reduce their individual carbon footprint. One national story asked the question, “Can one person’s actions help stop climate change?” You’re probably not surprised to hear our answer at Earth Rangers is a resounding YES! Inspiring kids to take eco-action is woven into everything we do. Kids who participate in Earth Rangers are significantly more optimistic about the future of the planet and confident in their ability to make a difference. This has never been more important, as we increasingly see the impacts of climate change in real time and the corresponding media coverage of our planet becomes more bleak. It’s not just kids who need support! That’s why we developed a comprehensive parent guide to help talk with your child about climate change. 
There’s no doubt we face a daunting task and we want to be careful not to put pressure on kids by making them feel like they’re responsible for coming up with the solution. The answer lies in empowerment. We can all do something that collectively will make a difference. We have ideas to help: 1. Commit to an Earth Rangers Mission as a family. We have over 20 Missions that focus on a wide variety of eco-actions and activities to help protect animals and the planet. Certified Green, for example, empowers you and the kids to take a closer look at the products you buy. The Mission’s ecolabel guide helps you determine if your purchase is truly good for the environment.  2. Join our Project 2050 Climate Challenges. This is team work at its best. When kids join together by logging their climate-friendly habits in the app, they get a sense of what its like to collectively work towards a common goal.  3. Purchase a Wildlife Adoption Kit for the animal-lover in your life! The Earth Rangers Wildlife Adoptions program contributes to impactful initiatives that support conservation work on the ground across Canada.
As for the big players, the UN is calling on political leaders to cut greenhouse gas emissions by 45% by 2030 and reach net-zero by 2050. So far, virtually every country in the world has signed global agreements pledging to make their best efforts to stay below 1.6 Celsius of warming. We grown-ups know that is a daunting task and there is a ton of work to be done. Though a magic wand would be most helpful right about now, we simply have each other. When things feel overwhelming, it’s important to start small. One completed Earth Rangers Mission, a simple idea from a child for a neighbourhood litter clean-up, or a symbolic Wildlife Adoption may help for today. It could lead to even more eco-action tomorrow. 

Children and animals – it’s a thing!

So here’s a question for you – have you seen a frog lately? For some, it’s a regular occurrence, but for urban dwellers like me, it can be as rare as a shooting star! Even with all the time I spend in nature, I can count on one hand how many frog encounters I’ve had in the last decade. I can also tell you this, I remember exactly where and when I saw them. Seeing something that lives in the wild hop across your path is such a thrill. For me, seeing wildlife triggers an instant jolt of wonder.
There’s been a massive body of research conducted over the years that outlines the powerful connection between humans and animals. In 1984 biologist E.O. Wilson, introduced the idea of “biophilia”-the innate affinity we humans have for other living things. For children, it’s believed they’re born with an intrinsic sense that animals are important. There are enough videos on Tik Tok of adorable kids with their pets to convince even the most ardent skeptic that children LOVE animals! But when youngsters are exposed to wildlife, there’s an even greater potential for engagement.
Even if children spot common wild creatures like squirrels, rabbits or ducks, they get that these animals are FREE in nature. Kids comprehend that animals who live in the wild, have to find their own food, build their own habitats and endure all kinds of weather. More importantly, they witness these animals utilizing super powers like flying, digging, and climbing without any regard to an owner’s command. They can also disappear quickly, which, creates mysterious chance encounters. All of this contributes to a sense of awe and wonder. 
There’s an excellent opportunity here for parents to tap into this heightened sense of engagement by nurturing a child’s curiosity. It can be as simple as asking a question like; “Why do you think those squirrels are chasing each other?” or “What do you think a rabbit eats in the winter?” Their answers are often loaded with evidence that kids love to THINK about animals – especially their superpowers!  Earth Rangers Missions are another excellent way to tap into that passion. The Backyard Biologist Mission, for example, stokes a child’s curiosity by tapping into their observation skills. We encourage families to head to their local park, pond, garden or their backyard to look for plants and animals together. This is citizen science at its best! The Mission includes helpful prompts and a handy guide to help identify types of species. The Backyard Biologist Mission educates children in detail about biodiversity and it’s loaded with fun hands-on activities. There’s also another wonderful opportunity that presents itself when children explore their natural surroundings. Parents have the chance to nurture a sense of stewardship for the planet.

The Respect Animals While Recycling Mission (R.A.W.R) makes the connection between waste and wildlife by fostering a sense of responsibility for the things we throw away. Kids learn how rinsing containers, waste sorting, and composting help protect animal habitats by making recycling-material safe. If not properly maintained, our garbage can also become an enticing spot for animals to visit! R.A.W.R. reminds all of us that we should work towards a respectful distance between humans and wildlife. 

Earth Rangers Missions, along with all of our programs, are about helping children feel a sense of empowerment. It’s rooted in everything we do. Our end goal is to encourage eco-action. It starts at the beginning with a child’s sense of curiosity and wonder. For us adults, it’s an encouraging reminder that the seeds have already been planted. This intrinsic connection to animals doesn’t need a lot of help. It’s like a fire that’s already been lit. We just need to feed the embers and coax it along. Asking questions, participating in Missions and taking time to observe our natural surroundings are great places to start. Sharing a sense of wonder helps too. Freaking out over a frog may not be everyone’s go-to, but my three kids get a kick out of seeing their mom get excited about a chance encounter in the natural world.