Caption This: What is this Opossum Thinking?
We need your help! This animal is trying to tell us something but we can’t figure it out! Do you know what this baby opossum is thinking?
Post your ideas in the comment section below.

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Name that group of animals
Name that group of animals

Some animals may choose to live in big or small groups. Do you know what these different groups are called? Take this quiz to find out what wacky names some have!
Post your results in the comments below to let us know how you did!

Pawsitively Hilarious Jokes #2

Why do fish live in salt water?

Because pepper makes them sneeze!
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Pixel Puzzler #26: The Great Reveal
We’ve gotten tons of great guesses on Part 1 of this Pixel Puzzler and now it’s time for the answer. Are you ready for the great reveal? Find out if you got it right!
The answer to this Pixel Puzzler is (drum roll please) a bear! How did you do? Tell us in the comments!

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Nature Wind Chimes
Nature Wind Chimes

These wind chimes are a breeze to make but be careful you don’t get blown away!
- String
- Things to hang off your wind chime
- Help from an adult
- Optional: glue
Here’s how you make it:
Step 1:
Head out to your favourite outdoor space to gather materials for your wind chimes! Sticks are a must but the rest is up to you! You can use rocks, pinecones, shells, or anything else you find.

Make sure you don’t disturb any animal habitats while you’re gathering your materials!
Step 2:
When you’re back home, find the biggest stick you have and tie some long pieces of string to it. This will be the top of your wind chime.

Step 3:
Next, tie the materials you found to the other ends of the string. Ask an adult to help tie them super tight so they won’t fall off. You can also use glue but it will stick better to some things than others

Step 4:
Tie an extra-long piece of string to the big stick and use it to hang your wind chime up outside. Then just sit back and enjoy the soft sounds it makes as it blows in the breeze.

What were some of the things you used for your wind chime? Let us know in the comments!
The Quest for the Best: Emma’s Underground Adventure

Our hero’s quest is far from over! This time, Emma dives deep underground, into the world’s longest cave system. What can she learn down there, and who will finally take the lead in the quest for the best?
Let’s tune in and find out.

We’ve got some exciting news! Guess what? Emma found an amazing cave system to explore. Thank you everyone for suggesting Mammoth Cave! It was a great idea.

Emma was super lucky to get to examine the world’s longest cave system! More than 400 miles of caves are down there, and they have many stories to tell – from ancient explorers to miners, and let’s not forget the number of different rare animals that call these caves home! Amphibians, Bats, Fish, Insects, Reptiles, and much more!

Emma shared a great trick on how to tell apart stalactites and stalagmites! Do you have other tricks to know which ones are which?

Let’s take a look at Ryan’s journey today: He went to visit Wind Cave, National Park. Still, he could have tried to learn about cave animals…

The Wind Cave national park is supposed to be a great place to explore. Underground, the Wind Cave is 154.2 miles long, making it the seventh-longest cave system in the world. It is known for its “Boxwork” walls – making the rock look like a bee’s honeycomb. Aboveground is just as interesting! You can find fields with bison, elk, deer, prairie dogs, and antelope.

So…why did Ryan not explore this amazing place more? He could have talked about the boxwork that the cave is known for or found some animals who spend time in caves. Actually… Can you guys think of any animals he could have talked about that live close to caves?
The next assignment is a tricky one Earth Rangers! Emma and Ryan need to find “a unique ecosystem unlike anywhere else in the world”. Can you think of an interesting area for her to explore, that’s not too far from Tenessee? Make sure to share your suggestions in the comments! Emma is counting on you.
Time for this episode’s trivia competition: The first person to type the correct answer to this Trivia question into the comments will win a “keep on ranging” podcast T-shirt for their avatar:
“What disease is bothering many bats across North America?”
Be the first to guess the correct answer! As always, the winner will be announced in the next episode’s shownotes.

🎺 Congratulations to Earth Ranger Audrey for being the first to comment the correct answer!! 🎺
The solution to “What class of animals do frogs and salamanders belong to?” is “amphibians!”
Be sure to check your inbox for the award code to receive your special t-shirt.

Know any unique nearby ecosystems that Emma can explore next? Let us know in the comments!
Careful – Don’t forget the no airplane rule!
Want to instead try your best with the trivia question? If you don’t have any ideas for either of those, I’m sure Emma would love to hear some cool animal facts to help inspire her! She needs all the trivia she can get to help her win the competition!
Would you Rather #41

Would you rather smell…
A flower or a forest?
Tell us which one you pick in the comments!
More “Would You Rather” Questions!
Pixel Puzzler #26: Part 1
Let’s put your identification skills to the test! Can you figure out what is hidden in this picture? Make your guess in the comments.

Check back next week for the answer!
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Gobbly Gecko
Gobbly Gecko

You’ll go bananas for this little guy! It’s time to make your berry own Gobbly Gecko!
Here’s what you need:
- Strawberries
- A banana
- Two blueberries or grapes
- Pretzel sticks
Here’s how you make it:
Step 1: Let’s start by preparing your gecko’s body! First, cut one strawberry in half (from top to bottom). Next, cut your banana and the rest of your strawberries into slices.

Step 2: Now, let’s put your gecko’s body together. Start with one strawberry half for the head, then switch back and forth between banana and strawberry slices. Finally, add the other strawberry half for a tail.

Step 3: Time to give your gecko some eyes! Cut your blueberries (or grapes) in half and place them onto the gecko’s strawberry head.

Step 4: Finally, add some legs. Place two pretzel sticks on either side of your gecko’s body, one set for the front legs and the other set for the back.