Ultimate Shoreline Showdown

It’s warm out! Want to go to the beach?

Beaches are any strip of land along the edge of an ocean, lake or river, and great places to spot wildlife! There are plenty of types of beaches, including sand beaches, shingle beaches, and shore platforms. Is there one you would want visit? Who would win at Ultimate Shoreline Showdown?

Sand Beaches

Sand beaches are created when rocks or minerals are broken into teeny, tiny pieces. The sand comes in different colours: brown, white, black, green, pink, violet, and red. Many animals live on these shores, burrowing underground to hide from predators or lay their eggs.

What to look out for: Sea turtles, crabs, birds, or seals.

Be a Shoreline Saver: Sand beaches are popular, but easily damaged—and plastic is a huge culprit! Plastic trash breaks down into very small pieces, called microplastics, and they have been found in high concentrations in beach sand around the world. You can help by picking up any plastic trash or pieces you find on sandy beaches, and disposing of them responsibly!

Shingle Beaches

Don’t forget your water shoes! Shingle beaches, pebble beaches, rocky beaches – they all involve the same thing: rocks. Most shingle beaches come from glacier remains or wave action on cliffs and riverbeds, which create the pebbles. Shingle beach rocks come in many shapes and sizes and some, like quartz and granite, even have crystals.

What to look out for: Birds, worms, snails, crabs, plankton, sea anemones, and even rabbits or foxes. Watch out for the sea urchins!

Be a Shoreline Saver: Shingle beaches – especially ones that also have plants – are home to a huge variety of species. Some are even recognized as internationally important habitats! When cleaning up a shingle beach, take extra care to look for litter that can hurt or ensnare animals, like cans with sharp edges and long pieces of string.

Shore Platforms

Shore platforms go by many names, like wave-cut platforms, coastal benches, or rocky shores. They are made from sea waves hitting cliffs and creating a flattened area. Because of the waves and the tides, these shorelines can be dangerous for humans, but they are still important homes for plants and marine animals!

What to look out for:  Fish nurseries, kelp, coral, anemones, limpets, oysters, mussels, or barnacles

Be a Shoreline Saver: Shore platforms may have fewer visitors, but that doesn’t mean we can’t help them stay clean! Our waterways are all connected, meaning litter around creeks, rivers, and lakes all eventually end up in the ocean. Stop ocean pollution in its tracks by picking up shoreline litter, anywhere you go!

Which shoreline do you think should win the ultimate showdown?

When we work to reduce waste and keep our shorelines clean, everyone can enjoy them!

What can you do to help clean up? Accept Shoreline Saver in the Mission section in the Earth Rangers App! You’ll get ton of helpful information to get you well on your way to becoming a shoreline superstar!

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Pixel Puzzler #30: Part 1

Let’s put your identification skills to the test! Can you figure out what is hidden in this picture? Make your guess in the comments.

Check back next week for the answer!

Tap here for more cool stuff like this!

Platypus Scramble

Platypus Scramble

Time:10 min Difficulty:Medium  

Let’s get ready to unscramble! See if you can figure out the words in this platy-puzzle.

Here’s how to play:

  • Read the paragraph below and use it to unscramble the words.

When it comes to weird animals, no one beats the platypus. They have a bill like a duck, a tail like a beaver’s, and webbed feet. They live in Australia and have some cool superpowers. They use electric signals underwater while hunting to find their prey. When they’re under attack, they use the venomous spurs on their back legs to defend themselves. To top it all off, they also lay eggs! What interesting creatures!

Think you got them all? Tap on the puzzle image to see its secret answer!

The Quest for the Best: California Dreamin’

The final chapter of the Quest for the Best is here!!
The score is tied and today Emma and Ryan face off with their last challenge: to share facts about the biggest mammal they can find. Who will win? Will Ryan be taking over as the new podcast host?
Let’s tune in and find out.

Rangers…guess what? It’s finally time!

After so many twists and turns, the final round of The Quest for the Best has reached its end. Ryan and Emma faced off on their last challenge. And it was crazy!  Did any of you expect this would turn out that way?

Let’s look at the cool places Emma and Ryan visited. Thank you Earth Ranger Will for mentioning the Redwood National and State Park. It turned out to be a lucky place for Emma!

Redwood National and State Park is made up of more than one park, providing plenty of forest, grassland and beaches for animals to live in. Some of these include deer, elk, and bears.

There’s more than just cool wildlife in the Redwood National and State park! Did you know that this park has the tallest trees in the world? I sure did not! The trunk of some of its Redwood trees are so big that if cut into, a car could drive through! It’s the perfect place for Emma to find a BIG mammal.

Let’s not forget, that the park is not all forests! It is found along the Northern California Coast after all! There are plenty of beaches to walk along and see the beautiful cliff-side views.

What makes these coasts so special? That would be its Marine animals– or more “Marine Mammals” to be specific. If lucky, you might spot seals, sea lions, dolphins, or porpoises swimming nearby. Many of you were quick to suggest that Emma look for whales. Luckily she was able to spot them here!

What about Ryan? Things definitely blew up for him in this episode. But where did he travel? What animal did he cover? My sources tell me he went to the Bryce Canyon National Park in Utah. It’s a beautiful canyon that he completely missed the chance to talk about.

The biggest mammal living in the canyon is the mountain lion.

Mountain lions go by many different names: cougar, puma, panther, catamount, and even yellow cat. They’re extremely adaptable and live in different habitats across North America. They’ve got a pretty poor sense of smell, but they make up for it with their extremely good vision and hearing. They usually hunt for prey in the morning and evening, and like to eat deer and small mammals like mice and rabbits.

Meeting a mountain lion is not something you should look for. While rare, they can still be dangerous to humans. Normally, they try to avoid people completely. Ryan should consider himself lucky that they evaded him. 

Listeners, were you surprised to find out that Ryan was cheating during the race? Probably not, since looking at the comments – many of you actually pointed this out (and I may have just mentioned it to Number 1 as well, causing her to take a closer look at Ryan’s travel receipts…)

Thank you, everyone, for helping us during this adventure!

Let’s not forget our last episode’s trivia competition! In our previous episode, we ask the question: “What is the biggest reptile in the world?”. Who is our final winner?

🎺 Congratulations to Earth Ranger Hannah for being the first to comment the correct answer!!  🎺
The solution is the saltwater crocodile!
Be sure to check your inbox for the award code to receive your special t-shirt.

Thank you so much for helping Emma along her journey! Emma has been on a long adventure, and it’s time she returns home.

But what about you? Do you have a favorite place or animal that she talked about on this quest? Do you have some US trivia or cool animal facts to share? Let us know in the comments!

Caption This: What are these eels saying?

We need your help! This animal is trying to tell us something but we can’t figure it out! Do you know what these eels are saying?

Post your ideas in the comment section below.

Tap here for more cool stuff like this!

Rainbow Rock Snail

Rainbow Rock Snail

Time:20 min Difficulty:Easy  

Don’t be slow in creating your very own snail. We know you’ll think this craft totally rocks!

Here’s what you need:

  • 2 pipe cleaners
  • A rock
  • Acrylic paint (as many colours as you want)
  • A paint dish
  • Glue
  • 2 googly eyes

Here’s how you make it:

Step 1: Pour some paint into your paint dish. If you’re using more than one colour, they can touch but be careful not to mix them!

Step 2: Roll your rock in the dish until it’s completely covered in paint. Set it aside to dry.

Step 3: Roll up one end of each pipe cleaner and glue on a googly eye. Next, twist the other end of the pipe cleaners together.

Step 4: When the paint on your rock is dry, glue the twisted end of the pipe cleaners to the bottom of your rock. Bend the upper part of the pipe cleaners so the eyes are looking up.

That’s it! Say “shello” to your new rainbow rock snail!

Gross Out Challenge

New Challenge alert! Are you ready to go gross? Look for “Gross Out” in the Challenges section of the Earth Rangers App!

Here’s something you can toot, burp, wipe your nose, or slime about! It’s our newest climate change-fighting Challenge: Gross Out! Get ready to log some stinky, mucky and super-yucky habits!

When you join this challenge, you will do things like…

Mellow that Yellow
Splash ‘n’ Dash
Boogie Down
Assemble a Squirm Squad
Bean Blast
Make Trashy Treasure
Ready, Set…SWEAT!
Leave it ‘til Later

Fighting climate change can be fun, rewarding, and TOTALLY GROSS—in a good way! Every small habit you log brings us closer to reaching our goal of 120,000 habits logged! Plus, you’ll earn awesome rewards along the way, like some slime hands, a slime recipe, or your very own worm buddy!

Get your hands dirty by joining the Gross Out Challenge now! When we work together, climate change doesn’t stand a chance.

Flutter down for this Monarch Butterfly Update!

Whoosh! Can you feel that breeze, Earth Rangers? Guess what? It’s bringing some news with it! Today, we’re talking about the monarch butterfly and we’re flyin’ in with an awesome project update!

What does it say? That it’s the season of colors! The monarchs have finished their spring migration, and new eggs have been laid – and we’re saying a big thanks to you for helping make their lives easier! Yes, YOU! Over 250 Earth Rangers helped the monarch butterfly through the Wildlife Adoption Program. We think that’s pretty amazing! Let’s take a look at how those adoptions are supporting Nature Saskatchewan as they work to protect the habitats important to monarch survival.

Monarch Wanted Posters!

Huh?! Do we need to call a sheriff? There are wanted posters out for the monarch butterfly!

Don’t worry! The monarchs have done nothing wrong. These posters help to spread the word about them. Did you know that they lay their eggs on milkweed species? Or that Viceroy butterflies look a lot like the monarch? The posters Nature Saskatchewan set up teach people about them, and they’re encouraging families to start reporting their beautiful butterfly sightings so they can learn more about where they live and how to protect their important habitat!

New Stewards!

Have you heard that there’s power in numbers? This is where stewards step in. Stewards are people who will be monitoring their milkweed this year (milkweed is where the butterfly babies are born, so this is super important!), and using tools like social media to help spread the word.

To help, Nature Saskatchewan has created tips for its stewards and all who participate in the milkweed program. What are they?

  • Milkweed information and care
  • Advice on reducing pesticides near monarch habitat
  • How to encourage growth of nectaring plants
  • How to avoid disturbance and encourage re-growth and butterfly re-population
  • How to preserve native prairies

With butterfly season around the corner, keep an eye out on social media to see what these stewards have to share!

Important Research!

On top of all that hard work, Nature Saskatchewan has hired seven summer researchers to help them and their stewards’ work. These researchers will provide important information and tips to better care for and protect the monarch butterfly.

Some awesome work has already been done, but it’s only just started! There’s still lots to do. Adopt your very own monarch butterfly to help protect these beautiful bugs!

Head to the Adoptions Section in the Earth Rangers App or visit the Earth Rangers Shop to get your Adoption Kit and help make a difference today!

NEW: GROSS OUT Challenge to help the planet has launched!

Get your kids ready for a squirmy, exciting journey! Earth Rangers are taking on the Gross Out Challenge to fight climate change! We’ve got eight unique, fun, and slightly gross habits for your kids to try out at home. There’s something for everyone.

The first habit is “Mellow that Yellow”. Kids will adopt the daring rule: “If it’s yellow, let it mellow!” By skipping unnecessary flushes, they’ll save water each day. And don’t worry, when it’s “brown,” they’ll definitely flush it down!

That’s just the beginning. For the “Boogie Down” habit, instead of using loads of tissues, they’ll switch to reusable handkerchiefs. It’s a snot-tastic way to reduce waste and protect our beautiful trees!

Next, they’ll feast on the “Bean Blast” habit, where they’ll eat beans (and/or bugs) as climate-friendly protein alternatives. Yum!

Let’s not forget the “Splash ‘n’ Dash” habit. Your kids will take a quick shower or even skip it (after a trusted sniff test, of course)!

Perhaps the squirmiest habit of them all is “Assemble a Squirm Squad”. Your brave adventurers can befriend worms to turn food scraps into nutrient-rich compost!

Did we mention that there’ll be slime? Don’t worry; it’s the environmentally friendly, non-toxic kind that you won’t mind your kids playing with.

These are just a few of the gross-out habits waiting for your kids in our App! Encourage them to join the Gross Out Challenge in the app, and start logging their habits to unlock a bunch of exciting rewards.