Tapir Scramble

Tapir Scramble

Time:10 min Difficulty:Medium  

We’ve got atapirrific word scramble for you! Can you unscramble these letters?

Here’s how to play:

  • Read the paragraph below and use it to unscramble the words.

That’s not a pig or hippo! It’s not even an anteater. No, it’s a tapir!
These cool animals are known for their prehensile noses, which help them swim and forage for food. They have four toes on their front feet and three on their hind legs. Tapirs enjoy cool water, and they’re such skilled swimmers that they can dive down to eat aquatic plants. A group of tapirs is called a candle. It’s common for candles of tapirs to graze together before going their separate ways.

Think you got them all? Tap on the puzzle image to see its secret answer!

The Soothing Geothermal Baths

Wow, this is nice and warm…

Hello there, young Earth Ranger! Want to know what I am doing in here with snow on my head?

I am going to let you in on a little secret. People aren’t the only ones enjoying the benefits of renewable energy. Animals do too!

Japanese macaque monkeys like me live in mountainous regions, where there’s always a lot of snow. In fact, we’re sometimes called snow monkeys. But we have a clever way to keep warm: taking a bath in a hot spring.

The key to these heavenly hot tubs is geothermal energy. That’s the heat that comes from within the Earth, such as steam from lava flows or magma in the Earth’s core. That heat can be captured as energy, which humans can then use to heat homes or generate electricity. And best of all, it’s a renewable resource that doesn’t pollute the environment!

There’s a lot more to learn about renewable energy. You can expand your knowledge by checking out the We’ve Got the Power Mission on the Earth Rangers app to learn all about geothermal power (along with other types of green energy)!

Would you Rather #52

Would you rather…

Hold an (itchy) caterpillar or brush some stinging nettle

Tell us which one you pick in the comments!

More “Would You Rather” Questions!

Pixel Puzzler #34: The Great Reveal

We got tons of great guesses on Part 1 of this Pixel Puzzler and now it’s time for the answer. Are you ready for the great reveal? Find out if you got it right!

The answer to this Pixel Puzzler is (drum roll please) a Camel! How did you do? Tell us in the comments!

Tap here for more cool stuff like this!

Ultimate Season Showdown!

Calling all Earth Rangers! It’s time for the Ultimate Season Showdown!

We’re going to pit the four seasons against each other: winter vs. spring vs. summer vs. fall! Which one is the best for our gardens – and all the creatures that live in them?


When spring has sprung, it’s a great time to get your garden prepared for planting. You’ll want to clean up any debris and add some topsoil. As the weather gets warmer, it’s time to plant those seedlings you grew indoors! Some plants don’t mind cool soil and can be planted earlier in the season – think potatoes, carrots, peas, lettuce, and spinach.

Be a Backyard Biologist: Springtime is when you’re going to see more birds in your yard. Try keeping track of all of the birds that you spot! Use a field guide to identify any species you don’t know.


In summer, it’s prime gardening time!  The sunshine, warm weather, and rain are perfect for your plants to thrive and grow. You’ll be able to start harvesting your crops, like berries, tomatoes, and cucumbers. This is also the best time to visit farmers’ markets and enjoy all the yummy local produce.

Be a Backyard Biologist: Summer is when you’ll see lots of living things in your yard. We’re talking about plants, amphibians, birds, fungi, mammals, reptiles, insects… How many different groups of living things can you spot? Can you find them all?


Fall will arrive with its beautiful colors. When the leaves fall into your garden, you might be tempted to remove them – but leave those leaves for now! They provide nutrients for your soil AND they make a great overwintering habitat for lots of helpful insects: ladybugs, sow bugs, and caterpillars, to name a few! You’ll still have lots of tasty foods to harvest – think pumpkins, turnips, zucchini, and, apples!

Be a Backyard Biologist: If you want to see beautiful blooms in spring, fall is the perfect time to plant bulbs! You can plant tulips, daffodils and crocuses in the cool weather, and they’ll flower when things warm up!


Now, you might not expect much to be happening in your garden during the winter, and you’d be correct if you live somewhere that experiences prolonged cold temperatures and snow. Even though there aren’t any plants to be seen under all those snowflakes, now’s the perfect time to keep track of the birds and creatures who visit your yard.

Be a Backyard Biologist: Be sure to put out a well-stocked birdfeeder. And don’t forget – winter is the perfect time to plant seeds indoors so they’re ready for your garden when the warmer weather arrives!

Which season do you think should win the ultimate showdown?

It seems each season has its strengths – so which one wins the Ultimate Showdown? Is it going to be winter, spring, summer or fall? Vote for your favorite in the comments section below!

Want to learn more about your yard and all the critters that live there? Check out the Backyard Biologist mission on the Earth Rangers app!

Ap-peel-ing Cookies

Ap-peel-ing Cookies

Time:15 min Difficulty:Easy  

Do you like apples? Cookies? How about both? We’ve got cookies that you’ll apple-solutely love.

Here’s what you need:

  • 1 ½ cup flour
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder
  • 1 cup sugar
  • ¼ teaspoon salt
  • 1 large egg
  • 1/2 cup of butter
    Tip: You can use apple sauce instead of butter for extra fluffy cookies
  • An adult to help with baking
  • Green food colouring (or matcha powder as a natural alternative)
  • Red food colouring (or hibiscus powder as a natural alternative)
  • Chocolate chips

Here’s how you make it:

Step 1: Add all your dry ingredients in a big bowl and add the eggs and butter. Mix until you form a dough.

Step 2: Divide your cookie dough into three bowls. Add your green food colouring to one bowl, and red colouring to another. Leave your third bowl as is.

Chill the dough in the fridge for about 10-15 mins.

Step 3: With the help of an adult, preheat the oven to 350°F.

Spoon some red dough out, and use your fingers to spread it and form a small well in the middle. Add a small spoonful of the regular coloured dough into the well and adjust your red dough around it. Using the green dough, form two small leaf shapes. Repeat for each cookie slice. Once done, add two chocolate chips in the center of each of your slices.

Step 4: Put the cookies in the oven and bake for 10-13 minutes, depending on your oven and the size of your cookies. You’ll know they’re ready when the edges of your cookies are browned.

Let them cool, then share your cookies with your family and friends! Bon appétit!

Caleb’s Planet Cleaning Mission

Caleb is a snake-lover who hails from Winnipeg, Manitoba. Caleb heard about Earth Rangers from CN, where his dad works. He was inspired to become an Earth Ranger because Caleb loves helping the environment!

His favourite part about being an Earth Ranger is that he gets to make the planet cleaner. Caleb loves being outside in nature and exploring. Caleb has great environmental role models. His family leads by example by always picking up garbage outside and recycling everywhere they can.

Caleb’s favourite planet-protecting action is cleaning up garbage. He wishes others would remember to clean up their own messes, too. He plans to inspire other kids by showing them how to pick up and sort garbage safely. When asked what he might do next to protect the planet, Caleb says that starting next week, he will turn off lights when his family isn’t using them. He plans to ask his mom and dad to help!

Caleb wants other kids to know that it’s important we protect animals and the environment because we don’t want animals to get sick or hurt. He knows that by working together, we can keep them safe!

Pixel Puzzler #34: Part 1

Let’s put your identification skills to the test! Can you figure out what is hidden in this picture? Make your guess in the comments.

Check back next week for the answer!

Tap here for more cool stuff like this!

Clay Otter

Clay Otter

Time:60+ min Difficulty:Easy  

We’ve got a river-ting craft for you! Why not make your own clay-some otter?

Here’s what you need:

  • Air-dry modeling clay
  • Paint
  • Black and white markers
  • Optional: Glue

Here’s how you make it:

Step 1: Grab your modeling clay and roll out one round and one cylinder clay shape, this will be your otter’s head and body respectively.

Step 2: Roll out four clay legs, a tail, and two tiny spheres for ears.

Step 3: Assemble your otter. If your clay gets too dry, you can wet it with some water or use glue to keep the pieces together.

Leave your clay to air dry. The drying time depends on the type of air-drying modelling clay you use.

Step 4: Once your clay is dry, paint your otter! Do you want to give it a cute belly? Little muzzle?

Step 5: Finally, after your paint has dried, use your black marker to give your otter cute little eyes, a nose, and mouth!

That’s it! You have your very own clay-some river otter! What’s its name?

Help River Otter with a Wildlife Adoption!

Head to the Adoptions Section in the App!