Would you Rather #53

Would you rather…

Join a pack of wolves or a pride of lions

Tell us which one you pick in the comments!

More “Would You Rather” Questions!

Pixel Puzzler #35: Part 1

Let’s put your identification skills to the test! Can you figure out what is hidden in this picture? Make your guess in the comments.

Check back next week for the answer!

Tap here for more cool stuff like this!

Loony Loons

Today, Emma is taking a break from her whirlwind tour of National Parks in order to relax and have a fun night at the movies. Hey, she’s supposed to be on vacation after all. But something in the movies’ sound effects starts her on a little side quest to learn more about one of North Americas most famous wailers: The Common Loon.

This episode features an interview with Kylie Clatterbuck, one of the wildlife Heroes at International Bird Rescue.

A Surprising Superstar!

Almost everyone has heard a loon’s wail, but not all may know what they are! You might recognize a loon’s mournful cry in films. They often appear to create atmosphere, tension, or wilderness scenes, even in places where the real animal doesn’t exist – like space!

Emma described the common loon as ranging between a Mallard duck and a Canadian goose. It can in fact grow as big as 32 inches, with its wingspan going up to 54 inches, not far from a small goose!

The beautiful common loon isn’t the only one out there. There is a great deal of diversity among the loons. In Canada and the United States alone we can find five different species of loon: The Common Loon, Pacific Loon, Arctic Loon, Red-throated Loon, and Yellow-billed Loon.

Several of these loon species change color between summer and winter. During summer, you can recognize the common loon with its back and white spots, black head, and red eyes. In winter, they become plain gray. Some loons, like the Red-throated loon, will even lose their red patch during the winter.

A Loony Prize!

Aren’t loons awesome? I don’t know about you, Earth Rangers, but I’d love a cute loon plush hanging out with me (especially if I can enjoy listening to its call!). Well…Guess what? One of you can have just that! But who?

To find one out, let’s play a game: Share which trivia you liked the most after listening to the podcast, and you might be the one to win your very own common loon plush bundle, just like the one below.

How will we pick the winner? The winner will be picked completely at random from a raffle of the first 200 people to comment on their very own loon facts.

Remember – this is the question you need to answer:

“What is your favorite loon trivia from the episode?”

A Loon Expert

In this episode, Emma had the pleasure of talking with bird expert Kylie Clatterbuck, Manager of Bird Rescue’s Los Angeles Wildlife Center! Kylie has been a lead responder for oil spills and other wildlife emergencies, helping to save loons and many different birds across the word. She even traveled to save some flamingo chicks in South Africa!

Kylie and the others at the International Bird Rescue care for loons that are injured, oiled, sick, or suffering from starvation. They help them recover so they can be released back into the wild to live a happy life for years to come.

Thanks to Kylie, Emma learned some fun trivia about loons. But that is not all! There are plenty of other loon facts to dive into. Earth Rangers has plenty of fun Wildwires to check out, so why not give it a look?

What was your favorite loon fact from the episode? Do you have any other fun loon trivia?
Let us know in the comments below!

For more information about the Common Loon or to learn more about the International Bird Rescue’s mission, please visit their website at https://www.birdrescue.org/

Terrific Tiger Battery Box

Terrific Tiger Battery Box

Time:45 min Difficulty:Easy  

Don’t know what to do with your old batteries? We’ve got the purr-fect solution for you!

Here’s what you need:

  • Box
  • Paint
  • Scissors
  • Glue
  • Black marker
  • Colored markers
  • Paper, foam, or felt sheets
    Tip: Upcycle an old piece of paper or newspaper instead of using something new

Here’s how you make it:

Step 1: Paint the sides of your box! What color are you making your tiger? Are they orange, yellow, white, blue, grey, or another color?

Step 2: While your paint is drying, cut out some shapes for your tiger’s features (paws, snout, nose, eyes, ears, and tail). Paint them the same color as your box and use some markers to add details.

Step 3: Before gluing your features on, let’s add some details to the box! Use a black marker and add stripes.

Step 4: Grab a glue stick and apply your tiger’s features! Your tiger is ready to hunt for old batteries!

Start collecting batteries and fill your box!

Did you know batteries that go in the garbage end up in landfills, adding to solid waste that can be harmful to the environment? Check out the Battery Blitz on the Earth Rangers app to learn all about properly recycling your batteries!

Our Interview with Tatiana Maslany, Star of Butterfly Tale!


On September 30, Earth Rangers invited families all across Canada to a screening of the new film Butterfly Tale! The movie tells the story of the brave butterflies who make the epic migration from Canada to Latin America and back every year. After catching the movie, our president, Tovah Barocas, sat down with Tatiana Maslany, the star of the movie, who grew up in Saskatchewan! We talked about her favourite memories of growing up on the prairies, her experience of transforming into a butterfly, and her tips for conserving pollinators in your own backyard!

Tovah: First, I just want to say congratulations on the film. We’ve just participated in screenings of the film all across Canada with our Earth Rangers members, so we invited tons of them to come see it. They were in Toronto, Vancouver, Calgary, Winnipeg. I actually went with my daughter, who loved it. So I’ve actually seen it. Just wondering: how did you feel when you first saw the movie and heard your voice coming out of Jennifer the butterfly’s mouth?

Tatiana: I was a kid who adored animation. I loved cartoons. I loved going to see the latest cartoon that was playing. I would become obsessed. I would watch the VHS [tapes] over and over. So to get to be part of a cartoon was so exciting, and something that was so special and felt like it had a really great message in it and was so beautiful to watch, too. I didn’t get to see it on the big, big screen, but I imagine that seeing that and seeing the monarchs traveling and all of that is quite beautiful on a large screen.

Tovah: Yeah. It was amazing. So, you just talked about your love of animation and why that was so exciting. Was there anything else that led you to take this specific role, something that drew you to the project?

Tatiana: As an actor, I’m always trying to do something that scares me a little or that feels like it’s out of my comfort zone. And again, animation is a new thing for me. It’s a new medium. And so it felt like a challenge for me. And that also like synced up a little bit with Jennifer’s story, who’s a per—I was gonna say person—but she’s a butterfly who is incredibly brave in the face of a lot of fear. And that idea to me is very exciting and a cool character trait to explore. I thought it was really funny too, really cute, and it felt like the movie that kids would become obsessed with, and maybe start to learn about monarchs and get fixated on their life trajectory and all of that.

Tovah: Yeah, totally. It’s a little microcosm of what’s going on in the world more broadly. There’s a lot of challenges and some scary things out there when it comes to climate change and the environment in general. But there’s also so much resilience and communities that come together and actually find ways to overcome it. And that’s what that group of butterflies was doing. So I think that will also really resonate with kids.

Tatiana: Yeah. And to be part of community while not being exactly the same as everyone else. That everyone has their individual challenges or struggles and that you don’t erase those, you embrace them and you embrace our differences and collectively move forward, move together. And that’s the only way that we’re ever gonna tackle these big global problems.

Tovah: Yeah. So you grew up in Saskatchewan, right? Do you have any special memories of exploring nature? Like a favorite park or something that you used to do as a kid?

Tatiana: There’s a park in Regina called Candy Cane Park, and we would bike there every weekend. Before me and my brothers were even big enough to be on a bike, we’d be in the Burley and my dad would bike us around. We would bike all over the city. And that was the thing that we did as fun every weekend. Once we got older, we would be on bicycles. That has stayed a thing that I have loved to do. No matter what city I’m in, regardless of whether it’s a bike-friendly city, I’m on a bicycle. I like to explore a city on bike. It lets you go into parks. It lets you go onto streets. And it’s just so much better in so many ways. 

But yeah, there was a hill by our house that felt enormous and it wasn’t, it was a small hill, but we would go sledding down it, and Wascana Lake was [a place where] we would go skating for a long time. Regina Beach—there’s so many places in Saskatchewan that we spent a lot of time exploring.

Tovah: Good that you were able to find a hill. I was gonna say, it’d be fun biking in Saskatchewan ’cause it’s so flat, probably.

Tatiana: [laughing] When I say hill, a tiny hill. To us, it was huge though.

Tovah: So actually, at Earth Rangers, one of the things that we do a lot of is encourage kids to support real life conservation work across Canada so that they can feel involved and really see what goes into being a wildlife biologist, how much opportunity there is to save species. And we’ve done a number of projects in Saskatchewan with the Nature Conservancy of Canada. We’ve actually done projects specifically for the Monarch Butterfly. So we always want to do big things, but also, it’s important for kids to be able to do smaller things in their own lives that really help to protect the environment. So, what do you think kids can do to protect butterflies or other wildlife in their own backyards?

Tatiana: Yeah, getting excited about your garden, helping your mom or dad or your parent build a garden regardless of what your space is. You can do it on a balcony, you can do it in a yard. You don’t need a lot of space to plant local plants, plants that help native species, that help pollinators, so that you can help foster the environment that you’re living in. And I think doing it with your friends, collecting a group of friends who are just as excited about helping protect the environment. ‘Cause again, like what we were saying before, you can do it as an individual, but it’s so much more powerful to do it as a group and it’s more fun.

Tovah: I actually love that scene in the movie where they can’t find any milkweed and it’s like all the food that they were used to being in that location is gone. And then they find one backyard where the people have obviously taken great care to plant pollinator-friendly species. And I’ve seen that. When you plant them, the pollinators come, including the monarchs. And it’s just amazing to be able to have that impact.

Tatiana: Oh, totally. To see the creatures coming to your yard is very exciting. My parents do a lot of planting for birds and for rabbits and for hummingbirds and things like that to like attract them to the yard. And you get the pleasure of seeing those animals and supporting their life, which is amazing.

Tovah: Yeah, totally. What is the coolest fact that you learned about Monarchs while making this film?

Tatiana: That they, with their tiny little bodies and tiny little wings, travel 4,000 to 5,000 kilometers from Southern Canada down to Mexico. Every year. Which is unbelievable, and the most beautiful thing. You can’t fathom the length of that journey for those tiny little creatures and it’s so magical and so incredible.

Tovah. Yeah. You’ve obviously played a lot of different types of characters in your career. How did playing a butterfly compare to some of your other roles? Was there a different way that you approached it?

Tatiana: It was really about collaborating with the director and finding that voice. Most of the roles I’ve played, I’ve gotten to use my body in some way, or I have fellow actors to bounce off of. But when you’re doing an animation like this, you’re all by yourself, so you really have to use your imagination in a different way. And that, to me, also tapped into what it’s like to be a kid. When I grew up in Saskatchewan, I would daydream about where I was and I would make up stories and all of that. And that was one of the funnest things to bring to this part.

Adopt your own monarch butterfly in the Earth Rangers shop!

Be sure to catch Butterfly Tale in theatres now!

This interview has been condensed and edited for clarity.

What Does “Carbon Neutral” Even Mean?

Carbon Neutrality – It’s a big idea! What does it mean? Let’s break it down, word by word!

Carbon: A greenhouse gas that exists naturally in our atmosphere. We can make more of it by burning things or by breathing out.

Take a deep breath in. Now, breathe out. You just exhaled carbon dioxide! 

Carbon dioxide is what we call a greenhouse gas. In a greenhouse, the glass roof and walls capture heat from the sun, which keeps the plants inside warm and healthy, no matter how cold the weather is outside. Carbon dioxide works the same way that glass greenhouse does! It traps heat from the sun and keeps our planet warm enough to live on. 

Lots of animals, including humans, create carbon dioxide every time they breathe out. And that’s not all! A lot of plants, like trees, “breathe in” carbon dioxide through their leaves, which helps to balance the amount of carbon dioxide in our atmosphere.

But when humans burn fossil fuels, like oil and gas, we create a lot of extra carbon dioxide! Too much carbon dioxide in our atmosphere means too much heat from the sun gets trapped. Over time, all this carbon dioxide builds up, so our planet is getting warmer and warmer. 

This creates a problem called climate change – a long-term change in the Earth’s temperature and weather patterns. It can lead to extreme weather like droughts and severe storms, impact our food supply, and create all kinds of risks for creatures on Earth. 

Neutral: This word means “balanced” or “even.” We can also use it as a verb: neutralize! When we talk about “neutralizing” something, it means that we’re taking steps to make a dangerous thing safe. For instance, you can neutralize a campfire by pouring water on it.

Human beings are always going to put carbon dioxide into the atmosphere–we let it out every time we exhale! And just about everything we do, from driving to school to buying new clothes to using the toilet (yes, really!), creates even more carbon dioxide.

Being carbon neutral just means that, for every amount of carbon we release into the atmosphere, we take out an equal amount. That way, our atmosphere continues to trap the normal amount of heat, instead of making our planet way too warm!

How Can We Be Carbon Neutral? 

Carbon neutrality is a big issue – in fact, it’s as big as our planet! To become carbon neutral, we’ll need a lot of people to work toward the same goal. That’s where you come in! You and your family can help the whole world become carbon neutral by lowering the amount of carbon that comes from your actions. 

Here are some incredible examples that show how a bunch of people working together can make a big difference!

Billie Eilish’s Happier Than Ever World Tour

Being a musician and touring around the world means tons of carbon emissions: flying planes or driving tour buses from city to city, using a ton of energy for stage equipment, and selling single-use plastics at the concession stand. And that’s before we factor in all the people driving their cars to the concert! 

That’s why the Grammy-winning pop star Billie Eilish decided it was up to her to neutralize some of the carbon emitted by her latest world tour. Billie, who is 21 years old, reduced her tour’s environmental footprint by doing things like: 

  • Eliminating single-use plastics backstage and setting up water refill stations for fans
  • Sticking to plant-based foods for both the crew and concert-goers
  • Selling sustainable merchandise, like upcycled hoodies and shirts made from organic materials
  • Using rechargeable batteries for stage equipment
  • Promoting public transportation options to fans before each show
  • Raising almost $1 million for environmental and climate projects

Thanks to all this eco-action, Billie Eilish, together with her team and fans, managed to neutralize over 15,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide. That makes us happier than ever!

Costa Rica’s Climate Leadership

Costa Rica is a small tropical country between North and South America. It has lush rainforests that are home to a wide variety of animals like parrots, jaguars, and sloths.

But about fifty years ago, Costa Rica’s forests were on the path to destruction. Cutting down a forest to plant crops or make timber is called deforestation. Farmers and loggers were cutting down so many trees that Costa Rica had one of the highest deforestation rates in the world. The country lost a lot of its forest cover, creating problems for Costa Rica’s wildlife and its environment.

That’s when Costa Rica’s government decided: Enough is enough! They decided it was time to protect and restore the forests. They made it illegal to chop down forests without permission, and they started to pay local farmers and landowners for protecting the environment. This system not only protects forests, but it helps the people in Costa Rica’s community too. Costa Rica is now one of the world’s leaders in reforestation! Talk about a comeback story! 

Protecting forests and planting trees are just two pieces of the puzzle when it comes to carbon neutrality. Costa Rica is using many different strategies to reduce their carbon emissions. They’re using renewable energy, reducing emissions from transportation, and educating people so that everyone understands how they can contribute.   

Costa Rica is a climate champion for their efforts towards becoming carbon neutral, just like our friends at Royale!

Royale’s Carbon Neutral Paper Products

When you’re blowing your nose or using the toilet, carbon neutrality is probably the last thing on your mind. But not for the folks at Royale! They have achieved carbon neutrality on the total carbon footprint of their tissue products sold in Canada. Royale tissue products come from trees in forests that remove more carbon per year than is emitted in the life cycle of Royale tissue products manufactured in the year! That’s nothing to sneeze at. You can learn more at https://www.royale.ca/carbon-neutral.

Tell Us What Carbon Neutrality Means to You!

Now that you know what carbon neutral means, we want to hear what it means to you! How do you reduce carbon emissions in your everyday life? Do you ever do things that help absorb carbon, like planting trees and flowers? Most importantly, why is being carbon neutral important – both to you and to the planet?

Send us your answers in your own words, and you could see your writing published in an anthology by Earth Rangers – and receive $500 for your work! Along with your written answer, you can send us any pictures you’ve drawn or photos you’ve taken that help you explain what carbon neutrality means to you.

“Earth Rangers Carbon Neutral Writing Contest” OFFICIAL CONTEST RULES AND REGULATIONS (“Rules”)


This contest is sponsored by Earth Rangers (the “Sponsor”).


The “Earth Rangers Carbon Neutral Writing Contest” (the “Contest”) is open to all legal residents of Canada (excluding residents of Quebec) who are under the age of majority in their province or territory of residence at the time of entry into the Contest, provided that consent is obtained from your parent or legal guardian to enter the Contest and to be eligible to win. Further, your parent or legal guardian must agree to be bound by these Rules on your behalf. If the Sponsor discovers that parental consent was not obtained, the entry will be void. Because entrants are under the age of majority in their province or territory of residence, prizes won by entrants will be awarded to the parent or legal guardian on behalf of the entrant. This Contest is not open to employees, representatives, and agents of the Sponsor, their parent, related and affiliated companies, advertising and promotional agencies and the members of the households of such employees, representatives and agents. 


The Contest starts at 10:00 am ET on Monday, October 23, 2023, and closes at 11:59 pm EST on Sunday, November 19, 2023 (the “Contest Period”). Any entries received after that time will be void. One (1) entry per person.


To enter the Contest, visit the Carbon Neutral Writing Contest page at https://www.tfaforms.com/5087585 and follow the submission instructions.

Using the questions posted in ‘contest details’ on the webpage, to enter the Contest, the entrant must, with their parent’s or guardian’s knowledge and permission, submit between 250-300 words in response to one or      more of the questions about carbon neutrality. The response must be written without help from a parent, guardian, sibling, relative, or friend.

To enter the Contest, the entrant will need to fill out the Contest entry form. In the Contest entry form they will need to confirm that they have read and agree with the Official Contest Rules and Regulations (the “Rules”) and confirm that they are age 12 or under. In the Contest entry form, the parent or legal guardian must also give permission for the entrant to enter the contest and agree to the Rules by choosing “Confirmed” in the dropdown menu on the Carbon Neutral Writing Contest entry form. After the parent or guardian has confirmed permission.

After satisfying the above eligibility requirements, the entrant will be entered into the Contest during the Contest Period. One entry per entrant per category will be permitted.

By entering the Contest, entrants’ parents or legal guardians agree to abide by these Rules, which shall be final and binding on all entrants in all matters relating to this Contest.

Sponsor is not responsible for lost, incomplete, or misdirected entries, or entries that are processed late or incorrectly or are lost due to computer or electronic malfunction or other error.


Prize:  If your submission is chosen, it will be published in an anthology and you’ll receive a $500 honorarium. There are up to 26 prizes available.

The Sponsor reserves the right to make any changes to the Prize for any reason and without notice, and any difference between the actual value of the Prize and the approximate value of the Prize as stated in these Rules will not be awarded. The winner is solely responsible for all other costs not specifically identified as included in the Prize.

The Sponsor is not responsible for the forfeiture of the Prize due to changes in mailing addresses, or any other circumstances resulting in an invalid, erroneous or incomplete mailing address or e-mail address. 


Winners will be determined solely by the decisions of a panel of judges appointed by the Sponsor (the “Judging Panel”). Entries will be determined on the basis of the following weighted criteria: Compelling representation or exemplum of main theme (25%); Creativity and unique positioning of the topic (25%); Alignment with required respondent diversity based on age, location, etc. (50%). 


The Sponsor will contact the selected winners within seventy-two (72) hours of the conclusion of the Judging Panel’s final selection by email at the email address provided in the Earth Rangers Membership account and the selected winner must respond to the notification within three (3) business days of the first attempt by Sponsor. Failure to respond by such time may result in the forfeiture of the Prize in the absolute discretion of the Sponsor. 

To be confirmed as the winner of the Contest, the selected winner must be in full compliance with these rules; and, the selected winner’s parent or legal guardian must sign and return a release of liability and consent to publicity form (the “Release Form”) and any other documentation as may reasonably be required by the Sponsor in their absolute discretion.

Decisions and rulings of the Sponsor are final and binding without appeal in all matters related to this Contest and the awarding of a prize.

A selected winner and their parent and legal guardian may be required to provide proof of identification to the Sponsor when claiming the Prize or otherwise in connection with this Contest to facilitate the Sponsors’ accurate identification of a Contest winner.

If the selected entrant has met the eligibility requirements set out in these Rules, the selected entrant will be confirmed as the Prize winner. 

If a selected winner does not fulfill the conditions set out in these Rules, or declines or forfeits the Prize, the Sponsor reserves the right, in their absolute discretion, to cancel the Prize or to select another entrant. Any alternate winner(s) will be selected by the same judging and ranking process from the remaining eligible entries in the same manner as described above.

Entrants who have not complied with these Rules will be disqualified.


By submitting your contest entry form and any related material, you waive all moral rights and grant (or warrant that the owner of such materials expressly grants) to the Sponsor, its parent, related and affiliated companies, and subsidiaries, a worldwide, perpetual, royalty-free, irrevocable, sub-licensable, and non-exclusive license and right to (i) use, copy, adapt, transmit, communication, publicly display, perform, and/or distribute such submitted materials; and (ii) create compilations and/or derivative works from such submitted materials. 


All Contest entries will become the property of the Sponsor and will not be acknowledged or returned. 

The selected entrant will be disqualified and required to forfeit any claim to a Prize if the terms set forth in these Rules are not adhered to. 

By participating in this Contest, entrants’ parents or legal guardians acknowledge compliance with, and agree to be bound by, these Rules, including the eligibility requirements. Further, entrants’ parents or legal guardians release and hold harmless the Sponsor, its parent, related and affiliated companies, subsidiaries, advertising and promotional agencies and each of their respective directors, successors, sponsors, partners, licensees, officers, subsidiaries, agents, employees, advisors, assignees, prize suppliers, and all others associated with the development and execution of the Contest (collectively, the “Releasees”), from and against any and all manner of action, causes of action, suits, debts, covenants, contracts, claims and demands, including legal fees and expenses, whatsoever, including but not limited to, claims based on negligence, breach of contract and fundamental breach and liability for physical injury, death, or property damage which the entrant or his/her administrators, heirs, successors or assigns might have or could have, by reason of or arising out of the entrant’s participation in the Contest and/or in connection with the acceptance and/or use by the entrant of the Prize. Without limiting the foregoing, the Releasees shall not be responsible for: (a) any incomplete or inaccurate information; (b) the theft, destruction, loss or unauthorized access to, or alteration of, entries; (c) printing, distribution, programming or production errors, and any other errors of any kind, whether human, mechanical, electronic or otherwise; or (d) technical, pictorial, typographical or editorial errors or omissions contained herein or in other materials related to the Contest. 

No responsibility will be taken by the Sponsor for the entrant’s inability to connect to the Internet, website or Earth Rangers App during the Contest Period, lost, delayed, mutilated or misdirected entries, computer system failure, failure of the website or Earth Rangers App during the Contest Period or for any problems or technical malfunction of a telephone network or lines, computer on-line systems, servers, access providers, computer equipment, software, failure of any e-mail, online, or Internet entry to be received by the Sponsor on account of technical problems or traffic congestion on the Internet or at any website, or any combination thereof including any injury or damage to an entrant’s or any other person’s computer or property related to or resulting from participating in, or downloading any material relating to, the Contest. The Sponsor reserves the right, in its sole discretion to cancel or suspend this Contest without notice should a virus, bug or any other cause beyond the reasonable control of the Sponsor corrupt the security or proper administration of the Contest and to award the Prizes from among all eligible entries received prior to cancellation of the Contest. If, as a result of an error relating to the entry process, judging, drawing or any other aspect of this Contest there are more potential winners of Prizes than contemplated in these Rules, there will be a random draw among all eligible potential winners at the end of the Contest Period to award the correct number of Prizes. The Sponsor reserves the right to disqualify any persons found attempting to deliberately damage any website or application or undermining the legitimate operation of this Contest and seek remedies and damages to the fullest extent permitted by law, including criminal prosecution. Entries are subject to verification by the Sponsor and will be declared invalid if they are forged, falsified, altered or tampered with in any way. The Sponsor reserves the right to cancel or suspend this Contest or to amend these Rules without notice for any reason whatsoever. 

The Sponsor reserves the right to terminate, suspend or modify this Contest, in whole or in part, at any time and without notice or obligation if, in the Sponsor’s sole opinion, any factor interferes with its proper conduct as contemplated by these Rules. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, if the Contest, or any part thereof, is not capable of running as planned for any reason which, in the sole opinion of the Sponsor, corrupt or affect the administration, security, fairness, integrity or proper conduct of this Contest, the Sponsor may terminate, modify or suspend the Contest, or any portion thereof in its sole discretion. 

The Sponsor further reserves the right, in its sole discretion to cancel or suspend this Contest without notice should a virus, bug or any other cause beyond the reasonable control of the Sponsor corrupt the security or proper administration of the Contest and to award the Prizes from among all eligible entries received prior to cancellation of the Contest. If, as a result of an error relating to the entry process, judging, drawing or any other aspect of this Contest there are more potential winners of the Prizes than contemplated in these Rules, there will be a random draw among all eligible potential winners at the end of the Contest Period to award the Prizes. The Sponsor reserves the right to disqualify any persons found attempting to deliberately damage any website or application or undermining the legitimate operation of this Contest and seek remedies and damages to the fullest extent permitted by law, including criminal prosecution. Entries are subject to verification by the Sponsor and will be declared invalid if they are forged, falsified, altered or tampered with in any way. The Sponsor reserves the right to cancel or suspend this Contest or to amend these Rules without notice for any reason whatsoever. 


By entering the Contest, each entrant and their parent or legal guardian consents (a) to the collection, use, and disclosure of the entrants’ personal information, including the entrant’s first name, province or territory of residence, image on videotape and/or photograph in any advertising relating to the Contest and/or the Prizes, and in any future publicity in connection with the Contest and the Sponsor’s related fundraising activities, in all media used by the Sponsor, and its advertising and promotional agencies and partners, without compensation or further notice, if that entrant is declared a Prize winner, and (b) to the use of that entrant’s personal information, including first name and address (such as e-mail address) for the purpose of administering the Contest, contacting selected entrants, awarding and delivering the Prizes to the winners and sending information relating to Earth Rangers products, promotions and/or other marketing activities. 

By entering the Contest, each entrant and their parent or legal guardian acknowledges and consents that the entrant’s personal information can be transferred to the Sponsor’s third-party      service providers for the purpose of administering the contest, and can be stored on servers located outside of Canada, which may be subject to foreign legislation which may differ from the legislation of Canada with respect to disclosure of personal information to government authorities.

For further information about the Sponsor’s privacy practices, please see Sponsor’s Privacy Policy at: http://www.earthrangers.com/wildwire/privacy-policy/


This Contest is subject to the laws of the Province of Ontario and the federal laws of Canada applicable therein. Void where prohibited by law. Any disputes will be adjudicated by the courts sitting in the Province of Ontario.

The Rules are available at (will insert link once final rules and regulations are published) for the duration of the Contest Period. A complete set of these Rules can be requested by sending a self-addressed stamped envelope to: “Official Contest Rules and Regulations for Earth Rangers Carbon Neutral Writing Contest”, 9520 Pine Valley Drive, Woodbridge, ON L4L 1A6.

Caption This: What is this mantis thinking?

We need your help! This animal is trying to tell us something but we can’t figure it out! Do you know what is this mantis thinking?

Post your ideas in the comment section below.

Tap here for more cool stuff like this!

Ultimate Guide to National Parks: Bruce Peninsula

Welcome back to Emma’s ultimate guide to national parks. Today Emma is playing a home game: She is visiting Bruce Peninsula National Park in Ontario, Canada – a place that she knows extremely well because this is where she used to go camping with her parents when she was little. Does she still know her way around this small but exciting gem of a park?
Let’s tune in and find out!

Today Emma has returned to her home province of Ontario to visit the beautiful Bruce Peninsula National Park. It is a place she’s hiked ever since she was a tiny conservationist and offers plenty of relaxing sights to enjoy.

Bruce Peninsula National Park is located along the Niagara Escarpment, which runs from New York all the way to Wisconsin. It has various limestone cliffs and caves that overlook the Georgian Bay. It is unique for housing various at-risks reptiles, like the snapping turtle, Massasauga Rattlesnake, Eastern ribbonsnake, and Eastern milksnake.

The most popular attraction of the Bruce Peninsula National Park is “The Grotto”. It is a water-filled cave that experienced visitors can hike to and enjoy. Even before getting there, there is a lot to see! For those who don’t like walking, the park can also be enjoyed in other ways, like swimming, canoeing, or kayaking.

Going home to enjoy an old national park is not without its own adventures. Emma received a strange message from Ryan, and more than that – had to experience what it’s like to be out during a sudden shift in weather! In all these ups-and-downs, now was no better time to check out Adelia’s pouch. What did you think she found inside?

Got any thoughts about Bruce Peninsula National Park? What about what was hiding inside the pouch? Or…that strange text message. Why do you think Ryan reached out to her?