Pixel Puzzler #43: The Great Reveal

We got tons of great guesses on Part 1 of this Pixel Puzzler and now it’s time for the answer. Are you ready for the great reveal? Find out if you got it right!

The answer to this Pixel Puzzler is (drum roll please) a Moose! How did you do? Tell us in the comments!

Tap here for more cool stuff like this!

Help Mooses with a Wildlife Adoption!

Head to the Adoptions Section in the App!

Funky Fish

Funky Fish

Time:25 min Difficulty:Easy  

Ever wondered about used toilet paper rolls? Crafting with them is both fun and good for the planet! Heard of upcycling? Upcycling turns them into cool creations like a fin-tastic fish?!

Here’s what you need:

  • A toilet paper roll
  • Acrylic Paint
  • Scissors
  • Craft foam or colorful paper
    Tip: Upcycle an old piece of paper or newspaper instead of using a new sheet
  • Glue
  • A marker

Here’s how you make it:

Step 1: Your fish are going to need fins and a tail! Cut little triangles from your foam/paper.

TIP: You can spice things up by cutting a cool wavy design into the tail.

Step 2: Let’s put your fish together! Glue the fins and tail to your toilet paper roll.

Step 3: Time to paint your fish! What kind of pattern do you want to give it? Does it have a white belly? Is it a clownfish, a whale, a shark, or another type of sparkly fish?

Step 4: Once the body paint is dry, your fish are going to need eyes! Finish everything off by drawing on eyes, and even a smile! There you have it! A funky fish!

What are you gonna call your ex-squid-sit fish-friend? Let us know in the comments below!

Upcycling turns ordinary items like toilet rolls into cool crafts while cutting waste. Those rolls can be recycled or composted, helping the environment. Log the “Smartest Fish in the Sea” in the “Big Splash Challenge” for trying (and learn) something new! Don’t forget to explore other fun habits too!

Who would win in a race between a human and a horse?


Hello and welcome to our brand new season! We are diving deep on some burning questions like “what does the world look like to a fly, how do whales sleep and how does an octopus go into battle? (Well armed!)

Welcome back Earth Rangers! After a wild trip around the world to find Adelia, a race across the United States and a super-productive forced “Vacation” in different national parks, Emma is finally back at the Earth Rangers Centre!

After so many different cool and excited adventures, what is there to do? Investigate mysteries about the animal kingdom, of course! Ever wondered “Can mammals lay eggs?”, “How do whales sleep?”, “What does the world look like to a fly?”, and “Are there birds that can’t fly even though they have wings?” Emma’s here to try answering these questions, and more!


Who would win in a race between a human and a horse?

Well, what do you think?

Super-athletes are fast, but can they outrun a horse in a long-distance race? Vote on the answer you think is right! If you have any thoughts, share them in the comments below.

So… what’s the answer? Be sure listen to know the full reason why! In fact, the answer can change, it all depends on very special circumstances.

A race has a lot of different elements: Horses are fast, but humans are too. Both have pretty good endurance – something that allows them to keep running for a long time without getting tired (which the super-speedy cheetah does not have). The difference? Weather and SWEAT! Humans sweat! It cools us off in hot weather. Horses sweat too, but their fur coats can heat them faster. During warm weather, humans can finally get an advantage over horses… but is that enough to beat them in a marathon?

Do you have a fun animal mystery you want us to explore?
Let us know in the comments in the Earth Rangers App!

I can fix it!


Have you ever had a toy break on you? A soccer ball that sprung a leak, an action figure that lost a limb, or a tear in your fave plushie? Don’t throw it away. Fix it!  

When we throw things away, we’re not only creating more trash going to the landfill – we’re wasting all of the precious resources and energy that it took to make them. But what if, instead of buying things, using them, and then throwing them in the trash… we looked at new ways of making, using, and reusing them? This system is called the circular economy, and it’s a way to turn things around in our homes and planet!

You can fix things instead of trashing them.

Join the “I CAN FIX IT!” Mission to find out how!

This brand-new Mission will show you how the Reduce-Repair-Reuse-Recycle system of the circular economy works, and how we can take care of the Earth by using things wisely. Instead of throwing stuff away, we’ll fix them. By doing this, we can help protect the Earth’s resources and avoid waste.

To complete this Mission, you must…

  • Learn about the circular economy and how it benefits our planet.
  • Find something you no longer use because it’s damaged or broken.
  • Use your instructions (and a grownup’s help) to repair your item.
  • Open the Mission in the app. When you’re done, let us know how you did – and don’t forget to share a photo of you doing your Mission!

A Trashy Truth

We have something called a “linear economy”. That means we use up resources to make things, and then we throw them away. People buy new cellphones almost every year, but what about the old ones? Sadly, many of them end up being thrown away, and that’s not good for the environment.

But there’s a way to do things that’s much better for our planet! It’s called the circular economy, and it’s really cool! It’s about four special words: Reduce, Repair, Reuse, and Recycle. In this system, everything is important, and we try not to waste anything, just like how nature works!”

How Can I Fix It?

The “I Can Fix it” Mission is all about the circular economy, and teaches you different ways to repair all sorts of things, from toys to books to ceramics!

Spotlighting Ontario

If you live in Ontario, and especially in the York region, you can take part in this mission, AND join others to fix things! You’ll love the very special version of this Mission that tells you about local Repair Cafés, Libraries, Lenderies, Recycling Depots, and more! Just accept the I Can Fix It Mission in the Earth Rangers App.

No matter where you live, there are lots of ways to be part of the circular economy, both at home and in your community! We can’t wait to see what you do!

Generously supported by

It’s Earth Month – the Best Time to Become an Earth Ranger!


It’s Earth Month, and there’s no better time to become an Earth Ranger!

Just download the Earth Rangers App – it’s 100% free!

You’ll instantly gain access to:

Over 20 fun Missions that make a positive impact on the environment, like planting trees, recycling batteries, and conserving energy

Animal adoptions that allow you to support real conservation projects across Canada

Thousands of fun, educational, and kid-friendly videos and articles about animals

Easy access to the award-winning Earth Rangers podcast

Daily trivia all about the environment

Community Challenges where kids can work together to fight climate change

Crafts, recipes, puzzles, and outdoor activities, all designed to minimize screentime

Virtual badges, leaderboards, and rewards, including virtual habitats full of cool animal facts

Customizable avatars that allow kids to create their own virtual identity

A FREE membership card and welcome package sent by mail when you complete your child’s membership sign-up

Use the code Earthmonth when you register to get EXTRA perks!

Would you Rather #63

Would you rather…

Fly up to 100 kilometers in a day, like a bee, or lift more than 50 times your weight, like an ant?

Tell us which one you pick in the comments!

Signed, SEALED, and Delivered! A Thrilling Trip to the Ringed Seal’s Arctic Habitat with Scientist Katie Florko


Hello, Earth Rangers! My name is Katie Florko. I am a research scientist who studies Arctic marine mammal movement patterns and behaviour. I recently finished my PhD at the University of British Columbia. Most of my work takes place in Hudson Bay, in the far north of Canada. This year, when you adopt a ringed seal from Earth Rangers, you’re supporting me and my research! You can learn more about ringed seals and adopt one in the Earth Rangers App.

Since September, I’ve been busy analyzing ringed seal movement patterns. These seals wore tags that recorded their movement and diving patterns. From this, we’re able to see where seals forage for food and what areas might be important to protect. This is a tricky project!

On one hand, we think the most important areas to protect are the areas the seals are spending the most time. But these tend to be the areas with the least fish, where it takes the seals longer to look for food. My research helps to measure seals’ movements through fish populations. That way, we can better understand which areas we need to protect to help seals.

And that’s not all! I’m also involved in projects on harbour seals and narwhals. This past summer, I was able to help out with tagging harbour seals in western Hudson Bay. I also went on aerial surveys in the high Arctic, where we saw walrus, narwhals, and lots of seals!

Fieldwork for tagging seals typically happens from the ice edge in the spring, or from the shore in the summer. This is the most exciting part of the job! But an equally important and almost as fun part is spending the fall and winter uncovering the secret lives of seals through the data we collect from their tags. My fellow scientists and I use this data to piece together the story. Then we share our insights with each other and with folks who work to protect seals. Before we know it, we’re planning next spring’s fieldwork!

Pixel Puzzler #43: Part 1

Let’s put your identification skills to the test! Can you figure out what is hidden in this picture? Make your guess in the comments.

Check back next week for the answer!

Tap here for more cool stuff like this!

Roar your vote!


Have you heard? This Earth Month, every plush adoption kit not only helps to support important conservation work. It also comes with a FREE amulet.

You get to help us pick the name for this epic reward. Look at the list below and choose wisely!

We’ve got a ton of great suggestions in our earlier vote blog. Keep them coming! We’re all ears for more fun names.
Who knows? Yours might get added to this poll.

Coati Scramble

Coati Scramble

Time:10 min Difficulty:Medium  

Do you have a talent for sniffing out clues?
Try it out with this tailsome scramble!

Here’s how to play:

  • Read the paragraph below and use it to unscramble the words.

Think you got them all? Tap on the puzzle image to see its secret answer!