Have you ever had a toy break on you? A soccer ball that sprung a leak, an action figure that lost a limb, or a tear in your fave plushie? Don’t throw it away. Fix it!
When we throw things away, we’re not only creating more trash going to the landfill – we’re wasting all of the precious resources and energy that it took to make them. But what if, instead of buying things, using them, and then throwing them in the trash… we looked at new ways of making, using, and reusing them? This system is called the circular economy, and it’s a way to turn things around in our homes and planet!
You can fix things instead of trashing them.
Join the “I CAN FIX IT!” Mission to find out how!
This brand-new Mission will show you how the Reduce-Repair-Reuse-Recycle system of the circular economy works, and how we can take care of the Earth by using things wisely. Instead of throwing stuff away, we’ll fix them. By doing this, we can help protect the Earth’s resources and avoid waste.
To complete this Mission, you must…
- Learn about the circular economy and how it benefits our planet.
- Find something you no longer use because it’s damaged or broken.
- Use your instructions (and a grownup’s help) to repair your item.
- Open the Mission in the app. When you’re done, let us know how you did – and don’t forget to share a photo of you doing your Mission!
A Trashy Truth
We have something called a “linear economy”. That means we use up resources to make things, and then we throw them away. People buy new cellphones almost every year, but what about the old ones? Sadly, many of them end up being thrown away, and that’s not good for the environment.
But there’s a way to do things that’s much better for our planet! It’s called the circular economy, and it’s really cool! It’s about four special words: Reduce, Repair, Reuse, and Recycle. In this system, everything is important, and we try not to waste anything, just like how nature works!”
How Can I Fix It?
The “I Can Fix it” Mission is all about the circular economy, and teaches you different ways to repair all sorts of things, from toys to books to ceramics!
Spotlighting Ontario
If you live in Ontario, and especially in the York region, you can take part in this mission, AND join others to fix things! You’ll love the very special version of this Mission that tells you about local Repair Cafés, Libraries, Lenderies, Recycling Depots, and more! Just accept the I Can Fix It Mission in the Earth Rangers App.
No matter where you live, there are lots of ways to be part of the circular economy, both at home and in your community! We can’t wait to see what you do!
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