Our Annual Report is Live – Read it Now!


In 2023, we registered 43,375 new Earth Rangers–and they’ve been busy! In the past year alone, our members:

  • Completed 107,653 environmental missions, from organizing shoreline clean-ups to planting pollinator gardens
  • Logged 447,711 climate-friendly habits, from ditching single-use plastics to cooking up meatless meals
  • Adopted 3,791 animals to support a wide range of vital conservation work
  • Downloaded 1.2 million episodes of our award-winning podcast, enjoying endless hours of fun, kid-friendly environmental education

And that’s just scratching the surface! Our Annual Report is full of fresh insight from kids, parents, educators, and conservationists. Read it now to learn about all the ways we’re building the next generation of conservationists.

Making old things new again!


Have you ever had your fave toy break or a plushie suddenly rip? It’s a real bummer, isn’t it? But don’t worry, because we’ve got just the thing you need!

Introducing the ‘I Can Fix It’ Mission! It’s all about turning your broken toys into good-as-new treasures.

This fun mission will also show you how to be part of something we call the circular economy.

Right now we mostly live in a linear economy, meaning we make stuff, use it a little, and then toss it out when it breaks or we get bored with it. Sometimes, things are even made to break quickly on purpose so that people buy new stuff! Yikes! This wastes a lot of resources and creates a ton of trash that harms the planet.

But in the circular economy, everything is important and nothing is wasted… just like in nature!

Circular Economy:

Next time you’re thinking of throwing something away, how about giving one of these a try: Reduce, Repair, Reuse, or Recycle? Objects can be fixed, or even turned into something totally new! When we do this, we’re also helping to keep our planet clean by making less trash and pollution.

Learning from York Region!

York Region—an area in Ontario—is a great example of a community committed to the circular economy. They offer a ton of resources to help the community shift from a throw-away culture to one that Reduces, Repairs, Reuses, or Recycles. This includes things like:

  • Repair Cafés, where friendly volunteers help you fix things for free!
  • Libraries and Lenderies (a fun word for libraries that let you borrow things like toys, tools, sporting equipment, and other fun surprises!)
  • Curbside Giveaway Days, where everyone in the community is encouraged to put unwanted items on the curb for others to take
  • Specialty recycling depots for e-waste, textiles, batteries, paint, bicycles, plastic bags, and much more!  

Ask a grown up to help you explore what’s near your home – you never know what eco-friendly fun is waiting for you, no matter where you live!

YOU Can Fix It!

Join our I Can Fix It! Mission to get started!  You’ll learn how to repair toys, books, ceramics, and more! Just read the mission brief, find something that needs fixing, follow our easy instructions, and share your handiwork.

Let’s make old things new again!

Generously supported by

Pixel Puzzler #46: Part 1

Let’s put your identification skills to the test! Can you figure out what is hidden in this picture? Make your guess in the comments.

Check back next week for the answer!

Tap here for more cool stuff like this!

Animal Hybrids


Have you ever wondered what would happen if you crossed a tiger with a shark? Nope that’s not what a tiger shark is.

Today, I’m exploring the mystery of hybrid animals. Animals whose parents are members of different species. We’re not talking Griffons, which are half Eagle, half lion, but there are some hybrid animals out there that are quite real.

What a surprising discovery had on Emma’s trip to Spain! Hybrid animals? Isn’t that… impossible? Don’t hybrid animals come from mythology? Complete fiction?! How can there possibly “pizzly bears” out there?


Do hybrid animals really exist?

Yes! Some of these hybrids might be encouraged by humans, but others happen completely normally in nature – like the coywolf: the baby of a wolf and coyote, or the mule – a hybrid of the horse and donkey.

Most, but not all, of these hybrids are sterile. The liger or tigon (lion x tiger) and jalion (jaguar x lion). Two ligers can’t have another liger baby, but a coywolf can! Wolfdogs are also fertile, barely a hybrid species, because of how close the two animals are genetically.

Some types hybrid animals (that are not sterile) have been bred specifically by humans to “create” new species. The Savannah cat breed for example, is a hybrid of the African Serval and the Domestic Cat, while the Bengal breed is a hybrid of the wild “leopard cat” and regular housecats.

There are plenty of cool hybrids out there, like the zorse (horse x zebra), beefalo (bison X cow), cama (camel x llama) and so many more! Are there any we haven’t named that you can think of? Let us know!

Do you have a fun animal mystery you want us to explore?
Let us know in the comments in the Earth Rangers App!

Pun-tastic Riddles #VII

Pun-tastic Riddles #VII

Time:15 min Difficulty:Medium  

Who likes punny jokes? Come over here! Do you think you can you decode this riddle? Use our decoder key below!

What do you call a fish who’s the hero of their own movie?

What do you call a lion who owns a ship?

Which subject do insects do best at school?

Think you got them all? Tap on the puzzle image to see the answer!

Podcast Season Overview: The Quest for the Best


This season, Emma is racing across the United States in a high-stakes competition to find the most amazing and surprising animal facts. With her position on the podcast at stake, will she be able to defeat her competition and come out on top?

Emma is finally back at Earth Ranger’s headquarters! After her long journey to find the missing conservation legend Adelia Goodwin, she deserves a good rest – but wait: it seems like our hero is in trouble and desperately needs help. What’s going on at Earth Rangers HQ?

Emma is in trouble, her job is at stake! Turns out that while Emma was on her journey around the world searching for Adelia, someone has been secretly plotting to steal her role as the host of the Earth Rangers podcast.  Ryan is new to the team and he won’t stop at nothing to take over the role of podcast host for himself Thankfully, Number 1 is giving Emma a chance to prove herself. Ryan and Emma will be racing across the U.S. and trying to collect animal facts. Whoever has the best ones will win that quest.

Check out the show notes page here

Number 1’s Rules

  1. On every leg of the race Number 1 will give an assignment. Emma and Ryan can pick how they research it!
  2. Emma and Ryan will present ONE animal fact they learned from their quest. No googling is allowed. The most interesting, or fascinating fact wins!
  3. The person with the most points at the end of the competition will win the role of podcast host.
  4. Emma and Ryan must keep their carbon footprint low. This means: Trains, buses, carpools and hiking are OK. But no air travel is allowed in this race.

The race is on! Emma and Ryan are competing to decide who will get to be the future host of the Earth Rangers podcast. Their first stop, New York City! In the Big Apple Emma is tasked to investigate the secret life of creatures from the city; but what kind of wild animals would want to live in such a bright, loud, and crowded place?

In this episode, Emma presented her first fact: some great turtle trivia! Was it enough? Ryan was able to impress Number 1 with some great bird facts of his own! The two toured New York City, Emma visiting Central Park while Ryan headed straight for the Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge. There’s plenty to learn about animals who live around the city, like the Painted Turtle, Musk Turtle, Box Turtle, Piping Plover, Osprey, or American Woodcock!

Check out the show notes page here

The race continues! Emma finds herself on her next assignment: Exploring one of America’s famous hiking trails. Which one did our intrepid hero pick? The Appalachian Trail! With much ground to cover, and help from a chance encounter with a certain self-proclaimed “grossologist”, will Emma catch up to Ryan?

Emma’s adventures never end! On today’s trail, she very nearly got lost! But thankfully, she was able to make a new friend who helped her find her way: Ms. Mallory! Thanks to Ms. Mallory’s help, Emma learned a lot about various creepy crawlies. With this information, she was able to impress Number 1 with her super-duper millipede facts.

Check out the show notes page here

What day is that? Earth Day! Emma comes to you with a special episode to celebrate this special day. She’s got some good news to share, and much more! What might it all be? Let’s tune in and find out.

The “Quest for the Best” isn’t about to stop Emma from enjoying this special day. Earth Day celebrates the progress that the environmental movement has made, and the impact that raising awareness has helped bring to saving animals and the planet. To celebrate, Emma mentions some pantastic news that’s worth celebrating, as well as reveals her top 5 favorite animals! The final surprise? Emma finally got to listen to the montage of sweet messages you guys have been sending to Emma and the rest of Earth Rangers headquarters!

Check out the show notes page here

Our hero’s quest is far from over! This time, Emma dives deep underground, into the world’s longest cave system. What can she learn down there, and who will finally take the lead in the quest for the best?

Emma was super lucky to get to examine the world’s longest cave system: Mammoth Cave. Several different rare animals can be found both underground and above ground around these caves. Bats, bison, prairie dogs. What else? Well, Wind Cave, National Park where Ryan visited holds some interesting elements. Ever heard of “Boxwork” wall? That’s where you can find them!

Check out the show notes page here

The Quest for the Best goes on! Today, Emma explores a unique ecosystem: The Petrified Forest. Will the rare fossilized wood of this place be the key to winning this leg of the race?

We’re onto the last stretch of this quest! Emma and Ryan both visited interesting parks this time. Emma found herself in the Petrified Forest of Arizona, where you can find some of the oldest rocks in the world! Ever heard of Petrified Wood? Did you know it was regular wood that’s now completely crystalized? Find out more about earless lizards and jackrabbits who roam these deserts!

Check out the show notes page here

The final chapter of the Quest for the Best is here!!
The score is tied and today Emma and Ryan face off with their last challenge: to share facts about the biggest mammal they can find. Who will win? Will Ryan be taking over as the new podcast host?

After so many twists and turns, the final round of The Quest for the Best has reached its end. Ryan and Emma faced off on their last challenge. Emma went to visit the Redwood National and State Park while Ryan visited the Bryce Canyon National Park in Utah. Mountain lions, bears, whales, which animal will win the top fact?

Check out the show notes page here

Which episode was your favorite from Emma’s whirlwind tour of America? Which was the coolest fact presented to Number 1?
Do you have any other US trivia or cool animal facts that didn’t make it into the show? Let us know in the comments!

Pawsitively Hilarious Jokes #27

What did the cat say when it was confused?

“I’m purr-plexed!”

Pixel Puzzler #45: The Great Reveal

We got tons of great guesses on Part 1 of this Pixel Puzzler and now it’s time for the answer. Are you ready for the great reveal? Find out if you got it right!

The answer to this Pixel Puzzler is (drum roll please) Cicada! How did you do? Tell us in the comments!

Tap here for more cool stuff like this!



Welcome to the multi-faceted world of insect vision.

Today’s bug-eyed mystery is this: What does the world look like to a fly? How about a bee, or a butterfly? Buzz on over to tune in and find out!

The way you see the world depends entirely on your eyesight. The way we see something can change even based on the tools we use: you might wear glasses, contact lenses, or none. It’s different too in the animal kingdom, dogs have a “dichromatic vision” which means they are blind to red-green colors and only see in brown, yellow, blue and gray. Birds can see ultraviolet colors that are invisible to us humans. But what about insects?


What does the world look like to a fly?

Insects’ eyes are built differently from ours. They have thousands of tiny light-sensors called “ommatidia”. These ommatidia are hexagonal-shaped, and are so good that they can see everything that’s going on around them in 360 degrees – like a special crystal!

Insects, like birds, can perceive a different set of colors than we can. They too can perceive ultraviolet lights and are especially sensitive of blue and green colors. Some insects, like humans, have “trichromatic vision”, but instead their red looks closer to black.

Emma’s adventures to answer some mysteries continue!
Be sure to keep an eye out for the next episodes to come.

Time to start your Carbon Footprint Investigation!

Get ready detectives! Grab your magnifying glass and detective hat because your new Mission is here! Our Carbon Footprint Investigation team needs your help to slow down climate change.

Our climate is changing at a much faster rate than it has in the past and that’s a big problem.

When greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide and methane are released into the air, they act like a blanket and trap heat near the Earth’s surface, making it warmer. The Earth can re-absorb and release some of these gases, but we are making too much and the planet can’t keep up. More gas trapped in the air means more warming, and that’s bad news for all living things on our planet.

Cut back on carbon (dioxide)

You’ve probably already heard that you can help fight climate change by driving less and saving electricity. Did you know that you can also help by making better choices when you shop? It’s all part of shrinking your carbon footprint.

Carbon Footprint:

A good way to help slow down climate change is to shrink your carbon footprint. The amount of carbon dioxide (and other greenhouse gases) you create through the products you use and the actions you take. The larger your carbon footprint, the bigger your impact on the planet.

How can you reduce your carbon footprint?

Leave the car at home –  If you can, make trips by foot, bicycle, or public transit. Every small effort can help make a difference.

Cut down on waste – Pollution can really add to your carbon footprint. When we recycle, we use less new stuff, this is good for the planet!

Eat local – Feeling hungry? Not to worry! We know that A LOT of emissions are released when products have to travel long distances. So, let’s look for farmer’s markets and shops that sell things that are grown or made close to home.

Accept the Carbon Footprint Investigation Mission

In this Mission, we give you the tools to investigate the products you have at home to see how they are adding to your carbon footprint. We’ll also share tips that will help you keep your footprint small. So put on your detective hat and let’s get started.

  • Investigate products in your home and complete the quiz to find out how carbon footprint-friendly you are
  • Use the Smart Shopping List and Tips during your next trip to the store
  • See if you’ve become a smarter shopper by retaking the quiz
  • Let us know how it went when you’re finished!

Are you ready to join our Carbon Footprint Investigation team?