Island Plants at Risk

60% of the plants that live on the Galapagos Islands and 75% of the plants from the Canary Islands are threatened with extinction.

Bartolome islands pinnacle rock galapagos Island

biodiversity logo convention 2010

2010 is the Year of Biodiversity and Earth Rangers has teamed up with The United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity to bring you a daily dose of biodiversity basics

Earth Rangers is a non-profit organization that works to inspire and educate children about the environment. At kids can play games, discover amazing facts, meet animal ambassadors and fundraise to protect biodiversity.

A BIG Slithery Snake

The Green Anaconda (Eunectes murinus) is the world’s largest snake both in terms of its weight and length. It measures up to 9 m (30 ft) and weighs up to 227 kg (500 lbs).

Photo credit: Trisha Shears

biodiversity logo convention 2010

2010 is the Year of Biodiversity and Earth Rangers has teamed up with The United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity to bring you a daily dose of biodiversity basics

Earth Rangers is a non-profit organization that works to inspire and educate children about the environment. At kids can play games, discover amazing facts, meet animal ambassadors and fundraise to protect biodiversity.

The Jackpot of Tropical Plants

Two-thirds of the world’s plants live in tropical areas; the highest number of different trees in a single spot is Lambir Hills National Park, in Sarawak Borneo. In this leafy place there are 1,200 recorded plants in a little over 50 hectares of land!


biodiversity logo convention 2010

2010 is the Year of Biodiversity and Earth Rangers has teamed up with The United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity to bring you a daily dose of biodiversity basics

Earth Rangers is a non-profit organization that works to inspire and educate children about the environment. At kids can play games, discover amazing facts, meet animal ambassadors and fundraise to protect biodiversity.

Movin’ like a Black Mamba

The Black Mamba (Dendroaspis polylepis) is a speedy snake, reaching speeds of 20 kilometers an hour and traveling with a third of its body raised off of the ground.


biodiversity logo convention 2010

2010 is the Year of Biodiversity and Earth Rangers has teamed up with The United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity to bring you a daily dose of biodiversity basics

Earth Rangers is a non-profit organization that works to inspire and educate children about the environment. At kids can play games, discover amazing facts, meet animal ambassadors and fundraise to protect biodiversity.

Extinction Dominos

Species are highly connected with and dependent on each other. So much so, in fact, that researchers have concluded the total number of species threatened with extinction is nearly 50% higher than previously thought.


biodiversity logo convention 2010

2010 is the Year of Biodiversity and Earth Rangers has teamed up with The United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity to bring you a daily dose of biodiversity basics

Earth Rangers is a non-profit organization that works to inspire and educate children about the environment. At kids can play games, discover amazing facts, meet animal ambassadors and fundraise to protect biodiversity.

Gingko Memory

Researchers believe the leaves of the Gingko Tree (Ginkgo biloba) help prevent memory loss. By studying this plant, scientists hope to find a treatment for diseases like Alzheimer, and maybe even find out why you always forget your homework in the morning!

ginko leaves autumn

biodiversity logo convention 2010

2010 is the Year of Biodiversity and Earth Rangers has teamed up with The United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity to bring you a daily dose of biodiversity basics

Disappearing Bears

Nine species of bears are threatened with extinction, which includes the Polar Bear and Giant Panda.

© Getty Images

biodiversity logo convention 2010

2010 is the Year of Biodiversity and Earth Rangers has teamed up with The United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity to bring you a daily dose of biodiversity basics

Frilly Lizard

The Frillneck Lizard (Chlamydosaurus kingie) may look nonthreatening when it is calm, but when its frightened, its another story. When it gets frightened, it raises a frill of skin around its neck that is almost 12 inches across.

Photo credit: Tom Brakefield

biodiversity logo convention 2010

2010 is the Year of Biodiversity and Earth Rangers has teamed up with The United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity to bring you a daily dose of biodiversity basics

Earth Rangers is a non-profit organization that works to inspire and educate children about the environment. At kids can play games, discover amazing facts, meet animal ambassadors and fundraise to protect biodiversity.

Napping Bears and Strong Bones

When bears hibernate they stay in their dens for a long time, if humans were to lay in one spot for five months we would lose a third of our bone mass. While our bones get weaker bears get stronger! They make a substance that keeps their bones healthy and promotes the growth of new cells.


biodiversity logo convention 2010

2010 is the Year of Biodiversity and Earth Rangers has teamed up with The United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity to bring you a daily dose of biodiversity basics

Earth Rangers is a non-profit organization that works to inspire and educate children about the environment. At kids can play games, discover amazing facts, meet animal ambassadors and fundraise to protect biodiversity.

Looking for a White Whale

Did you know only adult Beluga whales are white? Calves are born brown or dark grey and gradually lighten to become totally white by between six and eight years old.


biodiversity logo convention 2010

2010 is the Year of Biodiversity and Earth Rangers has teamed up with The United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity to bring you a daily dose of biodiversity basics

Earth Rangers is a non-profit organization that works to inspire and educate children about the environment. At kids can play games, discover amazing facts, meet animal ambassadors and fundraise to protect biodiversity.