Pixel Puzzler #47: Part 1
Let’s put your identification skills to the test! Can you figure out what is hidden in this picture? Make your guess in the comments.
Check back next week for the answer!
Tap here for more cool stuff like this!
Plastic Tracker
Plastic Tracker
Did you know that almost half (40%) of all plastic made each year is used just once and then tossed away? We can cut down on plastic by making better choices! Let’s start a Plastic Journal to see how much plastic you can save!
- A notebook or some paper
- Something to write with like a pencil, pen, or marker
- Friends or family to join you
Here’s how you make it:
Step 1: Make a packaging list
It’s time to get creative! Make a list that you will use to track all the things you buy with plastic packaging on your next grocery trip. Decorate your list with paint, pencils, or markers!
Here is an example of a packaging list to get you started! You can also take a screenshot of this example to keep it handy.
Click on the image below to zoom in!
Step 2: Go shopping
Time for a shopping adventure! Head to the store with a grown-up. Bring your new packaging list. Before you start writing anything down, look around and see how many items you can spot with plastic packaging. It’s like a treasure hunt, but for plastic!
Step 3: Track what’s in your basket
Track all of the groceries your parent(s) or guardian(s) have added to your cart and see which ones are or have single-use plastics. Write them down on your packaging list in the column “Did it come with single-use plastics?”
Step 4: Find better options
Once you’re back home, look at your list, and think about whether there might be eco-friendly packaging options or other products with less packaging that you and your family can keep an eye out for next time! Write down these ideas in the “Is there a better choice?” column of your packaging list. The goal is to see how much plastic you can avoid!
Step 5: Share your list
Once you’ve added these ideas to your packaging list, it’s time to team up with a grown-up! Hand it over before they go on their next shopping trip.
Was your family able to cut the amount of single-use plastics you brought home from your last grocery trip? Share your stories in the comments below! Who knows? You might get a special feature in a Wildwire blog!
Help stop the entire Single-use Plastic Gang with the More Plastic More Problems Mission! Look for it in the Mission section in the Earth Rangers App!
You asked, she answered! An interview with Earth Ranger Emma
You asked, she answered!
A season ago, Emma celebrated her 100th Episode. For this, Emma teamed up with Earth Ranger Nat (from the Quest for the Best) to gather YOUR questions for the first of a series of interviews. It’s about time we hear her answers!!
What is Emma’s favorite colour?
EMMA: “My favorite colour? Oh, that would be green, without a doubt. Green is the color of life, nature, and renewal. It reminds me of the lush forests, vibrant meadows, and all the wonderful plants that provide homes and food for countless creatures.
Every time I see the colour green, it fills me with a sense of peace and hope. It symbolizes growth and the incredible beauty of our natural world. From the leaves of a towering tree to the delicate fronds of a fern, green is everywhere in nature, reminding us of the precious and delicate balance we must protect.”
What is Emma’s favorite song?
EMMA: “Easy! “Circle of Life” by Elton John and “Born to Be Wild” by Steppenwolf”
What is Emma’s top favorite animal of all time?
EMMA: “Honestly, I can’t choose just one favorite animal because I genuinely love all of them! Each animal has its own unique qualities and fascinating behaviors that make it special. Whether it’s the intelligence of dolphins, the grace of cheetahs, the intricate social structures of ants, or the sheer power of a tiger, I find every species incredible in its own way. I just have so much respect and admiration for the entire animal kingdom, and I feel like every creature deserves appreciation and love.”
What is Emma’s favorite creepy but cool creatures of all time?
EMMA: “I know some people find octopuses creepy with their squishy bodies and eight arms, but they are so cool! They’re incredibly smart—able to solve puzzles and open jars. Their camouflage skills are off the charts, changing color and texture in seconds. Each arm can move independently, they have three hearts and blue blood, and they can even squirt ink to escape predators. Plus, they can regenerate lost limbs! Octopuses are like the superheroes of the ocean.”
When did Emma start being an Earth Rangers?
EMMA: “Believe it or not, I became an Earth Ranger when I was only 8 years old. Our school had a visit from an Earth Rangers show team and I got to meet Cosmo the Lemur and Sonic the Barn owl for the first time. That was a long time ago, and I had a long way to go and many things to learn to get from there to here, but that was the moment I signed up to become a member and I knew I wanted to work here.”
Why was Emma chosen for the podcast in the first place?
EMMA: “I was chosen to be a wildlife reporter because of my deep passion for animals and the natural world. Ever since I was little, I’ve been fascinated by wildlife and spent countless hours reading about different species and their habitats. I’ve always loved sharing what I learn with others, whether it’s through writing, social media, or just talking to friends and family. Plus, I’ve had some amazing hands-on experiences, like volunteering at local animal shelters and participating in wildlife conservation projects. My enthusiasm, combined with my commitment to educating others about the importance of conservation, really stood out. I think my genuine love for wildlife and my ability to communicate that excitement effectively made me the perfect fit for this role.”
What is the most creepy/uncanny/scary adventure Emma has ever been on?
EMMA: “Oh that would have to be time I went on an overnight research expedition in the Great Bear Rainforest! That time I met a g-ghost bear!”
What is Emma’s favorite animal myth?
EMMA: There are many! I’ve been looking into a lot of myths lately. Stay tuned for the next season to find out more!!!
Does Emma have any future plans as an Earth Ranger?
EMMA: “I can’t even begin to describe how thrilled I am to be a wildlife reporter! Every day, I get to explore the incredible wonders of the natural world and share them with others. From documenting the migration patterns of birds to uncovering the secrets of deep-sea creatures, it’s like living in a never-ending adventure. I love educating people about the importance of conservation and the amazing diversity of life on our planet.
What excites me most is that there’s always something new to discover, and I get to be on the front lines, telling those stories. I’m so passionate about wildlife and the environment, and I can’t wait to continue doing this for many years to come. There’s no greater joy than inspiring others to appreciate and protect the natural world!”
Did any of Emma’s answers surprise you? What are YOUR answers to some of these? Do you have any other questions that Nat should pass on to our intrepid adventurer? Stay tuned for Emma’s next interview in 2 weeks!
BEAR-y Nice! A Thrilling Adventure in the Rocky Mountain Trench with Julia Poetschke
Hi! My name is Julia Poetschke. (It’s pronounced PET-skee!) I work at the Nature Conservancy of Canada, where I’m a land stewardship manager. That means I take care of forests and meadows, kind of like a vet takes care of animals. I make sure that the Rocky Mountain Trench is a healthy space for animals to live!
Over the last few months, our team has been removing baby trees, shrubs, and low branches from Kootenay River Ranch. We call this work “thinning the forest.” We do this to make space for native grasses and other meadow plants to grow. Lots of animals, including grizzly bears, badgers, and bighorn sheep, rely on these grasses and open forest ecosystems for habitat and grazing. Baby trees and shrubs prevent grass from growing, which means there’s less food for grazing animals. They also make it harder for animals to move through the area to access other important habitat.
In the past, mild wildfires would thin out the forest for us. These are different from the big wildfires that you hear about on the news; they are natural and normal, and they can actually help prevent bigger wildfires! But, because more people have been moving to the Kootenay area, firefighters have been putting out all wildfires, no matter how small. That means our team at NCC is stepping in to do the work that wildfires used to do. It’s tough, and it will take a long time, but we’re making good progress.
We work on specific areas called treatment units. We work on one treatment unit at a time, starting with the areas that are the most overgrown. We remove all the baby trees, shrubs, and low branches. Then we put them into piles so that they can be safely burned throughout the winter, or left to decompose and provide nutrients to the soil.
This is what the forest looks like before we thin it. It’s very dense! That means the trees are close together, with lots of baby trees and shrubs in between them.
We save bigger trees and branches to build critter hotels. Critter hotels are piles of wood that provide habitat for birds and small animals. Some of the animals that enjoy critter hotels are squirrels, rabbits, salamanders, frogs, lizards, and snakes. They use the hotels for shelter, like dens and nests. Insects love critter hotels, too, which means that these hotels are a great food source for animals that like to eat insects! Larger critters like badgers and grizzly bears can also snack on the small animals in these hotels–that’s how the food chain works!
We also keep an eye out for standing dead trees, but not because we want to cut them down–we actually want to leave them standing! Dead trees are another type of amazing natural hotel that we call wildlife trees.
Wildlife trees provide food, safe nesting sites, hunting perches, and food for many different species. They are full of insects like millipedes, mites, earwigs, beetles, spiders, ants, and earthworms. These insects slowly eat away at the wood, which makes it softer. The softer the wood, the easier it is for birds and small mammals to make nesting sites.
Wildlife trees also attract woodpeckers and other animals, like grizzly bears and badgers, who love a good insect meal. These wildlife trees can remain standing for many years, but even when they fall over, they continue to provide essential food and habitat.
It’s been a busy few months, but we’re not done yet. We still have some thinning work left to do! Once we’re done thinning, we’re hoping to have a controlled, low-intensity burn to help restore the soil and support the growth of the important grasses and meadow plants.
Now it’s time to answer your questions!
How do bighorn sheep hunt for food?
Are badgers, grizzly bears, and bighorn sheep social animals?
Do grizzly bears eat strawberries?
Do American badgers hibernate?
If I encounter a grizzly bear, what do I do?
Pawsitively Hilarious Jokes #29
Why are lizards natural-born storytellers?
Dropping a tale is in their nature
Turtle Sandwich
Turtle Sandwich
Feeling a bit puckish? Don’t be a snapping turtle! We’ve got a super-speedy sandwich to keep the hangry hares at bay!
Here’s what you need:
- Two slices of bread
- Ham (or a vegan alternative)
- A sandwich spread (mayonnaise, butter, cream cheese, ketchup, ect…)
- Baby cucumbers or pickles
Here’s how you make it:
Step 1: Toast your bread! Once done, cut the edges to make a rounded shape.
Step 2: Spread your chosen sandwich spread over your toast.
Step 3: Slice a baby cucumber or pickle in half lengthwise. If it is too big, split them in half again. You will need at least 6 slices.
Step 4: Add some ham (or vegan alternative). Arrange your cucumber/pickle slices overtop to form legs, a head, and a tail. Close your toast and ta-da!! You have yourself a turtle sandwich!