Top Ten Cool Places Protecting Biodiversity

The world is filled with beautiful plants and animals. From the United States to Kyrgyzstan, this is a list of ten areas around the world that have biodiversity protection in mind.

#1 Sinharaja Forest Reserve

Sinharaja Forest Reserve

Where: Southwest Sri Lanka

When: Established between 1875 and the early 20th Century. It became a Biosphere Reserve in 1978 and a World Heritage Site in 1988.

Highlights: This Reserve has 50% of Sri Lanka’s remaining lowland rainforest vegetation with a ton of endemic species (which means belonging to or native to the area). These include 143 trees and woody climbers, 21 bird species as well as several mammals and butterflies.

Did you know?… “Sinharaja” literally means lion king and the area is often the setting of local legends.

#2 Yosemite National Park


Where: Sierra Nevada in California, USA

When: Created in 1890, which makes it one of the world’s first official national parks.

Highlights: Mountains, valleys and at least 9 waterfalls including the tallest in North America (Yosemite Falls). You will also find over 300 animal species and over 1500 plants, including the Giant Sequoias.

Did you know?… Yosemite National Park was originally created to protect the highlands from the damaging affects of grazing sheep. It has since served as an example for the formation of many other national parks.

#3 Daisetsuzan National Park

daisutsu zan national park panorama abhisek
Daisetsuzan National Park. Photo credit: abhisek

Where: At “Roof of Hokkaido,” an area at the centre of the island of Hokkaido, Japan

When: Established in 1934

Highlights: Subarctic lakes and waterfalls along high mountains, not to mention a smoking volcano or two. There are rare butterflies and insects within mixed forests, as well as bears and deer. One of the most interesting animals is the Pika, a small mouse-like mammal.

Did you know?… It is the largest national park in Japan and “Daisetsuzan” means Great Snowy Mountains.

#4 Galapagos Islands National Park

Bartolome islands pinnacle rock galapagos Island
Bartolome islands pinnacle rock Galapagos Island

Where: A group of islands in the Pacific Ocean beside Ecuador

When: Created in 1936, it became a Biosphere Reserve in 1984 and a Marine Reserve in 1986.

Highlights: Numerous islands, rock walls and sandy beaches surrounded by close to 560 plant species! There are 175 endemic plants and almost 5000 fauna species. All the reptiles in this park are endemic except for two tortoises.

Did you know?… The Islands were formed by a series of volcanic eruptions. Perhaps most famously, the island’s biodiversity played a vital role in the development of the theory of evolution. Thanks Darwin!;

#5 Fiordland National Park

fiordland national park new zealand marc mann
Fiordland National Park New Zealand. Photo credit: Marc Mann

Where: Southwestern New Zealand on the South Island

When: Founded in 1952, it became a World Heritage Area in 1986 as part of Te Wāhipounamu

Highlights: Many small islands with mountains, frozen rivers and lakes with forests and grasslands. Within its borders there are over 700 endemic plant species and many animals and birds. This Park is also home to the Kakapo and the Takahe (a bird that was thought to be extinct before being rediscovered in 1948).

Did you know?… Fiordland is the largest national park in New Zealand

#6 Marojejy National Park

Marojejy. Photo credit: Jeff Gibbs

Where: Northeast end of Madagascar

When: In 1952 it became a strict nature reserve, in 1998 it was turned into a park and became open to the public.

Highlights: Within the Park’s mountains there are over 300 species of Pteridophytes, non-flowering plants like ferns, including six that are endemic to the area. There are also over 300 different animal species.

Did you know?… Silky Sifaka, a lemur that lives in the park, is one of the rarest animals in the world.

#7 Northeast Greenland National Park

greenland jerzy strzelecki
Greenland. Photo credit: Jerzy Strzelecki

Where: The Northeast side of Greenland

When: Created in 1974, it became a Biosphere Reserve in 1977

Highlights: The land is covered in ice and there are fjords (formed when a glacier cuts a U-shaped valley) throughout the area. Due to the cold climate, animal and plant life is limited. In the south, some traditional hunting communities still exist.

Did you know?…It is the most northern and largest national park in the world, taking up almost one quarter of the island’s land surface. In case you’re wondering, Greenland is part of the Kingdom of Denmark.

#8 Timanfaya National Park

Timanfaya. Photo Credit: Gernot Keller

Where: The island of Lanzarote in the Canary Islands

When: Established in 1974 and distinguished as a Biosphere Reserve in 1993

Highlights: The history of volcanic eruptions in this area has created a barren land with few plants and animals. There are 20 plants that are endemic on the island and most of these are shrubs.

Did you know?… The park was originally created to protect the volcanic landscape from the affects of tourists. Also, the volcanoes on the island are still active and some people cook food using its heat.

#9 Ala Archa National Park

ala archa mountains
Ala archa mountains

Where: Tien Shan Mountains in Kyrgyzstan

When: Created in 1979

Highlights: Large glaciers, over 50 mountain peaks with several valleys, canyons, and gorges. There are also 800 plant species and over 300 animal species.

Did you know?…Tien Shan Mountains are part of the Great Silk Road, which stretches from Europe to Asia. The Great Silk Road was the main route for communication and trade in the area up until the 16th century.

#10 La Amistad International Park

trail, forest, la amistad
Trail in La Amistad. Photo credit: Dirk Van der Made

Where: Cordillera De Talamanca Mountains that runs through Panama and Costa Rica

When: Established in 1982 in Costa Rica and 1988 in Panama, it became a Biosphere Reserve in 1983

Highlights: Tropical rainforests and mountainous with 180 plants and over 60 animal species endemic to the area. Of the 850 birds that live in Panama, 550-600 can be found in La Amistad.

Did you know?… Its Mountains are the highest and largest area of undisturbed cloud forest in Central America. It is also the destination of 75% of all the migratory birds of the Western Hemisphere during migration.

Earth Rangers is a non-profit organization that works to inspire and educate children about the environment. At kids can play games, discover amazing facts, meet animal ambassadors and fundraise to protect biodiversity.

Colours of a Biome: Grassland Edition

After exploring the underwater world of the Freshwater Biome we can catch our breaths as we take a look at a grassy biome.

Not surprisingly, the Grassland Biome is dominated by grass! There are all kinds of grasses, both short and tall. The height of these grasses is so different because some get more rainfall than others. At times it may seem like the rain will never end, but then the dry season comes. During this time, the biome can get so dry that fires can be quite common. These fires may seem like a terrible thing, but don’t worry, they are vital to the Grassland’s wildlife. The fires burn away the dead plants and debris and once the rainy season returns new buds can grow.

Red Milksnake (Lampropeltis triangulum syspila)

red milksnake, Lampropeltis triangulum syspila
Red Milksnake

Details: Red milksnakes usually grow to 76cm, but they can exceed 91cm (over 3 feet). Notice how the red markings on the snake pictured above stop part way down its body. This saddle pattern is how you can tell the Red milksnake from other members of its species, whose bodies are lined with rings.

My Hood: Found in the central U.S., from Indiana and Kentucky to South Dakota and Oklahoma. Red milksnakes live in areas where rodents and amphibians are plentiful. This includes open woodlands, grassy hills and streams. They also do well in savanna habitats.

How I fit in: Red milksnakes like to stay out of sight – they will hide under rocks and even burrow if the soil is loose enough. When they spot something tasty, this powerful constrictor emerges from hiding to wrap its body around its prey. It squeezes its prey to death then swallows it whole. Although harmless to humans, they are often mistaken for the poisonous coral snake because they have similar colour patterns.

Ronald G. Markel and Richard D. Bartlett, Kingsnakes and Milksnakes: A Complete Pet Owner’s Manual. Hauppauge, NY: Barron’s Educational Series Inc., 1995: Page 68

Richard D. Bartlett, Patricia Pope Bartlett, and Fredric L. Frye, Terrarium and Cage Construction and Care. Hauppauge NY: Barron’s Educational Series Inc., 1999: Page 50-51

Butterfly Weed (Asclepias tuberosa)

Butterfly weed, asclepias tuberosa
Butterfly weed. Photo Credit: Sage Ross

Details: This species of milkweed grows 45-76cm tall and 45-61cm wide with leaves that measure 5-15cm. Each flower it produces has 5 petals, ranging in colour from pale yellow to bright red. These flowers grow in clusters of 20 or more.

My Hood: Found in Eastern North America, this plant loves the sun. It grows in places where it can have full access to sunlight like prairies, open woodlands and even along roadways.

How I fit in: Butterfly Weed serves as a good food source for butterflies, caterpillars and hummingbirds but it has a special relationship with the Monarch butterfly. Although it produces a milky sap that is poisonous to many species, it is a tasty snack for the Monarch caterpillar. Eating this plant causes the caterpillar’s skin to taste bad, which reduces the likelihood that it will be eaten. Since animals rarely ingest this plant, it also provides protection for the Monarchs’ eggs.

Golden Jackal (Canis aureus)

Golden Jackal, Canis aureus
Golden Jackal

Details: The Golden jackal can grow 70-85cm long, 40cm tall and weigh 8-10kg (17-22lbs). Their yellow fur is short and coarse, and changes shade depending on its location and time of the year. For example, during the rainy season those living on the Serengeti Plains have yellow fur with brown tips but during the dry season they are pale gold.

My Hood: These jackals live in savannas and grasslands with short grasses in North and East Africa, South-eastern Europe and parts of South Asia.

How I fit in: Families of Golden jackals are ruled by two parents who get help raising the young from 1 or 2 other adults known as helpers. These helpers protect the babies while the parents are hunting. They also bring food for the nursing mother. Since these helpers look after the cubs, both parents can go hunting. With two jackals on patrol, their likelihood of catching food increases. You know what they say…two jackals hunting are better than one!

Elephant Grass or Napier Grass (Pennisetum purpureum)

elephant grass, pennisetum purpureum
Elephant Grass. Photo Credit: Forest and Kim Starr

Details: Elephant grass can grow to enormous heights – from over 2m (6.7ft) to 7.5m (24.6ft). Its diameter is 3cm at its base and its roots can grow 4.5m (about 15ft) deep.

My Hood: Native to the Eastern and Western coasts of Africa, they grow in fertile soil along rivers and at the edge of forests. They also thrive in other tropical and subtropical countries where they have been introduced.

How I fit in: The Elephant grass’ deep root system is extremely important for its survival in this biome. During the dry season these long roots reach deep into the moist soil, which prevents it from drying out when there is little rain. Elephant Grass also plays an important role as a food source, providing a tasty snack for grazing animals.

Mountain Bluebird (Sialia currucoides)

Mountain Bluebird, male, sialia currucoides
Mountain Bluebird. Photo Credit: Elaine R. Wilson

Details: The male Mountain bluebird has striking blue plumage that fades to white under its breast. The female of this species also sports some of this blue, but they are mostly grey and brown. These birds spend their winters in flocks with Western bluebirds and sparrows.

mountain bluebird, female, sialia currucoides
Female Mountain Bluebird. Photo Credit: Linda Tanner

My Hood: Mountain bluebirds make their homes in the sparsely treed grasslands of Western North America.

How I fit in: These bluebirds can be found further North than many other birds during the winter. They have been spotted in Northern Alaska but are only able to survive in this weather for a short period of time. They belong to the Thrush Family, like the American robin, but are different from their relatives in several ways. Unlike other thrushes, for example, these birds hover above the ground looking for food, much like a hawk. Mountain bluebirds eat mostly insects and fruit and have a bad reputation for being aggressive. They have been known to compete for nest boxes with each other and other species of bluebirds.

Purple-crowned Fairy-Wren (Malurus coronatus)

purple-crowned fairy wren, Malurus coronatus
Purple-crowned Fairy Wren. Photo Credit: Tom Tarrant

Details: These small birds grow to 14cm, have a 16cm wingspan and weigh 9-13g. Its most eye-catching feature is the bright purple heads of breeding males. When not breeding, the purple is replaced with brown but the dark mask around its eyes remains.

My Hood: Found only in Australia, this bird thrives in the thick vegetation and dense grass areas along the rivers of the savanna in the North and West.

How I fit in: Although these birds forage by themselves, they are always within calling distance of a larger group. They protect their territories by singing, warning other fairy-wren that they will be attacked if they come any closer. This Fairy-Wren makes its home in thickets. These thickets are covered with thorns which help protect this purple-crowned bird’s nests from predators.

More splashes of colourful biomes are coming your way soon. In the meantime, find out what a biome is and the different types that can be found on Earth. Up next: the Marine Biome!

To find out more about the grassland biome check out these links:

Earth Rangers is a non-profit organization that works to inspire and educate children about the environment. At kids can play games, discover amazing facts, meet animal ambassadors and fundraise to protect biodiversity.

Colours of a Biome: Freshwater Edition

We are heading out from the Taiga’s pines and plunging into one of the most overlooked biomes. I hope you brought your waterproof shoes because things are about to get a whole lot wetter!

It’s easy to figure out if an area is freshwater, all you have to do is measure its salt concentration: if it is less than 1%, you have freshwater! The salt levels of water not only affect its taste, but also the types of plant and animal life it can carry. For example, species that are used to living in freshwater bodies (ponds, lakes, streams, rivers and wetlands) would not be able to survive in the oceans and coral reefs, where the salt levels are much higher.

Sockeye Salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka)

sockeye salmon, oncorhynchus nerka
Sockeye Salmon in their Freshwater Stage

Details: Sockeye are born into freshwater, but as they grow older, they make their way out to sea. After at least 2 years, they return to the freshwater where they spawn (mate) before reaching the end of their life. Adults can grow to 86cm averaging around 8 pounds.

My Hood: Sockeye live in freshwater and saltwater bodies along the Pacific coast of North America and Asia.

How I fit in: To survive the change from freshwater to seawater, sockeye’s gills and kidneys have to develop so they can process the salt efficiently. To help them blend into the environment in the sea, Sockeye salmon also have to change colour. The vertical bars and spots on their body that camouflage them in the freshwater disappear as they head for the ocean. On their way back to the freshwater they change colour again to show they are ready to mate. In this final stage they change their body to a bright red colour and their head a dull green.

Mexican dwarf crayfish (Cambarellus patzcuarensis)

mexican dwarf crayfish, cambarellus patzcuarensis
Mexican Dwarf Crayfish. Photo Credit: Veitw

Details: Dwarf crayfish have a strong shell that protects them from predators. However, when molting, their shell becomes very weak. During this time, they are very vulnerable and often stay hidden out of sight. These dwarf crayfish aren’t very big – they grow to less than 4cm long.

My Hood: Not surprisingly, the Mexican dwarf crayfish is native to Mexico. It is found in Michoacan’s Lake Patzcuaro but has also been spotted in the springs of Chapultepec, Opopeo, and Tzurumutaro.

How I fit in: The picture above shows an orange Mexican Dwarf Crayfish. Although this colouration may be seen in crayfish raised in captivity, it is rarely seen in the wild. The bright colour would make it easy for predators to spot them, putting them in danger. In the wild, they are more often tan, brown or rust. Unfortunately, they are threatened by habitat destruction from deforestation and water pollution caused by such things as the dumping of raw sewage.

Yellow Anaconda (Eunectes notaeus)

yellow anaconda, eunectes notaeus
Yellow Anaconda

Details: Although not as large as their green cousins, these snakes still get pretty big! On average, they grow about 3-4m long and weigh about 66lbs, but some have been recorded reaching 4.6m and 88lbs. Females tend to be larger than males, but all Yellow anacondas are big enough that they have few natural predators.

My Hood: In the swamps and marshlands of South America especially Paraguay, Southern Brazil, Northeaster Argentina, and Bolivia. Sometimes they visit forests when looking for large game to eat.

How I fit in: These yellowy-green snakes have black/brown bands that wrap around their bodies. This makes it easy for them to blend into murky water and forest vegetation.  As a top predator this species has an important role in this biome, helping to keep the populations of its prey under control. They are also very adaptable. During droughts they find wet caves to live in and in heavy rainfall, they travel to flooded areas to hunt aquatic animals.

Hydrilla (Hydrilla verticillata)

hydrilla, hydrilla verticillata
A Close up of Hydrilla

Details: Hydrillas are aquatic plants that grow up from the bottom of lakes. They tend to grow 2m tall, but some have been recorded reaching 7.5m. They cover the surface and can affect the water chemistry, zooplankton, fish populations, and other plants.

My Hood: Native to Africa, Australia, and Asia but was introduced to Florida in the 1960s and has since spread. It was also found in Esthwaite Tarn (a lake) in Britain, but was last seen in 1941.

hydrilla, hydrilla verticillata
Hydrilla. Photo Credit: J. M. Garg

How I fit in: This invasive plant has several advantages over other aquatic plants: it requires less light to grow and it is more efficient in absorbing nutrients. They also produce buds known as turions and tubers. Turions are dropped from the stem, while tubers are found at the roots. One square meter of Hyrillas can make 5000 tubers, which can produce new plants for more than 4 years. These buds can survive freezing, drying, herbicides, and even ingestion and regurgitation by birds. During the winter, hydrillas die back but with the help of tubers and turions sprout new shoots in the spring.

Blue-spotted Salamander (Ambystoma laterale)

blue-spotted salamander, ambystoma laterale, blue-spotted newt
Blue-Spotted Salamander

Details: Blue-spotted salamanders have dark blue or black skin covered in bluish-white spots. They can easily be mistaken for Jefferson Salamanders, but this salamander’s spots are more pronounced. Their bodies can grow to 10-14cm. 40% of this length is due to its tail, which is oval at the base and flattens out as it reaches the tip.  Females are larger, but males have flatter tails.

My Hood: They live by the forested ponds around the Great Lakes. They can be found in areas from Manitoba to the Atlantic Provinces and from James Bay Ontario to New England.

How I fit in: Blue-spotted salamanders are rarely seen. They stay hidden easily because blue spots break up the outlines of their bodies. They stay covered and hunt mainly at night so they can avoid direct sunlight. They eat small invertebrates, helping to keep these populations under control. If they are spotted and feel threatened, they release a noxious liquid from their tail and make their escape.

Ross D. MacCulloch, The ROM Field Guide To Amphibians and Reptiles of Ontario. Toronto: Royal Ontario Museum and McClelland & Steward Ltd., 2002: 46-48

Cape Blue Water lily (Nymphaea capensis)

nymphaea capensis, cape blue water lily
Cape Blue Water Lily. Photo Credit: Hацку

Details: This lily produces leaves and flowers that float on water, while its roots are found on the bottom. It grows sky or deep blue, pink or light purple flowers with yellowy-orange centers. These flowers can grow 150-200mm across.

My Hood: The Cape Blue Water lily is the only indigenous water lily in South Africa and grows in its ponds, wetlands, dams and pools.

How I fit in: There is more than just beauty associated with water lilies; they also have a deadly side. Sometimes pollinating insects like to skip the pollination and just drink a plant’s nectar. However, this doesn’t fly with the Cape Blue Water lily. This plant traps pollinating insects in liquid found in the center of the flower. When the insect drowns, the pollen it was carrying gets released and falls to the bottom of the flower where the stigmas are located. This ensures that the lily gets pollinated with or without the insect’s approval!

Bill Sheat and Gerald Schofield, Complete Gardening in Southern Africa. Cape Town: Struik Publishers, 1995: Page 185

Kristo Pienaar, Gardening with Indigenous Plants. Cape Town: Struik Publishers, 1994: Page 91

Thomas Johannes de Jong, Petrus Gerardus and Leonardus Klinkhamer, Evolutionary Ecology of Plant Reproductive Strategies. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2005: Page 229

More splashes of colourful biomes are coming your way soon. In the meantime, find out what a biome is and the different types that can be found on Earth. Up next: the Grassland Biome!

To find out more about the freshwater biome check out these links:

Earth Rangers is a non-profit organization that works to inspire and educate children about the environment. At kids can play games, discover amazing facts, meet animal ambassadors and fundraise to protect biodiversity.

Colours of a Biome: Taiga Edition

Just south of the Tundra and north of the Deciduous Forest, sits the largest biome on land. I’m sure you are pine-ing away to learn just how colourful this subarctic forest can be!

The Taiga (sometimes called the Boreal Biome) is found in North America and Eurasia, particularly in Canada, Alaska, Scandinavia and Siberia. This biome has warm, moist and short summers followed by long, cold and dry winters. Due to these long winters, the biome is known for having lots of coniferous trees like pines, firs, and spruces. Unlike the deciduous forest, these trees grow needles that last all year long, which explains why they are also called Evergreens.

White-winged Crossbill or Two-barred Crossbill (Loxia leucoptera)

white winged crossbill, two-barred crossbill
White Winged Crossbill Photo. Credit: Dominic Sherony

Details: These medium- sized members of the finch family can measure 15-17cm in length with a wingspan of 26-27cm. They have dark wings with white patches, males are red or yellow, while females tend to be yellow or green. The Crossbill’s colours also change with the season; they have darker feathers in the summer and lighter shades in the winter.

My Hood: They are found in the coniferous forests of Northern Eurasia and North America. These birds love forests with lots of spruce and tamarack cones.

How I fit in: Probably the most distinctive feature of Crossbill birds are their crossed mandibles. Their beaks overlap and look crisscrossed. This is an adaptation that is very important for birds living in the Taiga. They can use their beaks to open coniferous cones and eat its seeds. In one day, the White-winged Crossbill can collect up to 3,000 seeds!

Short-tailed Weasel (Mustela erminea)

short-tailed weasel, mustela erminea, ermine, stoat
Short-tailed Weasel is also called Ermine or Stoat

Details: This weasel is sometimes called a stoat or an ermine. They have long, thin bodies and can grow from 170mm to 330mm, with males measuring almost twice as long as females. They have triangular heads, which are supported by long necks.

My Hood: The Short-tailed Weasel lives in areas with heavy forest cover in North America, Europe and Asia. They don’t just live in the Taiga; they can also be found in the alpine tundra.

How I fit in: Like the White-winged Crossbill, their colours change with the season. In the summer, their coats are orangey-brown with a white underbelly. During the winter they blend into the snow as their coats become fully white. To stay warm they make their homes underground in old burrows of small animals (which they have probably eaten). They make these spaces their own by adding furs and feathers from their prey.

Tamara Eder. Mammals of Ontario. Edmonton: Lone Pine Publishing, 2002: Page 68-69

Magnolia Warbler (Dendroica magnolia)

magnolia warbler, dendroica magnolia
Magnolia warbler. Photo Credit: William H Majoros

Details: The Magnolia Warbler is not a very social bird but that doesn’t make them aggressive. They live alone, but are not hostile towards other birds that enter their territory. Magnolia Warblers are yellow and black with white spots. Males have brighter plumage then the females, which they use to attract mates.

My Hood: These birds are found in the damp coniferous forests of Central and Southern Canada and into Northern US. They live in the lower parts of trees and prefer forests filled with spruce and hemlock. During the winter, they can be found from Mexico to Panama.

How I fit in: Female Magnolia Warblers build their nests in the dense forests of the Taiga biome, using the coverage provided by the trees to protect their young from predators. The Magnolia Warbler eats mainly insects, including ones that cause damage to trees. In making these insects their prey, they are providing a vital service by protecting the health of the forest.

Janice M. Hughes. The ROM Field Guide to Birds of Ontario. Toronto: Royal Ontario Museum and McClelland & Stewart Ltd., 2001: Page 299

Norway Spruce or European Spruce (Picea abies)

norway spruce, european spruce
Norway Spruce. Photo Credit: UnreifeKirsche

Details: This is an excellent example of the type of trees that grow in this biome. It has strong bark, grows needles and produces cones that measure 10-15cm. Some trees have been recorded reaching a height of 60m, but on average, they grow to about 24m. Due to its straight trunk and pyramid-shaped crown, Norway Spruces are often used for Christmas Trees.

My Hood: It is native to Scandinavia but common to Northern Europe. It has been brought over to North America and is grown in Canada and northern US.

How I fit in: Like all the coniferous trees that live in Taiga forests, the Norway Spruce has developed certain adaptations which allow it to survive the harsh conditions of this biome. The shape of its crown encourages snow to slide off branches and prevents damage to the tree. Their needles have smaller surface areas then a deciduous leaf, which helps it store water. This is especially important when the ground freezes in the winter and water become scarce. Its dark green colour causes it to absorb a lot of heat from the sun, triggering photosynthesis to begin earlier than with deciduous trees.

Taiga Bluet (Coenagrion resolutum)

coenagrion resolutum, taiga bluet
Taiga Bluet. Photo Credit: J. N. Stuart

Details: These damselflies are decorated with black and blue (or turquoise) markings. They grow to 2.75-3cm in length and carry a wingspan of 3.5cm

My Hood: They can be seen flying around ponds and other water sources throughout most of Canada, as well as Northern US. They have been recorded as far north as Alaska and as south as Arizona.

How I fit in: The Taiga Bluet flies low to the ground and through dense vegetation, which keeps them hidden from predators. The Taiga Bluet also needs protection from harsh winters. Although larvae start to mature in late summer, they don’t finish by the time winter comes around. To survive the cold weather, the larvae hide in ice. They are dormant until the ice melts at which point their development picks up so they can reach adulthood by mid-June.

Tim Manolis Dragonflies and damselflies of California, 2003: Page 63-64

Woolly Blue Violet or Common Blue Violet (Viola sororia sororia)

viola sororia, woolly blue violet, common blue violet
Woolly Blue Violet. Photo Credit: J. C. Lucier

Details: This plant grows about 15cm across and about 10cm high. Its leaves range in colour from yellow to dark green. The flowers contain five petals and are blue-purple with white centers and dark veins. They bloom from mid to late spring for about 1½ months.

My Hood: It is found in the south end of the eastern North American Taiga forests. It also grows in meadows and deciduous and mixed wood forests.

How I fit in: The Woolly Blue Violet adapts to the environment it is growing in. They pollinate themselves because they aren’t visited often by pollinating insects. The plant is also an important food source for Syrphid flies, Fritillary butterfly caterpillars, ants, gamebirds and small mammals. Occasionally, they are eaten by larger herbivores, but not often.

More splashes of colourful biomes are coming your way soon. In the meantime, find out what a biome is and the different types that can be found on Earth. Up next: the Freshwater Biome!

To find out more about the taiga biome check out these links:

Earth Rangers is a non-profit organization that works to inspire and educate children about the environment. At kids can play games, discover amazing facts, meet animal ambassadors and fundraise to protect biodiversity.

Colours of a Biome: Tundra Edition

After traveling through the beautiful trees of the Deciduous Forest, we are changing course. Better grab your coat and toque because the winters in this biome are long, dark and chilly!

The Tundra biome is found at the top of mountains (Alpine tundra) and just below the Arctic Circle (Arctic tundra). It is the coldest of all the biomes. In fact, for 6-10 months of the year, the temperature in the tundra is below 0°C. Despite experiencing less rain than most deserts, the tundra remains wet because these cold temperatures slow the rate of evaporation. This cold weather also means that there is a layer of ground, just below the surface, that is permanently frozen, called permafrost. Although temperatures warm up during the summer, the growing season is very short and the soil thaws only a few inches deep. This limits the biodiversity among plants, mainly growing mosses, grasses, shrubs and other resilient plants.

Harlequin Duck (Histrionicus histrionicus)

harlequin duck, water animal, sea bird
Harlequin Duck. Photo Credit: Peter Massas

Details: Considered one of the most colourful sea ducks, the coats of males are dark blue and feature accents of white and chestnut. It is these colourful feathers, along with courtship dances, that females will use to select a mate. Females are not as colourful, usually a dusky brown, with whitish patches on the sides of their face.

My Hood: Along the Pacific and Atlantic coasts of North America. They also breed in Greenland and Iceland. The Harlequin duck winters along the coast of the Bering Sea Islands, Japan, Korea, China, California and from southern Labrador to Long island. During the spring and summer the Harlequin duck lives in freshwater habitats, but during the winter they head to the seas and rocky parts of the coast

How I fit in: Unlike most northern ducks, the Harlequin sets up their nests beside fast-flowing streams. The mother uses this stream to teach her young valuable life skills, like how to find food on their own. Living in very different environments throughout the seasons means their survival depends on lots of habitat protection! Development, the threat of oil spills, and human interference are some of the big threats to this species’ breeding and wintering grounds.

Yellow-bellied marmot (Marmota flaviventris)

yellow-bellied marmot, animal,
Yellow-bellied Marmot. Photo Credit: Davefoc

Details: Like most of their family, Yellow-bellied marmots have thick, coarse fur. Males are heavier (2.95-5.22kg) and longer (490-700mm) than females. However, what females lack in size, they make up for in their parenting. While males have no hand in raising young, females share the responsibility with other mothers to ensure their offspring are reared properly.

My Hood: This marmot lives among the mountains of Southern BC and Alberta all the way down to Southwestern US. Although they normally live at elevations of 2000m, they can be found up to 4,100m in the Rocky Mountains. That’s over 4X the height of the world’s tallest skyscraper.

How I fit in: The Alpine tundra can get pretty cold and in September, yellow-bellied Marmots retire to their warm burrows to start hibernating. By the time May rolls around, the weather warms up and the marmots emerge from their dens. From May to September, they have their young and spend most of their time bulking up for the next winter’s sleep.

Arctic Bumblebee (Bombus polaris)

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Bombus polaris. Photo Credit: Silvio Sorcini

Details: Bombus polaris has the distinct look of a common bumblebee. Along with Bombus hyperboreus, they are the only species of bumblebees found in the high north. Bombus polaris is the smaller and more social of the two species.

My Hood: These bees are found around the Arctic Circle. They can even be found on Ellesmere Island and they are one of the only social insects to live that far north.

How I fit in: All bees are cold-blooded, meaning their body temperature is dependent on the air temperature around them. As a result many bees can’t function in the cold. However, bees like Bombus polaris have ways to keep from freezing. They generate heat by twitching their flying muscles and they have also developed dense hair on their bodies, which slows heat loss. They keep their body temperature at 20-30°C, even when the air around them is below freezing. Since there are so few insects found in the north, they play a very important role in the pollination of Arctic plants.

Northern Grasshopper (Melanoplus borealis)

northern grasshopper, green
Northern Grasshopper. Photo Credit: Brad Smith

Details: This flying grasshopper has a dark body (black, brown, tan or green) accented with a light crescent on its head. Females are the larger of the two genders, reaching 392mg, while males grow to be about 231mg.

My Hood: In Arctic tundra, bogs and mountain meadows of Canada and Northern USA.

How I fit in: The sun is very important to these grasshoppers. To fight the cold temperatures, they bask in the sun until they have warmed up enough to search for food. They eat mostly forbs (like dandelions), grasses and dead insects, but have been known to cause damage to plants if their population is too high. In the evening, they bask in the sun one more time before it sets and they return to their shelters for the night.

Spring Gentian (Gentiana Verna)

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Spring Gentian. Photo Credit: Kauk0r

Details: The Spring Gentian is the smallest plant in its family. It can grow 7cm and produces five pointed starflowers that measure 15-30mm. These blue flowers are in bloom from April to June.

My Hood: Although they have been found on the hills of Europe, it is a rare occurrence. When they are spotted, they usually grow very close to limestone deposits and up to elevations of 3000m.

How I fit in: This plant loves the sun. The flowers warm themselves when the sun is shining, but close their petals when the sun disappears. The Spring Gentian also relies on bees for pollination. However, sometimes the bees will skip pollination and bite through the stem for a drink of its nectar.

H. S. Pardoe Mountain Plants of the British Isles: An Introduction to our Native Arctic-Alpine Flora. Cardiff: National Museum of Wales, 1995: Page 24

Hilary Sharp Trekking and Climbing in the Western Alps. London: New Holland Publishers (UK) Ltd., 2002: Page 82

Purple Mountain Saxifrage (Saxifraga oppositifolia)

purple saxifrage, plant, mountain
Purple Mountain Saxifrage. Photo Credit: Alastair Rae

Details: This saxifrage grows brilliant purple flowers on densely packed leaves – so dense, in fact, that it may be mistaken for moss. The leaves are egg shaped and grow about 2-5mm. In certain areas, it can flower as early as March and is known to be fearless of snow. If you are ever hungry near a Purple Mountain Saxifrage, take a bite – this plant is edible.

My Hood: The purple mountain Saxifrage grows in Europe, Asia and parts of North America. They are found on mountains at elevations as high as 5600m and in the Arctic regions.

How I fit in: It is considered one of the hardiest of all the seed producing plants. They can grow where no other vascular plant can, like along cliff ledges and hilltops, due to the structure of their leaves.

Anne Pratt The Flowering Plants and Ferns of Great Britain. London: Under the Direction of the Committee of General Literature and Education, 1855: Page 348-350

More splashes of colourful biomes are coming your way soon. In the meantime, find out what a biome is and the different types that can be found on Earth. Up next: the Taiga Forest!!

To find out more about the tundra biome check out these links:

Earth Rangers is a non-profit organization that works to inspire and educate children about the environment. At kids can play games, discover amazing facts, meet animal ambassadors and fundraise to protect biodiversity.

Colours of a Biome: Deciduous Forest Edition

We’re heading out of the hot desert heat and into a land with lots of greens.

The deciduous forest is full of…well deciduous trees! The word deciduous refers to the kind of trees that lose their leaves in the winter. These are different from coniferous trees, also known as evergreens, which stay green all year long. Throughout the seasons there are huge changes to the deciduous forest. In the fall the leaves change colour and start to die off. In the winter the trees are bare as the forest protects itself from the cold. As spring approaches heavy rainfall helps life bounce back and by summer the biome is lush and green again.

European Red Squirrel (Sciurus vulgaris)

red squirrel
Red Squirrel

Details: Despite its name, this squirrel’s fur can be grey as well as red. They grow tuffs on their ears and are famous for their fluffy tails.

My Hood: Throughout the forests of Europe, Northern Asia and Siberia

How I fit in: Red Squirrels don’t need to hibernate, they have a few tricks up their sleeves that help them survive the winter. In the fall they pack on the pounds and hide food that they will dig up later in the year. They also build strong dreys (nests) often in the fork of a tree trunk, which protects them from the cold and keeps them dry. Although they usually like to keep to themselves, when it gets really cold, related squirrels will share dreys to keep warm.

Weeping Milk Cap (Lactarius volemus)

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Weeping Milk Cap. Photo Credit: Walter J. Pilsak

Details: This mushroom can grow over 10cm high and 5-10 cm wide! When this mushroom is young it is an orangey colour, but as it ages it turns pale yellow. Don’t worry if you can’t identify it by colour, just take a strong whiff – if it smells fishy you’ve probably found one. The Weeping Milk Cap is a very sensitive organism; they bruise easily and will turn brown if you touch them.

My Hood: In the forests of Europe, eastern U.S., and southern Canada from June to September

How I fit in: Like most Fungi, the Weeping Milk Cap is a decomposer. This means it gets its nutrients by breaking down dead organisms. These decomposers are like the clean up crew of the forest, breaking down material and keeping things (like all those fallen leaves) from a piling up.

L. R. Hesler and Alexander H. Smith North American Species of Lactarius. Ann Arbor: The University of Michigan Press, 1979: Page 162-165

Eastern Tiger Swallowtail (Papilio glaucus)

Eastern Tiger Swallowtail, butterfly
Eastern Tiger Swallowtail

Details: Males are yellow with black stripes. Females may look similar to the males or completely black. Their wings can grow up to 7.6cm.

My Hood: This butterfly ranges east of the Rocky Mountains to Ontario and can be found as south as northern Mexico

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Female Eastern Tiger Swallowtail in Dark Form. Photo Credit: Megan McCarty

How I fit in: You may find it strange that females of the same species can look so different from one another. It all has to do with survival and protection. The butterflies with the yellow and black pattern will flap their wings when in danger, distracting predators with flashes of colour. The all black butterflies, on the other hand, mimic the appearance of the Blue Swallowtail, a horrible tasting butterfly. This case of mistaken identity will make a potential predator think twice before taking a bite.

Northern Lady Fern (Athyrium filix-femina)

Northern Lady Fern
Northern Lady Fern

Details: This flowerless plant grows fronds (the leafy branch), which are covered in pinnae (the small leaflets). The Northern Lady Fern differs from its cousin to the south by its frond shape. This fern is largest in the middle, whereas the largest part of the Southern Lady Fern is closest to the stem.

My Hood: In the wet woods and swamps of North America, from Saskatchewan to Nebraska and Virginia. It is also found in southern Greenland. Although they love the deciduous forest, this fern can also be found in the Taiga biome of North America and Eurasia.

How I fit in: This fern is extreme adaptable. Without water the Northern Lady fern will shrink and become brittle. However, when water returns, it sprouts new fronds and continues to grow as it did before. This helps it survive any dry spell the deciduous forest might experience through the year. They also are an important food source in the deciduous forest, providing snacks for Grizzly bears and Elk.

Boughton Cobb, Elizabeth Farnsworth, and Cheryl Lowe Ferns of Northeastern and Central North America. New York: Peterson Field Guides, 2005: Page 85-88

Cerulean Warbler (Dendroica cerulea)

Cerulean Warbler
Cerulean Warbler. Photo Credit: Mdf

Details: This short tailed songbird grows only 12cm. Males are bright blue with white and black accents, while females have less blue with some green and pale yellow.

My Hood: This Warbler makes its home in mature deciduous forests from Ontario and Quebec west to Nebraska and Minnesota and southeast to Texas and other Gulf states. It is even found in the Happy Valley Forest, home to the Jefferson Salamander. During migration they cover approximately 2,500 miles to reach their breeding grounds in Northeastern South America.

How I fit in: The Cerulean Warbler spends most of its time in the canopy of the forest, which provides excellent cover from predators. Deforestation poses a big threat to these beautiful birds both in the deciduous forest and their wintering grounds in South America.

Liverleaf (Anemone hepatica – previously Hepatica nobilis)

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Liverleaf. Photo Credit: Ettore Balocchi

Details: This member of the buttercup family grows violet-blue, white or pinkish flowers. They bloom during February and May. It gets its strange name from the shape and colour of its leaves. These funky leaves are dark green with lobed edges that turn reddish as the plant ages.

My Hood: Found in Canada, U.S., Europe, Asia, and other areas of the Northern Hemisphere.

How I fit in: The Liverleaf spreads its seeds with the help of ants. The seeds have special ant attracting arms called elaiosomes, which are full of nutrients. The ants collect the seeds and take them back to the nest. Once the elaiosome has been eaten, the rest of the seed is thrown away and can begin to grow into a plant in its new home.

More splashes of colourful biomes are coming your way soon. In the meantime, find out what a biome is and the different types that can be found on Earth. Up next: the Tundra!

To find out more about the deciduous biome check out these links:

April Pulley Sayre Temperate Deciduous Forest. Connecticut: Twenty-First Century Books, 1994: Page 5 – 11

Earth Rangers is a non-profit organization that works to inspire and educate children about the environment. At kids can play games, discover amazing facts, meet animal ambassadors and fundraise to protect biodiversity.

Colours of a Biome: Desert Edition

Last time on our tour of colourful biomes we looked at the Tropical Rainforest. Today you’ll need to grab your reusable water bottle because we are looking at the colours found in the driest biome, the desert!

Desert biomes cover 20% of the Earth’s surface and they get less than 50cm of rainfall a year. Species that live in this biome not only have to survive dry conditions but also extreme temperature changes. During the day, the desert temperature ranges from 20°C to 38°C, but at night temperatures can drop between -4°C to extremes as cold as -18°C.

Red Kangaroo (Macropus rufus)

red kangaroo, australia
Red Kangaroo

Details: Despite its name, not all Red kangaroos are red. In certain areas, the males are red and the females are grey-blue while in other spots, this pattern is reversed. These kangaroos also hold the record for the largest living marsupial. Males can weigh 90kg and when standing upright, they can reach 1.8m. Their tails can grow to 120cm and are so strong that they can use it as a 5th leg to help support their weight.

My Hood: In the deserts and grasslands of Australia. They stick to places without trees or bushes but they always have some shade within hopping distance.

How I fit in: Since they are grazers, they play an important role in controlling the vegetation in the desert biome. Their love of plants also helps them survive in this dry biome. By eating moisture-filled plants, they can delay their need to stop for water.

Arizona Bark Scorpion (Centruroides sculpturatus)

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Arizona Bark Scorpion. Photo Credit: Brian Basgen

Details: Although these guys only grow to about 80mm, don’t underestimate their dangerousness. This species is considered the deadliest scorpion in America. Their venom can cause paralysis in healthy adults and can be deadly to small children and the elderly.

My Hood: Throughout Arizona reaching into surrounding states and Sonora, Mexico.

How I fit in: Their orangey brown colour is extremely helpful for hiding – they blend right into the sandy environment of the desert. Their excellent climbing skills also come in handy for hiding in trees and on rocks.

Manny Rubio Scorpions: Everything About Purchase, Care, Feeding and Housing. Hauppauge, NY: Barron’s Educational Series Inc., 2008: Page 44-45

Brittlebush (Encelia farinose)

Brittlebush. Photo Credit: Stan Shebs

Details: This plant can spread outwards, growing up to 150cm. New leaves and stems are tomentose (which means the plant has tiny hairs). The Brittlebush is actually a member of the sunflower family.

My Hood: California to Utah, Arizona and parts of northwest Mexico.

How I fit in: The plant’s hair protects it from the extreme temperatures of the desert. It acts like a blanket at night, trapping the heat. During the day, the sun is reflected and the plant stays cool. These hairs also help to trap moisture so the plant can survive on the little water that is available in this biome.

Saguaro Cactus (Carnegiea gigantea)

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Saguaro Cactus

Details: This is perhaps the most distinctive cactus in North America. Its tall stem can grow to be 12-18m and can have over 25 arms. This shape takes many years to form as the Saguaro cactus grows very slowly. With the right conditions it is believed that the Saguaros can live between 150-200 years old!

My Hood: This cactus is only found in the Sonoran Desert, located in Southern Arizona, Southeast California and Sonora Mexico.

How I fit in: The Saguaro cactus is very important for the animals in this environment as its seeds and fruit provide a great food source. Birds also use the Saguaro for nesting by hollowing out parts of its stems.

Desert Larkspur (Delphinium parishii)

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Desert Larkspur. Photo Credit:Stan Shebs

Details: This plant’s blue flowers create a beautiful contrast against the browns and yellows of its desert home. It is known to have a strong stem and can grow as tall as 2 feet.

My Hood: It is found in the Mojave and Colorado Deserts of California, Nevada, Utah and Arizona.

How I fit in: The Desert Larkspur is a very adaptable plant that can grow in all kinds of harsh conditions. Other than the desert this plant can also grow in gravel, and even along lava rock on mountains.

Lester Rowntree Hardy Californians: A Woman’s Life with Native Plants. Los Angeles: University of California Press Ltd., 2006: Page 83

Richard Spellenberg Sonoran Desert Wildflowers. Connecticut: The Globe Pequot Press, 2003: Page 130

Mojave Aster (Xylorhiza tortifolia)

mojave aster
Mojave Aster. Photo Credit: Alan Vernon

Details: This plant can grow to be 60-90 cm, tall and wide. The flowers bloom from March to May and sometimes in October. In addition to purple, the flower can also be pink, purple-blue, or white. Similar to Brittlebush, this plant also belongs to the sunflower family.

My Hood: This flowering plant lives in the Mojave and Sonoran Desert of California, Nevada, Utah and Arizona

How I fit in: The Mojave Aster is an excellent source of food for insects like Neumoegen’s Checkerspot larvae. They drink its nectar before they change into a butterfly. This plant is also able to survive on very little water, which makes it perfect for the desert.

Janice Emily Bowers Flowers and Shrubs of the Mojave Desert. Tucson: Southwest Parks and Monuments Association, 1998: Page 124

Pam Mackay Mojave Desert Wildflowers. Connecticut: The Globe Pequot Press, 2003: Page 45

Mary Irish Perennials for the Southwest: Plants that Flourish in Arid Gardens. Portland: Timber Press, 2006: Pages 291-292

More splashes of colourful biomes are coming your way soon. In the meantime, find out what a biome is and the different types that can be found on Earth. Up next: the deciduous forest!

To find out more about the desert biome check out these links:

Earth Rangers is a non-profit organization that works to inspire and educate children about the environment. At kids can play games, discover amazing facts, meet animal ambassadors and fundraise to protect biodiversity.

Colours of a Biome: Tropical Rainforest Edition

We’re looking at biomes unlike you’ve ever seen them before; technicolour style! Better get your shades ready because the tropical rainforest is a brightly coloured place.

Tropical rainforest biomes are found near the equator.  These hot and wet places are known for having some of the highest levels of biodiversity on the planet!  Although tropical rainforests make up only about 6% of the Earth’s surface, almost half of the world’s plants and animals live among its trees.

Red Ginger (Alpinia purpurata)

Red ginger, red, Alpinia purpurata, plant, flower, ginger,
Red Ginger

Details: This national plant of Samoa grows to 13 feet tall and has oily black seeds. It can be found in several colours – red, pink and white – and has flowers that bloom throughout the year.

My Hood: It is native to islands in the South Pacific, like New Caledonia and the British Solomon Islands.

How I fit in: They can grow in the shade or partial sun and need lots of water. This makes them perfect for the tropical rainforest’s climate.

W. Arthur Whistler Tropical Ornamental: a Guide. Portland: Timber Press, 2000: Page 48

Toco Toucan (Ramphastos toco)

Toco Toucan, Ramphastos toco, orange, bird, beak, tree
Toco Toucan

Details: These colourful birds are the largest members of the toucan family. They also have one of the biggest beaks in the world. Although the beak grows up to 7 ½ inches, it is filled with air pockets, making it very light. In fact, despite making up 1/3 of its total length, the Toco Toucan’s beak only accounts for 1/20 of its total weight.

My Hood: Found throughout North-eastern South America, the Toco Toucan lives in rainforest canopies, savannahs, plantations and other areas with scattered trees.

How I fit in: Toco Toucans favour this hot biome because it is home to the fleshy fruit that they love to eat. Toco Toucans are also built for the rainforest’s climate thanks to a temperature regulating system in their beak that is controlled by changing the flow of blood.

Yellow-banded Poison Dart Frog (Dendrobates leucomelas)

Yellow Banded Poison Dart Frog, yellow, black, frog, spots, Dendrobates leucomelas
Yellow-banded Poison Dart Frog

Details: This frog is tiny, growing no bigger than a penny. This may seem small to you but this species is actually one of the largest in its genus. What the frog doesn’t have in size, it makes up for in toughness. Its skin is covered in toxins that can pack a powerful punch!

My Hood: They are found around the bottom of wet trees and stones of the forests of Northern South America, especially Venezuela, Guyana, parts of Colombia and Brazil

How I fit in: This species’ bright colour helps warn predators that it is toxic and to keep away.

Emerald Tree Boa (Corallus caninus)

Emerald Tree Boa, green, snake, branch, Corallus caninus, stripes,
Emerald Tree Boa

Details: It may surprise you to find out that these bright green serpents aren’t born this colour. As hatchlings, they start out reddish brown before turning green as they mature. These snakes grow to be very big, as an adult they can reach up to 2.2m (7.22ft) long.

My Hood: They live within the forest canopy of the Amazon in South America

How I fit in: The Emerald Tree boa’s appearance is key to its survival. Its green and white colouring helps it hide among the trees while sleeping during the day. At night this camouflage allows the Emerald Tree boa to hide while waiting for unsuspecting animals to become dinner.

Blue Morpho (Morpho peleides)

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Blue Morpho butterfly with its wings open

Details: This butterfly is one of the largest in the world, with wings that span five to eight inches. Their bright blue wings are also covered in tiny light reflecting scales.

My Hood: You can find them on the forest floor and understory of the rainforest ranging from Colombia to Mexico.

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Blue Morpho butterfly with its wings closed

How I fit in: The shiny blue on their wings comes in handy for protection. Blue Morphos will flutter their wings to create flashes of light, which scares away predators. To hide, they can simply close their wings, revealing a dull brown pattern that allows them to blend into their surroundings.

Paper Flower (Bougainvillea glabra)

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Paper Flower Photo Credit: Carsten Niehaus

Details: These beautiful flowers grow on trees and vines. They can grow to over 30ft or be trimmed down and used for bonsai.  Its flowers usually grow in winter and early spring.

My Hood: Paper flowers are native to Brazil but found in other tropical countries.

How I fit in: This plant needs lots of water and sun, both of which can be found in the rainforest biome. It thrives in wet conditions because it does not hold moisture well. It also needs tall plants to cling to so it can grow higher and capture more sunlight.

More splashes of colourful biomes are coming your way soon. In the meantime, find out more about biomes and what types can be found on Earth. Up next: the desert!

To learn more about the rainforest biome check out these links

Earth Rangers is a non-profit organization that works to inspire and educate children about the environment. At kids can play games, discover amazing facts, meet animal ambassadors and fundraise to protect biodiversity.

Types of Biomes

The world is split up into several biomes but scientists just can’t agree on how many, so we are going to look at six major types: Freshwater, Marine, Desert, Forest, Grassland, and Tundra.


desert biome

This biome is the driest; it only receives 50cm of rainfall a year (about 10% of the rainfall in the rainforest). Its plants and animals have to survive in an environment with little water and dramatic temperature changes from day to night. Some animals and plants may find if difficult to adapt, but reptiles and cacti thrive in these conditions.

This biome includes: Hot and dry, Semiarid, Coastal, and Cold deserts


forest biome

Forest biomes cover about 1/3 of the Earth’s land surface. They are dominated by trees and contain many different plants and animals. Forests take in the carbon that we exhale and give off the oxygen we breathe in, making them really important to our survival.

This biome includes: Tropical, Deciduous, and Taiga (boreal) forests


freshwater biome

Freshwater is water that has a salt level of less than 1%. Most species living in freshwater cannot live in salt water, although there are some exceptions. This biome also plays an important role for life on Earth. It provides drinking water for humans and other animals, it is also vital for plant growth.

This biome includes: Ponds, lakes, Streams, Rivers and Wetlands


grassland biome

It may not surprise you to hear that grasslands are filled with grasses. However, the length of the grass and the number of trees within these biomes vary depending on the amount of rainfall. Since rainfall in the grasslands is lower than rainforest but higher than desert, trees exist, but they are limited to growing near streams and other water sources.

This biome includes: Savanna and Temperate grassland.


marine biome

This biome covers more of the Earth’s surface than any other – about 70%. Some areas are so deep that they can contain entire mountains and even volcanoes. Like many of the other biomes on the planet, they play an important role.  This biome provides most of the rainwater that comes down from the sky and it is home to some of the planet’s most diverse species.

This biome includes: Oceans, Coral Reefs, and Estuaries


tundra biome

This is the coldest of all the biomes and species diversity is limited as a result. In fact, its name comes from the Finnish word tunturi, meaning treeless plain. It receives even less rainfall than most deserts, although it remains wet because the cold temperatures delay water from being evaporated. Plants, such as mosses and lichens, adapt to these frigid conditions by having a shorter growing season.

This biome includes: Arctic and Alpine tundra

Find out more in Introducing Biomes and keep an eye out for the biomes colour edition coming soon to a Wild Wire post near you!


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Introducing Biomes

Trips to exotic locations are all the rage these days. People love to pack up and head out to new places to experience something different and unlike anything they’ve seen back home.

Try imagining what it would be like to explore your backyard as someone visiting from a faraway place. Sure you get to see it every day, but what would that old pine tree or black squirrel look like to someone raised in a tropical rainforest or the desert?

Once you’ve returned from your backyard exploration try chewing on this thought, why do different places on the planet have different species living in them? For example, why don’t Canadians wake up to see wild iguanas on their lawns, or why doesn’t a person living in Mexico have a polar bear den in their neighborhood?

It all has to do with BIOMES…

planet earth

What is a Biome?

Biomes make up all the major communities found on the planet. These communities are organized based on similar plants and animals, climate and geography. Although there is some overlap, most species that live in one biome could not survive in another. For example, a plant that has adapted to life in a cold wet place would not be able to survive in an area that is hot and dry. Biomes are BIG; they are so large that there can be many ecosystems within them. The same type of biome can also be found in many different places around the world, for example there are grasslands in Africa and in North America.

Biome Conservation

Biomes are important because they create homes for all kinds of species. If it were damaged in some way, the plants and animals living there would also be in trouble. Biomes can also affect each other, just like dominoes, the health of one impacts everything outside of it.

How can you befriend a biome? Take action by…growing local plants, starting a walking school bus, reducing your water usage, building habitat and sharing your knowledge of biome protection with friends and family!

Earth Rangers is going to keep diving into the world of biomes and we want YOU to come along. Stay tooned for the next edition, which will look at the different types of biomes on the planet.

While you’re waiting for the next edition take a look at this biome map or scroll on over to these other pages filled with more biome fun.

Earth Rangers is a non-profit organization that works to inspire and educate children about the environment. At kids can play games, discover amazing facts, meet animal ambassadors and fundraise to protect biodiversity.