Ten of the World’s Most Invasive Species

Bullying is not just a problem in school yards; it’s also a problem in nature! Invasive species are plants and animals that are brought to a new habitat and bully the native species to the point where many can’t survive. They are usually hardier, more demanding and reproduce much faster. Since they are new to a habitat, they don’t have any natural predators. That means there aren’t any species to stop them from taking over an area.

In this top ten, we take a look at ten invasive species from the Global Species Database’s 100 most invasive species.

Asian Carp

Photo Credit: Frank Vincentz
Photo Credit: Frank Vincentz

Asian carp refers to several carp species native to Asia including grass carp, silver carp, bighead carp, black carp, common carp and others.

Photo Credit: Georges Seguin
Photo Credit: Georges Seguin

Native To: Eastern Russia and China

Introduced To: North America and Europe

How did they get there? Asian carp were brought over as food, part of the pet trade and for sport fishing.

Why are they a problem? Asian carp are large, have big appetites and reproduce quickly. They take food and habitat away from native fish and have been known to prey on the eggs of other fish species. When carp eat, they stir up sediments and organisms from the lake and river beds changing a clear lake into murky one and changing the type of species that can survive there.


Zebra Mussel (Dreissena polymorpha)

Photo Credit: F Lamiot
Photo Credit: F Lamiot

Zebra_mussel 2Native To: Black, Caspian, Aral and Azov seas

Introduced To: Russia, Europe and North America

How did they get there? Zebra mussels were brought over in ballast water (water carried by ships to help them stay balanced while at sea). They also attach to the outsides of boats or get carried around by floating vegetation.

Why are they a problem? Zebra mussels are one of the most aggressive freshwater invaders because their population numbers grow so quickly. Massive populations of zebra mussels filtering water can severely impact native plankton, which reduces food for fish. These plankton-eating fish then have to find a new source of food or move to a new lake in order to survive. Unfortunately, that isn’t an option for many species. Zebra mussels also leave very little for native mussels to filter, causing them to starve as well.


Cane Toad (Rhinella marina)

cane toad - Geoff Gallice
Photo Credit: Geoff Gallice
cane toad 2 - Sam Fraser-Smith
Photo Credit: Sam Fraser-Smith

Native To: Northern South America, Central America and Mexico

Introduced To: Many countries with warm climates, like Australia

How did they get there? Cane toads were brought over as a way to control crop pests.

Why are they a problem? Cane toads have an amazing defense mechanism; they produce toxic ooze. While predators in their native habitat are immune to this toxic ooze, predators in other areas are not. Many animals that attempt to eat a cane toad die instead. With nothing around to keep their numbers in check, populations of cane toads in non-native habitats have exploded and they are taking their toll on native animal and plant species.


European Starling (Sturnus vulgaris)


Photo Credit: Mike Gifford
Photo Credit: Mike Gifford

Native To: Europe, Asia and Northern Africa

Introduced To: North America, Southern Africa, Australia and New Zealand

How did they get there? European starlings were brought over as a way to control pests, as pets and by a group of people trying to introduce all the birds mentioned in the works of Shakespeare into North America.

Why are they a problem? European starlings form huge flocks, many times with more than 3,000 birds. When a flock this size feeds on fruit and grains, it can cause serious damage to a farm. These birds are also aggressive, fighting with native species over food and territory. They will even take over other birds’ nests, leaving native birds without a place to lay their eggs or raise their young.


The European/Common Rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus)

A rabbit hole
A rabbit hole
Photo Credit: JJ Harrison
Photo Credit: JJ Harrison

Native To: Southern Europe and North Africa.

Introduced To: All continents except Antarctica and Asia

How did they get there? Rabbits were brought over as a source of food and as a way to remind people of the country they came from during colonial times.

Why are they a problem? Rabbits reproduce very quickly. In one year, one female can have between 18-30 babies! Their population numbers grow so large and they eat so much that they have pushed native plant species to the brink in certain areas. They also compete for food and shelter with native animals, causing a decline in the number of native species in the area. They have caused soil erosion from burrowing and overgrazing, leading many species who depend on that environment to suffer.


Kudzu (Pueraria montana var. lobata)

These are trees covered in kudzu.
These are trees covered in kudzu.

Flowering_kudzuNative To: Eastern Asia and some Pacific Islands

Introduced To: North America and Europe

How did they get there? Kudzu has been sold as a plant for gardens and for eating.

Why are they a problem? Kudzu is an aggressive vine, capable of growing up to 26 cm (a little less than 1 ft.) a day. Since it expands so quickly, it smothers other plants, stopping them from having access to sunlight. Kudzu can even kill mature trees. This prevents native plants from growing and changes the ecosystem structure. What’s even worse is that once kudzu starts growing, it is extremely difficult to get rid of.


Asian long-horned beetle (Anoplophora glabripennis)

Asian long-horned beetle damage. Photo Credit: USDAgov
These holes were caused by an Asian long-horned beetle infestation. Photo Credit: USDAgov

Asian long horned beetleNative To: China, Japan, Korea

Introduced To: North America and Europe

How did they get there? Asian longhorn beetles were brought over in shipments of wooden packaging materials and trees

Why are they a problem? Asian longhorn beetles aren’t picky about where they lay their eggs; almost any deciduous tree will work. As larvae, they eat the soft sappy bark, which makes it hard for nutrients to reach other parts of the tree. As they grow, the larvae burrow into the middle of the tree leaving large tunnels as they move, making the tree physically weaker. As adults, Asian longhorn beetles emerge from the tree, breaking through the bark leaving large holes. Many trees don’t survive once they are infested with Asian longhorn beetles.


Small Indian mongoose (Herpestes auropunctatus)

Photo Credit: Carla Kishinami
Photo Credit: Carla Kishinami
Photo Credit: HYLA 2009
Photo Credit: HYLA 2009

Native To: Southeast Asia

Introduced To: Asia, Central America, South America

How did they get there? Small Indian mongooses were brought over for pest control for rats and snakes.

Why are they a problem? Small Indian mongooses are aggressive predators. They are blamed for the decline of bar-winged rail (extinct), Jamaica petrel (critically endangered and possibly extinct), hawksbill turtles (critically endangered), pink pigeon (endangered), Amami rabbit (endangered) and many other birds, reptiles and mammals. Mongooses also carry rabies and other human diseases.


Northern Pacific seastar (Asterias amurensis)

Northern Pacific seastar - Saspotato
Photo Credit: Saspotato

Northern Pacific seastar Native To: Waters around China, Japan, Korea

Introduced To: Australia

How did they get there? Northern Pacific seastars were brought over in ballast water (water carried by ships to help them stay balanced while at sea). They can also be attached to boats and fishing equipment or be transported along with live fish.

Why are they a problem? Northern Pacific seastars are aggressive eaters. They will eat almost anything they can find. To make matters worse, Northern Pacific seastars reproduce very quickly. In one area where they were introduced, their population reached an estimated 12 million seastars in just two years. They have been blamed for the decline of the critically endangered spotted handfish.


Water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes)

Photo Credit: Hans Hillewaert
Photo Credit: Hans Hillewaert
Water hyacinth -Katia from Porto Alegre, Brazil
Photo Credit: Katia from Porto Alegre, Brazil

Native To: The Amazon basin and waterways of Western Brazil, South America

Introduced To: Africa, Asia, North America, Australia and New Zealand

How did they get there? Water hyacinth was brought over as a decorative plant, for animal food, as part of the aquarium trade, by getting stuck on boats and through the spreading of seeds

Why are they a problem? Water hyacinth is a fast growing water plant. They are known as one of the world’s worst weed, found in more than 50 countries. In the right conditions, a small patch of water hyacinth can double in size in just 6 days! These plants are thick and dense, clogging up rivers and making in nearly impossible for animal life to move through them. They block sunlight and oxygen from getting to other plants below the water, causing the ecosystem to change dramatically.



If you think animals are amazing, the Earth Rangers Podcast is for you!

Join Earth Ranger Emma as she travels the world on a quest to solve some of nature’s greatest mysteries! With top ten countdowns, animal guessing games and epic animal showdowns, this is a journey you won’t want to miss!

Super Ranger Sisters Rowan and Kendra


Rowan and Kendra are sisters who love animals and nature! When they found out about Earth Rangers they both signed up right away.

Rowan (left) and Kendra (right)
Rowan (left) and Kendra (right)

Rowan is eight-years-old and she chose to help protect the beluga whale, “I have always been excited about animals and nature!! I chose the beluga whale because I love them and I really want them to be around for a long, long time.”


Kendra is 11-years-old and she chose to help protect the Blanding’s turtle, “I have always been passionate about animals and nature. I chose the Blanding’s turtle because I have always loved turtles. This summer, when we were camping, we learned a lot about them and we saw one on the road and helped it cross the road. We have done that a lot because we see lots of turtles where we live. My mom calls me a turtle crossing guard!”


Rowan was especially excited when she joined Earth Rangers as her 8th birthday was fast approaching and she decided to have an Earth Rangers birthday party and ask for donations instead of presents. The party was a great success, complete with pin the party hat on the beluga whale and beluga themed cupcakes.

Rowan w Birthday Poster 1



For her campaign, Kendra made signs and posters and went to different classrooms at school to tell other students about Earth Rangers and the Blanding’s turtle. The girls also made bracelets and necklaces as an incentive to get people to donate, if people donated at least $5 they got to choose one.


Thanks to their efforts some of their friends have joined too and they can’t wait to choose their next mission. Together Rowan and Kendra raised $535 and decided to split the funds between the two projects.

The girls believe in lending a helping hand to all animals and even have a catch and release program at home where they catch bugs and insects they find inside and release them unharmed outside. They also pick up litter, recycle and take care not to disturb the wild spaces they visit.

Rowan_Kendra w turtle 1

A Message from Rowan:
“A lot of animals are endangered now that didn’t use to be, and it’s almost always because of humans. If we change the things that we do and have more respect for animals and nature, lots more animals will be able to survive. We can do a lot to help, every little thing adds up to be a big help to the animals!”

A Message from Kendra:
“I think it’s so important to help animals and the environment. All the creatures and everything else in nature are so beautiful and important. If the world keeps going in the direction it is going, we will lose a lot of different species. We need to work together to save the planet and all the creatures in it. Always remember that YOU can make a difference.”

Rowan_Kendra w their Rewards (small)

Thank you Rowan and Kendra for all of your efforts to help animals and their homes!

Earth Rangers is a non-profit organization that works to inspire and educate children about the environment. At EarthRangers.com kids can play games, discover amazing facts, meet animal ambassadors and fundraise to protect biodiversity.

Water + Land = Wetland

Take a piece of land, add some water and keep it submerged for most of the year and what do you have? A wetland! Bogs, swamps, fens and marshes are the four main types of wetlands. Fens and marshes do not have trees while bogs and swamps usually have trees. Wetlands are filled with all kinds of amazing plants and animals, from frogs and fish to reeds, grasses, insects and birds such as common yellowthroats and red-winged blackbirds. Wetlands are among the most biodiverse habitats and even have carnivorous plants like pitcher plants! Besides giving a home to tons of species, wetlands also protect against floods and erosion in coastal areas, clean (“filter”) water, serve an important role in the water cycle and are beautiful spots to explore!

Kingfisher (Alcedo atthis)
Common Kingfisher (a Eurasian species) 

Wetlands take up around 6% of the planet and Canada has a whopping 14% of the world’s wetlands. Sadly, many wetlands have been drained or filled in for agriculture and development, which has put this habitat at risk. That’s why we’re going wild for wetland saving!

The Earth Rangers Wetland

Earth Rangers is protecting wetlands right in our own backyard in Vaughan, Ontario, as part of Project iRestore.  Building a wetland is a pretty big job with many more steps than just leaving the hose on in your backyard; that strategy will just get you a flood. What we’re talking about is building an entire wetland ecosystem! How do you build a wetland? Here’s our seven step ‘Wetlandification’ Plan:

building wetland
Earth Rangers before the Wetland

1) Inspect the area to see if it’s suitable for a wetland, looking for low lying areas that water drains into naturally (eg a low area in a field) and soil with clay.
2) Remove the invasive species.

Cross section of ground
Cross section of ground

3) Dig out the topsoil and put it off to the side. Keep on digging until you find some clay.
4) Dig up the clay and spread it around the bottom of the low lying area where you want the wetland to be. This step helps the basin hold water.
5) Make narrow ridges (“berms”) around the perimeter of the basin using some of the clay, then cover these ridges with the topsoil we dug out in step #3. Our wetland fills naturally with rainwater and surface run-off so now would be a good time for a rain dance.
6) Put some special rocks, called Gabion stones, at one end of the wetland in the middle of the berm to help keep the water level in the wetland constant. For our wetland at Earth Rangers, if the water level starts to rise too much the excess water filters through these Gabion stones into the nearby Humber River.
7) Plant tons of native grass seed on the top of the berm to help reduce soil erosion. Along the edge of the wetland plant aquatic plants, set up nest boxes for songbirds and ducks, and place logs and woody debris to make microhabitats and basking areas for turtles. Trees should also be planted around the edge to help reduce erosion and filter the water coming into the wetland.

Earth Rangers Wetland
Earth Rangers Wetland

Kids in the Wetland

Earth Rangers is helping to protect wetlands in British Columbia. As part of last year’s Bring Back the Wild project we worked with the Vancouver Aquarium to save the Oregon spotted frog. Thousands of Earth Rangers kids campaigned for this endangered amphibian, raising money to support a breeding and tadpole release program and to build a wetland for these frogs in Aldergrove Regional Park, British Columbia. Not only did Earth Ranger kids help fundraise for the frogs some students also headed out into the mud to help build it. How awesome is that?!!

Two grade 7 classes from Berkshire Park Elementary School in Surrey British Columbia were invited to visit the Oregon spotted frog’s new wetland home. The students did some planting to help make this spot even nicer for the over 8,000 Oregon spotted frogs that have been released here. What’s it like making a wetland? We asked the students of Berkshire Elementary School and here’s what they said.

[testimonial client=”Dilshaad”]“I had an amazing time on the trip to Aldergrove Regional Park. I had fun helping save the Oregon spotted frog by planting lots of plugs to help build a wetland.” [/testimonial]

[testimonial client=”Sophia”]“We spent our time planting tallgrasses so we could re-create a wetland. Our class learned that the Oregon spotted frog is endangered.”[/testimonial]

[testimonial client=”Sara”]When we were there we were ready to get our hands dirty and plant plugs to build a wetland for Oregon spotted frogs and other species. In about 20 years there will be a fully developed habitat.” [/testimonial]

Aldergrove kids helping with wetland conservation_frogs
Students of Berkshire Park Elementary School

Find out more about wetlands or the Oregon spotted frog but most importantly, explore the wetlands in your area with your parents to see what YOU can discover!

[accordion_set] [accordion title=”References” active=”no”] http://www.aquatic.uoguelph.ca/wetlands/chintro.htm

http://www.ec.gc.ca/eau-water/default.asp?lang=En&n=27147C37-1 [/accordion][/accordion_set]

Earth Rangers is a non-profit organization that works to inspire and educate children about the environment. At EarthRangers.com kids can play games, discover amazing facts, meet animal ambassadors and fundraise to protect biodiversity.

Little Super Ranger Lilly


Reduce, reuse, recycle…three simple actions that have become part of our daily lives. For Super Ranger Lilly these actions have played an important role in how she views the planet. Six-year-old Lilly is passionate about animals and making sure they have a safe place to live.

super ranger lily

barn swallow flying songbird
Lilly says “barn swallows are very cute!”

When Lilly saw a segment about Earth Rangers on TV she was inspired to start a Bring Back the Wild campaign to help protect barn swallows and their homes. “I love birds and I think barn swallows are very cute! I wanted to help build homes for them and their families.”

After going online and learning more about barn swallows Lilly decided to share what she had learned with her classmates. “I told my class about raising money for barn swallows and how they can become an Earth Ranger too! I told them about how barn swallows’ homes are being destroyed and how they can help.” Her teacher and some of her classmates even donated to her campaign!

Super ranger cookie sale kid fundraising
Lilly’s cookie sale

Lilly loves lots of animals including cheetahs, “I like them because they have long, strong legs and can run fast like me!” Lilly also likes playing with her friends, crafts and drawing.

We love hearing about children who are inspired to make a difference and we also love to hear about children who are working to inspire others!

Earth Rangers is a non-profit organization that works to inspire and educate children about the environment. At EarthRangers.com kids can play games, discover amazing facts, meet animal ambassadors and fundraise to protect biodiversity.

Top Ten Mountain Animals at the Highest Heights


Believe it or not, the world isn’t flat. Yeah, we all know the earth is round but that’s not what we’re talking about here. We’re talking about slopes and hills, cliffs and mountains. We’re talking about elevation!

Mount Everest. Copyright: Luca Galuzzi

Elevation measures how high something is above sea level (asl). Everything has an elevation, even cities. The highest point in Toronto is about 200 m asl while Calgary is over 1,000 m asl. Canada’s highest point is the Yukon’s Mount Logan (5,959 m asl) and North America’s highest point is Mouth McKinley (6,194 m asl) in Alaska. However, none of these compare to the highest point in the world, Mount Everest, standing at a towering 8,848 m asl!


There aren’t very many animals that live at high elevations. That’s because the higher you go, the thinner the air becomes, making it harder to breath. In this top ten we look at 10 animals that have what it takes to live at the top of the world.

*note: there are other species that live at high elevations including insects and plants. The Himalayan jumping spider (Euophrys omnisuperstes) is found at as high as 6,700 m asl and considered to have the highest home in the world.



Brown Bear (Ursus arctos)


Where: Across North America, throughout Europe, Asia, the Middle East and even North Africa
How high: Lives up to 5,000 m (16,400 ft) asl
Ref: http://www.iucnredlist.org/details/41688/0

Himalayan Tahr (Hemitragus jemlahicus)

Copyright: OZinOH

Where: China, India, Nepal
How high: Lives up to 5,000 m (16,400 ft) asl
Ref: http://www.arkive.org/himalayan-tahr/hemitragus-jemlahicus/

Lammergeier (Gypaetus barbatus)

Where: Southern Europe, Middle East, Northeastern China and parts of Africa
How high: Lives up to 5,000 m (16,400 ft) asl but has been spotted at 7,500 m (24,600 ft)
Ref: http://www.arkive.org/lammergeier/gypaetus-barbatus/

Tibetan sand fox (Vulpes ferrilata)

Where: China, India, Nepal
How high: Lives up to 5,200 m (17,100 ft) asl
Ref: http://www.iucnredlist.org/details/23061/0

Himalayan Marmot (Marmota himalayana)

Copyright: Christopher Fynn
Copyright: Christopher Fynn

Where: China, India, Nepal, Pakistan
How high: Lives up to 5,200 (17,100 ft) asl
Ref: http://www.iucnredlist.org/details/12826/0

Kiang (Equus kiang)

Where: China, India, Nepal, Pakistan
How high: Lives up to 5,400 m (17,700 ft) asl
Ref: http://www.iucnredlist.org/details/7953/0

Chiru (Pantholops hodgsonii)

Copyright: 中国物种信息系统(CSIS)
Copyright: 中国物种信息系统(CSIS)

Where: China, India
How high: Lives up to 5,500 m (18,000 ft) asl
Ref: http://www.iucnredlist.org/details/15967/0

Tibetan gazelle (Procapra picticaudata)

Copyright David Blank
Copyright: David Blank

Where: China, India
How high: Lives up to 5,750 m (18,900 ft) asl
Ref: http://www.iucnredlist.org/details/18231/0

Yak (Bos mutus)

Where: China, India
How high: Lives up to 6,100 m (20,000 ft) asl
Ref: http://www.iucnredlist.org/details/2892/0

Alpine Chough (Pyrrhocorax graculus)

Where: Europe, Asia, North Africa
How high: Lives up to 6,500 m (21,300 ft) asl but has been spotted 8,200 m (26,900 ft) asl
Ref: http://www.iucnredlist.org/details/22705921/0


If you think animals are amazing, the Earth Rangers Podcast is for you!

Join Earth Ranger Emma as she travels the world on a quest to solve some of nature’s greatest mysteries! With top ten countdowns, animal guessing games and epic animal showdowns, this is a journey you won’t want to miss!

Super Ranger Sophia and Her Caribou Play

AAAAAND ACTION! How many people do you know that have starred in a play? Well this Super Ranger not only starred in a play, she wrote it too and it was all about how to protect the woodland caribou!


Photo Credit: Ron Thiessen

Meet Super Ranger Sophia! After seeing Earth Rangers on TV and the Earth Rangers show at the Royal Ontario Museum (ROM), Sophia wanted to make a difference for endangered animals. Worried that if people keep killing endangered animals then there might not be any left for future kids to see, Sophia jumped into action!

Combining her love for animals with her dream of writing and being in her own play, Sophia came up with a great story featuring some familiar characters: a wood thrush, polar bear, American badger, Oregon spotted frog, and of course, a woodland caribou. The Prime Minister even made an appearance!

The story is about two sisters, Lola and Charlie, who want to stop global warming and save endangered animals. They decide to write to the Prime Minister, asking her for help. Meanwhile, a group of animals is looking for a new home but can’t seem to find a place that is suitable for their needs. Check out the video above to see what happens next!


Sophia did an amazing job and raised over $500 to protect the woodland caribou!

A BIG thank you to Sophia and her awesome cast: Jacqueline, Francessca, Emma W, Tithi and Emma R.

Earth Rangers is a non-profit organization that works to inspire and educate children about the environment. At EarthRangers.com kids can play games, discover amazing facts, meet animal ambassadors and fundraise to protect biodiversity.

Caption This! What’s This Rodent Thinking?

We need your help! This rodent is trying to tell us something but we can’t figure it out!  Do you know what it’s thinking?

See if you can come up with the best caption!

Post your ideas in the comment section below.

Looking for more fun stuff? Check out our other captions, try and figure out a pixel puzzler, take a quiz or watch a cool video!

Super Ranger Nadia, A Friend to All Species


Look down. See that T-shirt you’re wearing? When you bought it, did it help animals in need? Well, if you buy SpeeZees tees it will!

With hermit thrush (small)

Meet Nadia, the girl who came up with the idea behind SpeeZees. This 7-year-old is passionate about animals of all kinds, especially insects. Science is Nadia’s favourite way to pass the time. She loves doing science experiments and making potions out of what she finds in nature. She enjoys playing in the forest and exploring nearby beaches with her sister and friends.

Nadia was sitting down one morning eating Gorilla Munch, a cereal that donates a percentage of its sales to conservation work related to saving the mountain gorillas of the Virunga Mountains. After reading the box with her mother and talking about why these gorillas needed help, Nadia wondered whether they could do something similar. Nadia’s parents, who make organic cotton onesies and kids T-shirts, thought it was a brilliant idea and decided to launch a T-shirt line called SpeeZees (like “species”).


Nadia, along with her younger sister, Elena, and her parents, chose 10 species from around the world – northern spotted owl, Asian elephant, polar bear, Lehmann’s poison frog, Cape mountain zebra, Western bumble bee, mountain gorilla, greater bamboo lemur, Indochinese tiger and Amsterdam albatross – and spent almost a year researching the best organizations working to support these species. Through SpeeZees, Nadia and her family want to celebrate not only conservation work around the world, but also kids like you who are passionate about protecting animals.

Wise Words from Nadia

When we asked Nadia for some words of advice, she came back with three awesome quotes:

“Be kind to all creatures big and small. Even tarantulas and black widow spiders are really gentle and delicate spiders.”

“Every animal has a reason for being here, even wasps!”

“We can all make a difference by working together.”

Nadia and Elena (small)
Nadia and her sister, Elena

For every T-shirt you buy, $1 goes to the conservation organization working to support that T-shirt’s species.


Have you done something in your community to help wildlife?

Earth Rangers is a non-profit organization that works to inspire and educate children about the environment. At EarthRangers.com kids can play games, discover amazing facts, meet animal ambassadors and fundraise to protect biodiversity.

How Many Different Types of Trees Live in the Amazon?

Have you ever tried to count tree species in a forest? This can be a tough job, even for smart scientists who really know their trees, that’s because some forests are really big and aren’t easy to get to because the terrain is so rugged. The Amazon Basin and Guiana Shield, cover an area the size of 48 continuous North American States! We know the Amazon is filled with extraordinary diversity of tree species but there has been a lack of knowledge about what types of plants live in the area. A new study has now helped to uncover the mystery of what trees are in the Amazon. More than 100 experts looked at information from 1,170 forest surveys that were done throughout the Amazon over the past 10 years. Their research has shown that there are 390 billion individual trees in the Amazon Basin and Guiana Shield and roughly 16,000 different species of trees!

amazon forest arial
These trees provide homes for tons of animals, some researchers estimate that one tree in the Amazon can be home to over 10,000 species of insects, that’s a ton of biodiversity. The researchers also found that some of the tree species are more common in the Amazon than others. Trees like the Brazil nut, rubber tree and acai berry tree have been cultivated and used for millennia by human populations. Not all the trees are plentiful though, roughly 6,000 tree species in the Amazon have less than 1,000 individuals left, which means they would be listed as a threatened species by the International Union for Conservation of Nature. These fascinating tree facts help us better understand Amazonia so that we can protect these amazing forests.

What types of trees live in your neighbourhood? Post your answer in the comment section below.

Find out more about this research:

Earth Rangers is a non-profit organization that works to inspire and educate children about the environment. At EarthRangers.com kids can play games, discover amazing facts, meet animal ambassadors and fundraise to protect biodiversity.

What in the World is Moulting?

Have you ever been to a friend’s house and noticed that their dog’s or cat’s fur seems to be on everything? That’s because their pet is shedding. Like dogs and cats, birds go through a similar process known as moulting. When their feathers are damaged or get too old, the feathers are pushed out and replaced with brand new ones. Unlike dogs and cats, which shed their hair continuously (like all mammals), birds moult their feathers only once or twice each year depending on the species.

cardinal - moult (small) - click

The timing and process of moulting often differs depending on the bird species; in fact, when moulting occurs it can even be different for individuals of the same bird species. Factors like time of year, location, mating, weather conditions and feather damage all play a role in when and how often a bird will moult.

One Complete Moult a Year

moult once a year
Hawks, owls and jays are examples of birds that will moult once a year

Many birds will go through one complete moult, where all their feathers are replaced once a year. These are birds like owls, swallows, jays, hawks and thrushes, just to name a few.

One Complete and Partial Moult a Year

complete moult and partial moult
Western tanagers and yellow warblers are examples of birds that will undergo one complete moult and partial moults during the year.

Some birds, like warblers and tanagers, go through one complete moult but will also lose some of their feathers before getting ready to breed (call a partial moult). After this partial moult, the males will have bright and colourful feathers to attract females.

More Than One Complete Moult a Year

more than one complete moult
Bobolinks and marsh wrens are examples of birds that will moult more than once a year.

A few birds, like marsh wrens and bobolinks live in areas where their feathers get damaged more often than other birds so they will go through more than one complete moult in a year.

white feather (small)Moulting is a very intense process and can be very taxing on birds. It takes a lot to of energy (and food) to grow new feathers! During this time, the birds will add more protein, calcium and iron to their diet. They also move around less because it is difficult for a bird to fly very much when it is growing new feathers. Even though moulting is tough for birds, growing a new set of feathers is really important. After all, feathers are vital for regulating body temperature, protection and camouflage, attracting a mate and, of course, flying!

You can help protect songbirds when you sign up for a Bring Back the Wild project to protect barn swallows.

Generously Supported By



Earth Rangers is a non-profit organization that works to inspire and educate children about the environment. At EarthRangers.com kids can play games, discover amazing facts, meet animal ambassadors and fundraise to protect biodiversity.