Ten Things You Didn’t Know About Bobolinks


Have you ever heard of a bobolink? They are amazing animals that Earth Rangers like YOU are helping to protect! Check out these ten fast facts to learn more these little songbirds.

1. Bobolink is pronounced baa-baa-link, like baa baa black sheep!



2. They have a beautiful song.

song - musical notes


3. No other bird looks like a male bobolink…

Photo Credit: Larry Kirtley
Photo Credit: Larry Kirtley

4. not even the female!

Photo Credit: Flickr User HarmonyonPlanetEarth
Photo Credit: Flickr User HarmonyonPlanetEarth

5. Bobolinks measure 15-21 cm in length…

length - add arrow to show length


6. and weigh about the same as 8 quarters.

0F bobolink weight


7. Its scientific name is oryzivorus, meaning “rice eating”.



8. Unlike many other birds, bobolinks build their nest on the ground.

0F bobolink nest


9. They fly about 20,000 km to get to their wintering grounds and back.

Bow Lake in Banff National Park, Canada.


10. That’s like flying half way around the world!


Sign up to protect the bobolink!

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A Conservation Project With



Earth Rangers is a non-profit organization that works to inspire and educate children about the environment. At EarthRangers.com kids can play games, discover amazing facts, meet animal ambassadors and fundraise to protect biodiversity.

Top Ten Cutest Wolf Pups


We think wolves are pretty cute, don’t you? Wait until you see them as pups! Check out these top ten cutest wolf pups and let us know which one is your favourite.

I think I can! I think I can!



Om nom nom…tastes delicious!



One day I’ll be big and strong!



They’ll never find me here!



Mom! You’re cramping my style!



Is it safe to come out yet?

hide and seek





You make a good pillow!

naps - Tambako The Jaguar
Photo Credit: Flickr User Tambako The Jaguar

Can I eat you?



Do you like my new hat?

redwolf pups - laura kali
Photo Credit: Laura Kali

Now that you’ve seen some super cute wolf pups, are you ready to protect them?

Sign up for a Bring Back the Wild campaign for the eastern wolf.

Generously Supported By

ontario power generation

A Conservation Project With


Earth Rangers is a non-profit organization that works to inspire and educate children about the environment. At EarthRangers.com kids can play games, discover amazing facts, meet animal ambassadors and fundraise to protect biodiversity.

Mya’s Mission: To Keep Our Planet Clean


Meet Mya, an enthusiastic and dedicated Earth Ranger. Not only did she help protect the beluga whale with a cool fundraiser, Mya and her family recycle as much as possible and also reuse lots of items that Mya and her sister use to make crafts.

Super Ranger Mya
Here’s Mya to tell us about her fundraiser for the beluga whale.

Hi! My name is Mya. I am 11 years old, and I love animals, especially dragonflies! I love singing, drawing, colouring, dancing and nature! I dream of becoming a vet or a teacher. I love the Earth Rangers website, and spend lots of my time looking at articles!

My friend introduced me to Earth Rangers. I first heard about it at school, when she was in the newspaper. She was one of the winners of the Whales, Trails, And Polar Bear Tales contest! She told me about Earth Rangers, I loved the idea!!

When I looked on the website, I thought of a plan! I knew that I had toys that are put away, abandoned. So, why not have a garage sale! I could sell the toys, and then donate all the money that I earned! My mom suggested a bake sale, so I thought, let’s do both! My sister and I set up the sale, with help from my mom. We spent an evening and an afternoon selling tasty treats and toys.

In the end, I raised $150! I had to pay my mom $20 for the baking treats, so I ended up with $130! I went straight to the website and donated it all for the beluga whales! I even made a sash for my pins!

Amazing Mya! When we last spoke with Mya she was working on the Battery Blitz Mission and had this to say, “Try and recycle as much as possible so there will be less garbage ruining the Earth!”

Thank you Mya for sharing your story and for helping to protect our planet.

mya's bake sale

Earth Rangers is a non-profit organization that works to inspire and educate children about the environment. At EarthRangers.com kids can play games, discover amazing facts, meet animal ambassadors and fundraise to protect biodiversity.

Countdown of Things Goats Like to Climb


Both wild goats (Capra aegagrus) and their relatives, the domestic subspecies (Capra aegagrus hircus) that we find on farms, are very agile. Wild goats live in mountain habitats and are able to climb up steep rocky slopes. But their ability to climb doesn’t stop on the mountain side. Check out what other things these adventurous animals like to climb.

Goats Climb on Walls

Goats on a wall
Photo credit: Flickr user Klearchos Kapoutsis


Photo credit: Flickr User Jeremy Hiebert

and Sometimes Cows.

Goat standing on a cow
Photo credit: Flickr user Morten Knutsen

Goats Like to Climb on Benches

Goat on a bench
Photo credit: Flickr user Southtyrolean


Goat on a rock
Photo credit: Flickr user Denise Rosser

and Tall Towers.

Fairview Goat Tower
Photo credit: Flickr user cv47ai

Goats Will Climb Over Kids

goat walking on kids
Photo credit: Flickr user Colleen Proppe

Climb up Trees

Goats in a tree
Photo credit: Flickr user xavier 33300

and Across Bridges.

Goats on a bridge
Photo credit: Flickr user Marin

Goats Will Climb on Cars

Goats on a car
Photo credit: Flickr user paul w9ned


Goat on a gate
Photo credit: Flickr user McKay savage

and Rooftops.

Goats on a roof
Photo credit: Flickr user quixado

Goats Climb Stumps and Will Even Wait Their Turn

goats on a stump
Photo credit: Flickr user Tavallai

But If There Is No Room, a Table Will Have to Do

Goats on a table
Photo credit: Flickr user David Goehring

Top Ten Animals Chillin in the Sun


School is out and it’s the height of summer in Canada. We think it’s time to kick back and relax in the sun. Check out this top ten list of animals taking advantage of the warm sunny weather where they live. Which animal would you like to trade places with for the day? Tell us in the comment section below.

Sunbathing fox

fox sunbathing

It’s beach time for this fur seal

Fur seal on the beach

Hippo sun appreciation club

hippos, sun

Sweet lion dreams under the sun

lion sleeping

Sunbathing is serious business for this lizard

lizard, sun

Meerkat beach chair


Monkeys need R&R time too

monkey, resting

Relaxing otter style

otter, sun, napping

Tiger sun naps are always better with a log 

tiger nap

Turtle time in the sun

turtle, sun, pond

Top Ten Ways Animal Friends Help Each Other Out


Sometimes it can be tough to show your friends just how amazing they really are. To help give you some great ideas we’re counting down the top ten ways animals express their appreciation for their friends.

1) Keeping an eye out for them

 Photo credit: Flickr user Raja Sambasivan
Photo credit: Flickr user Raja Sambasivan

2) Throwing them a dance party


3) Giving a hug on a cold night

hugging penguins

4) Telling them if they taste funny

frog licking a frog

5) Being a body guard while they sleep

rhino rabbit friends
Photo credit: Flickr user Doramon

6) Giving free dental check ups


7) Laughing at their jokes

dolphins laughing

8) Giving a piggyback ride when their legs get tired


9) Giving a chest bump after catching a ride on a wave

emperor penguin friends

10) Staying up late with them when they can’t sleep

ring-tailed lemurs

Top Ten Tiger Facts

Today is International Tiger Day! To celebrate we’re sending out a big ROAR to tell all tigers that we think they’re awesome. Check out the list below to find ten reasons why tigers are the coolest cats around.

1) Tigers are the largest cat species in the world reaching up to 3.3 meters in length and weighing up to 670 pounds!

tiger sitting in the grass
2) Tigers are easily recognizable with their dark vertical stripes and reddish/orange fur.

tiger sleeping
3) The Bengal tiger is the most common tiger.

Bengal tiger
4) Tigers live between 20-26 years in the wild.

tiger face
5) Adult tigers generally live alone.

Bengal tiger (Panthera tigris tigris)
6) Unlike most other cats, tigers are great swimmers and actually like the water.

wet tiger
Photo credit: Flickr User Tambako The Jaguar

7) Cubs are born blind and only open their eyes 1-2 weeks after birth.

sleeping tiger cub
8) Cubs start learning to hunt at six months of age but stay with their moms until they are about 18 months old.

mom licking tiger cub
Photo credit: Flickr user Tambako the Jaguar

9) Tigers are stalk and ambush hunters; they lie in wait slowly creeping towards their prey until they are close enough to pounce.

hiding tiger
Photo credit: Flickr user Tambako The Jaguar

10) Tigers communicate using scent markings, visual signals and lots of sounds like roars, growls, snarls, grunts, moans, mews and hisses.

tiger call

Ranger Rosie and the Bees

Meet Rosie. She wrote to us to tell us about how she was inspired to help protect animals after Earth Rangers visited her school.

Hi, my name is Rosie. A few months ago Earth Rangers visited my school and showed everyone these amazing animals and I decided that I wanted to help them.

Earth Ranger Rosie

I told my mom about Earth Rangers and she told me that there was a church bazaar being held where my nana lives and that we could sell stuff and collect money to help Earth Rangers save the bees. Well, after that we pretty much turned my basement upside down, looking for toys we did not need anymore. Some of those toys were great for my brother, but he wanted to help save the bees too. Soon we had books, DVD’s, toys and more to bring. We even had a bike! We headed to my nana’s with a FULL car.

When we got there, my nana was waiting for us at her house. We used up a whole afternoon making signs to put on our booth, but they turned out AMAZING, plus my nana had even more things to sell! She got a bunch of stuff from one of her friends.

Rosie fundraising for the bees


The next day was the day of the church bazaar and we got there at seven o’clock. Even though the bazaar wasn’t supposed to start until eight, people were already there at seven buying stuff up like mad! When we passed 100 dollars I freaked out! After the church bazaar we did the final tally, 185 dollars!! I smiled so hard my mouth hurt.

Me and my mom got home and told my dad about our success. I guess he told all of his friends too, because he showed me that he made a final donation to Earth Rangers for 250 dollars. I really hope this money will help you save the bees, and many more people will donate!



After reading Rosie’s letter we were all smiling too! Thank you Rosie. Your donation will help fund important research being done by Dr. Cory Sheffield of the Royal Saskatchewan Museum to help scientists better understand how to help pollinators like bees.

How much do you know about bottled water?

Let’s test how much you know about bottled water. Take the quiz below, keep track of the number you got right and let us know in the comments section how you did. For this quiz, there can be more than one right answer for some of the questions!

Don’t forget to accept your Water Taste Challenge Mission!



a) 187 times
b) 269 times
c) 342 times
d) 53 times

Highlight to reveal answer: b) 269 times

a) True
b) False

Highlight to reveal answer: b) False – there are fewer regulations (rules) on bottled water than tap water.

a) A well
b) A glacier
c) A public water supply (like a tap)
d) A spring

Highlight to reveal answer: All of the above

a) True
b) False

Highlight to reveal answer: a) True

a) About 1 year
b) About 10 years
c) About 100 years
d) About 1000 years

Highlight to reveal answer: d) About 1000 years

a) True
b) False

Highlight to reveal answer: a)True

a) Sea otters
b) Fish
c) Penguins
d) Whales

Highlight to reveal answer: All of these animals might eat plastic mistaking it for food.

a) True
b) False

Highlight to reveal answer: b) False – there are times when people have to buy bottled water but you can reduce your impact on the environment by always recycling your bottles.

a) It fills up their stomach so they can’t eat real food
b) Nothing – Their body breaks it down like regular food
c) Animals would never mistake bits of plastic for food
d) They get super powers

Highlight to reveal answer: a) It fills up their stomach so they can’t eat real food

a) True
b) False

Highlight to reveal answer: b) False – it is the same amount of energy to run over one million cars for a year!

How many did you get right?

[accordion_set] [accordion title=”References” active=”no”]’
– http://pacinst.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/bottled_water_factsheet.pdf
– Merkel L, C Bicking and D Sekhar (2012). Parents’ perceptions of water safety and quality. Journal of Community Health 37:195-201.
– Rungchang S, S Numthuam, X Qiu, Y Li and T Satake (2013). Diffusion coefficient of antimony leaching from polyethylele terephthalate bottles into beverages. Journal of Food Engineering 115:322-329.
– Saylor A, L Stalker Prokopy and S Amberg (2011). What’s wrong with the tap? Examining perceptions of tap water and bottled water at Purdue University. Environmental Management 48:588-601.
– Westerhoff P, P Prapaipong, E Shock and A Hillaireau (2008). Antimony leaching from polyethylene terephthalate (PET) plastic used for bottled drinking water. Water Research 42:551-556.
[/accordion] [/accordion_set]

Water Taste Challenge

Whether it’s a hot day during the summer or after a fun day of playing, a nice glass of cold water can really hit the spot. But wait! Do you fill your glass with tap water or bottled water? If you choose bottled water when your tap water is perfectly fine, then this mission is for you!

Water Taste Challenge - boys


Some people drink bottled water because they think it tastes better than tap water but many of us can’t tell the difference. We want to put your taste buds to the test! Take the Water Taste Challenge and find out if your friends and family can taste the difference between tap and bottled water.

Most Canadians have access to perfectly good tap water, however there are some cases where using a filter might make sense. If you are unsure, consider having your water tested.

Did you know that buying bottled water can pollute animals’ homes, make them sick and contribute to climate change?


Making plastic water bottles takes a lot of oil and energy. In fact, according to the Pacific Institute, it took the equivalent of 17 million barrels of oil to make all the plastic water bottles that were purchased in the USA in 2006. That’s enough energy to run over 1 million cars for one year! And that’s just one country; think about the rest of the world!


Plastic water bottles also create a lot of waste once people are finished with them. About 90% of plastic water bottles are thrown in the garbage. Once they arrive at the landfills, it can take about 1,000 years to break down. That means that none of the 54 billion plastic water bottles sold in Canada have even started to break down yet.


Plastic water bottles also affect animals. It is estimated that in each square kilometer of the ocean, there are about 46,000 pieces of plastic floating around. A lot of animals mistake this plastic for food. Many sea turtles, seabirds (like penguins and pelicans), whales, seals and otters have plastic in their stomach, causing them to get sick and making it hard for them to survive.

When you choose tap water, you can help our planet AND save money.

Did you know that some bottled water is just filtered tap water? That’s right! You are paying thousands of times more for water that you can get from your tap!

With the damage that bottled water does to our planet and the animals that live here, as well as the cost, is buying bottled water really worth it? When you accept the Water Taste Challenge, you can help your friends and family find out if they really do prefer the taste of bottled water over tap water.

What you have to do to complete your Water Taste Challenge:

1. Accept your Water Taste Challenge and download your mission brief

2. Invite your family and friends to take the Water Taste Challenge

3. Record your results using the downloadable ballots and results sheet

4. Take the Clear Choice Pledge

5. Visit EarthRangers.com/water-taste-challenge to let us know about your Water Taste Challenge


[accordion_set] [accordion title=”References” active=”no”]
– http://pacinst.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/bottled_water_factsheet.pdf
– Merkel L, C Bicking and D Sekhar (2012). Parents’ perceptions of water safety and quality. Journal of Community Health 37:195-201.
– Rungchang S, S Numthuam, X Qiu, Y Li and T Satake (2013). Diffusion coefficient of antimony leaching from polyethylele terephthalate bottles into beverages. Journal of Food Engineering 115:322-329.
– Saylor A, L Stalker Prokopy and S Amberg (2011). What’s wrong with the tap? Examining perceptions of tap water and bottled water at Purdue University. Environmental Management 48:588-601.
– Westerhoff P, P Prapaipong, E Shock and A Hillaireau (2008). Antimony leaching from polyethylene terephthalate (PET) plastic used for bottled drinking water. Water Research 42:551-556.
[/accordion] [/accordion_set]

Earth Rangers is a non-profit organization that works to inspire and educate children about the environment. At EarthRangers.com kids can play games, discover amazing facts, meet animal ambassadors and fundraise to protect biodiversity.