Earth Ranger Angelina and Her Super Amazing Work to Protect Animals

Angelina is 13 years old and love animals, nature and doing whatever she can to protect the planet. She loves spending time outdoors with her family and going on walks to see trees, plants and animals.

earth_ranger_angelina_recyclingAngelina has completed Bring Back the Wild campaigns for the swift fox and the eastern wolf. With eight dogs in her family it’s no wonder Angelina wanted to help protect these canines.

To raise awareness for her campaigns, Angelina talked to her class and made announcements over the school PA system, she hosted a jerk chicken fundraiser at her dad’s work and put a coin jar in his office where people could drop off spare change, she sold chocolates to her neighbours, she asked her friends and family to donate and she asked her parents to spread the word to their friends too. Wow!

Angelina’s commitment to protecting animals does not end there. She has completed three Earth Rangers Missions, the Water Taste Challenge, the For the Birds Missions and the Homemade Holiday Mission. She also started a pop tab recycling program at her school and is trying to get better recycling options in her building, like having a recycling bin in the mail room.
“We need to take action and protect the planet because we only get one and every little gesture counts.”
Soon after Angelina completed her Bring Back the Wild campaigns, she attended an Earth Rangers community show at the Royal Ontario Museum in Toronto. “I learned so much about what the Earth Rangers do and I knew I did the right thing by raising money. I also knew that I wanted to do something like they do one day.”
Angelina has even inspired some of her friends to start thinking about how they can make a difference for the planet.

Amazing work Angelina! Your efforts are making a big difference

Top Ten Cutest African Animal Babies

There are lots of amazing species that live at Lewa Wildlife Conservancy, like the adorable animal babies featured in this top ten! Help protect these species by celebrating Earth Month is for the Animals!

Earth Month is for the Animals

1) Lion cub

lion cub and mom
Photo credit Marcus Newton

2) Giraffe calf

baby giraffe
3) African wild dog pup

wild dog pup
4) Elephant calf

baby elephant
5) Zebra foal

Baby Zebra
6) Leopard cub

leopard cub
7) Rhino calf

baby rhino
Photo Credit Martin Harvey

8) Ostrich chick

baby ostrish
9) Cheetah cub

cheetah cub
10) Impala calf

impala fawn

Top Ten Birds with Cool Hairstyles

All of these birds could totally win an award for best hair. They’ve primped and preened and are ready to show off their cool hairdos! Which bird hairstyle would you like to have? Share your answer in the comments section below.

1) White-cheeked Turaco

white cheeked turaco- tauraco leucotis

2) White Crested Duck

White duck with a feather in her cap

3) Royal Flycatcher

royal flycatcher male- onychorhynchus coronatus

4) Collard Aracari

Collared Aracari

5) Crowned Crane

crowned crane

6) Emu

Emu Head from Side

7) Eurasian Hoopoe

Common or Eurasian Hoopoe bird picking insect

8) Hoatzin


9) Marabout


10) Secretary bird

secretary bird

Super Secret Bonus Word Scramble!

Gasp! What’s this?! You have discovered a super secret bonus word scramble. Can you unscramble the words and figure out the code? HINT! Each of the words can be found somewhere in this blog post. When you’ve got the code, put it in the code vault in the Earth Rangers App to get 10 bonus points!

American Eels and Their Ladders

American eels (Anguilla rostrata) are a type of fish with a long body that looks like a snake. These amazing animals love to travel. They live in many different places throughout their lifecycle including both salt and freshwater habitats. In fact, these amazing eels have one of the most diverse uses of habitats of any fish species! American eels can even absorb oxygen through their skin as well as their gills, which allows them to travel briefly over wet grass or mud.

American Eel
Photo credit: Florida Fish and Wildlife

Their lifecycle begins in the middle of the North Atlantic Ocean in a spot called the Sargasso Sea. From here, American eels move in through estuaries (habitats where fresh and saltwater meet) and into rivers and lakes. Their range is really big, extending as far north as Greenland and as far south as Brazil! When the eels are full grown, 5 years for males and up to 25 years for females, they return to the Sargasso Sea to spawn (leave their eggs). The eel’s lifecycle ends after spawning, similar to Pacific salmon. The next generation will then begin their long migratory journey.

American eel
Photo credit: Chesapeake Bay Program

Did you know…? American eels can cover their bodies with a mucous layer which makes them almost impossible to hold, that’s where we get the saying ‘slippery as an eel’!

In Ontario, American eels are considered endangered. They face many threats; one of the biggest is the construction of hydroelectric dams. These dams block American eels from swimming upstream as they try to migrate to their habitats. To help these slippery animals get over the dams, Ontario Power Generation uses a very creative solution.

Eel ladder
Eel ladder and a hydroelectric dam

Jumping the Dam

How do you get an eel over a dam? With a ladder of course! Thanks to a series of chutes that zigzag up the dam, eels can safely migrate over power plants. Eels that enter the Gulf of the St. Lawrence and migrate upstream through the St. Lawrence River have to cross two major hydroelectric dams. Since 1974, eels that make this journey get a little help thanks to a ladder operated by Ontario Power Generation. This ladder was really successful, so in 2002 three more ladders were added along the St. Lawrence River.

Eel Count

Ontario Power Generation monitors the ladders using electronic counting equipment, which sends an email to the operators at the power station when an eel uses the ladder. It’s like the eels are sending an email to say ‘hi’ to the Ontario Power Generation staff as they pass through! Thanks to this initiative, more eels can safely travel through their migratory path; in the last four years between 11,600 and 26,000 eels have used the eel ladder.

Eel ladder Ontario Power Generation
Eels coming out of the chute

If you were an eel, and could use any mode of transportation, how would you get over a dam? Paraglide, rocket skateboard, hot air balloon…. Leave your suggestion in the comments section below!

ontario power generation

Top Ten Animals That Can Outrun You


The fastest human is Usain Bolt, whose speed is about 44 km per hour. The rest of us are a whole lot slower. How slow we are becomes pretty clear when you look at the top speeds of some of the fastest animals on land.

1) Cheetah, 93 km per hour

cheetah running

2) Lion, 80 km per hour

lion running

3) Wildebeest, 75 km per hour

Blue Wildebeest running

4) Pronghorn antelop, 70 km per hour

pronghorn antelope

5) Ostrich, 70 km per hour

ostrich running

6) African wild dog, 70 km per hour

African Wild Dog

7) Red kangaroo, 65 km per hour

red kangaroo

8) Thomson’s gazelle, 65 km per hour

Thomson Gazelle Running in Serengeti

9) Zebra, 64 km per hour

zebra running

10) Hyena, 60 km per hour

hyena running

Top Ten Coolest Animal Feet


Feet are wonderful, they help us stand, run, skip and are great for a tickle attack. But not everyone’s feet are the same, check out this top ten list to discover animals with some of the coolest feet!

1) American Coot

They have long toes wrapped in skin that help them to swim while still being able to walk on land.

American coot (fulica Americana) legs

2) Elephant

Their feet have ‘cushion pads’ which distribute the weight. They also use their feet to communicate, stomping the ground to send out vibrations.

Closeup of elephant feet

3) Gecko

Their toes are covered in tiny microscopic hairs, which help them to stick to surfaces.
gecko foot photo credit flickr users Jo Anslow

4) Ostrich

They are the only bird with two toes. This design helps them to run fast, reaching up to about 70 km an hour!
ostrich feet

5) Lion

Like most members of the cat family, their paws have padding to help them walk quietly they also have retractable claws.
large male lion paw

6) Bald eagle

They have powerful talons that they use to hunt prey like fish
eagle feet

7) Rhinoceros

They have surprisingly small feet for their weight, which can reach up to 8,000lbs.
Rhino foot _

8) Monkey

They have an opposable thumb and sensitive pads that allow them to grab onto things like a branch.
monkey feet

9) Crocodile

They have webbed feet to help them swim. Their toes also have sharp claws!
Crocodile Paw

10) Penguin

They have so much blubber and warm feathers over their entire body that they need to have bare feet to allow heat to escape so they can regulate their body temperature.

detail of the Magellan penguin of the antarctic regions

Earth Ranger Alexa is Helping the Planet by Recycling Batteries

Meet Alexa, a seven-year-old with a serious commitment to keeping our planet healthy for all living things.

battery recycling
Photo credit: Kate Everson Quinte West News

In fact, with help from her mom, Alexa collected 646 used batteries and took them to the local depot in her community to recycle them. You can find out more about Alexa’s Battery Blitz Mission here because her local paper did a story about her mission to keep batteries out of the landfill.

Alexa found out about Earth Rangers on TV and decided to join and take on projects to help the environment. “I became an Earth Ranger to help the earth, so that animals don’t become extinct. Everyone needs the opportunity to look at and see all of the amazing animals that we have.”

In addition to recycling batteries, Alexa and her family recycle everywhere – at home, at school and in their community. At Earth Rangers we know how important it is to recycle whenever possible and it is clear that Alexa understands why, “It’s important to protect the animals and the environment because if we don’t we won’t have anywhere to live.”

Thank you, Alexa, for making recycling a part of your everyday life. When we all contribute, we can make a huge difference for the health of our planet.

Top Ten Animals with Scary Looking Teeth


The animal dentist will see you now, time to open up and say ahhh! These amazing animals are also flashing their teeth, and some are pretty scaring looking.

1) Bat

Vampire Bat

2) Cebus monkey


3) Cheetah

beautiful cheetah

4) Crocodile


5) Gorilla


6) Hippo

Hippo yawning and displaying teeth

7) Hyena


8) Moray Eel


9) Shark


10) Wolf


Top Ten Underwater Animals with Spots


What’s in fashion this season? According to these animals, it’s all about the spots. We love these brightly coloured spotted species of the sea, but what about you, what is your favourite pattern to wear? Spots, stripes, plaid… share your fashion tips in the comments section below.

1) Yellow boxfish

yellow boxfish

2) Blue spotted stingray

bluespotted stingray

3) Clown triggerfish

Clown triggerfish

4) Coral grouper

Coral grouper

5) Spotted moray eel

spotted moray

6) Nudibranch


7) Red sea star

red sea star

8) Spotted puffer

spotted puffer

9) Spotted tunkfish

Spotted Trunkfish

10) Thornback cowfish

thornback cowfish