Super Ranger Stephany’s Fantastic Fundraisers!

We are sending a warm welcome to Super Ranger Stephany as she joins the Wall of Fame for her outstanding efforts fundraising to help protect animals!


Super Ranger Stephany started as an Earth Ranger at her summer camp where she raised $75 by selling arts & crafts to protect the Eastern Wolf. This past year Stephany raised a WHOPPING $500 for the Little Brown Bat by selling popcorn and hosting multiple bake sales at her school!


To add to her list of amazing work, Super Ranger Stephany took on multiple Earth Rangers Missions!

Stephany planted seedlings in her school garden for the Pollinator Power Mission, built birdfeeders for the For the Birds Mission, and even discovered that most people preferred the taste of tap water over bottled water in the Water Taste Challenge!

Stephany is truly an inspirational Super Ranger and she would like other kids to know – “Humans have done great damage to the earth and should fix the damage. If the Earth is destroyed we will have no planet to live on. Lots of humans do not see this, but lots of people do, like us Earth Rangers.”

Thanks Super Ranger Stephany, keep up the amazing work!

Which Great Bear Rainforest animal are you?

This Earth Month, we’ve learned about all the different types of bears that call the Great Bear Rainforest home. Did you know that there are tons of other animals that thrive in this Canadian rainforest?

Take this quiz to find out which Great Bear Rainforest animal you’re most like!

Super Ranger Zoey’s Biggest Battery Blitz to Date!

Looking back at this year’s Battery Blitz Mission, many Earth Rangers Members did an amazing job. One in particular, Super Ranger Zoey, went above & beyond!zoey1

Zoey, age 9, collected more than 1600 batteries, nearly double the amount (850) from her last Battery Blitz Mission.

This Super Ranger didn’t just stop there!

Zoey has earned her spot on the Wall of Fame after completing other missions like the Pollinator Power, Shoreline Saver, and the Spring Green-Up Challenge. With the help of her brother, Zoey spent several days collecting garbage from her neighbourhood and a local beach.

Zoey’s a true Animal-Saving Hero and encourages others to protect animals and as Zoey would say – “Once an animal is gone, it’s gone forever. It’s important to keep the environment clean from garbage and chemicals because it hurts everyone and everything.”

Super Ranger Zoey started her environmental work when she heard about Earth Rangers from friends at school. She started her amazing work with a Bring Back the Wild campaign to save the Swift Fox raising over $50.

Thank you Super Ranger Zoey for all your hard work. Keep up the awesome job!


Amelia’s Amazing Contribution


February2Love is in the air, especially when it comes to the love Super Ranger Amelia gave on her birthday and this past Valentine’s Day to help protect Little Brown Bats!

Amelia became an Earth Rangers Member in December when she saw the Earth Rangers Assembly at her school. Since then, she has been working hard to fundraise to help protect Little Brown Bats.

Recently, Amelia raised a whopping $109 at her Bring Back the Wild Birthday Party, where instead of asking for birthday presents, she asked for donations for her Little Brown Bat Campaign!

Super Ranger Amelia also came up with the idea of creating homemade Valentine’s Day cards and selling them around her neighborhood. She explained to each neighbor the importance of Little Brown Bats to our ecosystem and how they are under threat from White Nose Syndrome.

We’re excited to share that Amelia raised another $96 from her Valentine’s Day cards. Super Ranger Amelia and her family would like to thank all their supporters who generously donated to her Bring Back the Wild Campaign.

A big thank you to Amelia for all you are doing to help protect Little Brown Bats!

Top Ten Facts All About Animal…Poop!


We all know that everybody poops, but if you think all animals poop the same, be prepared to be surprised! Check out this top ten list of poopy animal facts and let us know which one is your favourite!

10) Elephant POO-APER!

Because elephants only digest 45% of their food, and their waste is mostly made up of fiber, the Thai Elephant Conservation Center in Northern Thailand developed a method for making elephant dung into paper. First, poo fibers are cleaned before spinning and framing. Then they’re cut and the paper is turned into handmade notebooks. An elephant can generate enough dung to make over 100 pages of paper a day! Think about using Elephant POO-APER to write and tell us all about your next Earth Rangers’ Mission!

9) Some poo on the go, while others poo on the down low!

There are some animals like elephants, cows and ungulates (like deer) that poo on the go and barely bat an eyelash, but there are others who poo on the down low. Some cat species, like the one you might have at home, do their business in private and clean up after by burying it. This is not because they are obsessed with cleanliness but rather because they have a history of using urine and feces to mark their territory. Cat doo doo may all smell the same to us – mee-yew! – but cats can tell their waste apart from another’s thanks to unique chemical scent markers called pheromones that are found in their urine and feces.

Some dominant wild cats like lions, tigers, leopards and jaguars that may be competing for territory won’t bury their poop as a way of signaling that they have claimed the areas as their own. Smaller or more submissive wild cats, like African servals (hi Sammy!), bury their feces to make sure that dominant cats don’t feel challenged.

8) Llamas helps fight poo-llution in Bolivia!

Llama poo has special pollution-fighting powers! It helps clean the dirty water that comes from mines by diluting acid and removing dissolved metals. This technique was originally developed in the United Kingdom with cow and horse manure – who knew poo could help clean water?! Gross but cool!

7) Calling all coffee lovers!

One of the most expensive kinds of coffee is made from beans that are collected from a palm civet’s poop! It’s called kopi luwak. We decided to rename it “kofi yuckee!”

6) Bat poo packs some serious power!

During World War I soldiers used dried bat “guano” (another word for poo), to make explosives! How? Well, the bat’s droppings consist largely of saltpeter (or potassium nitrate), a key ingredient in explosives and fireworks. Bat guano was also used by United States as early as the War of 1812 for making gunpowder. And during the Civil War nearly every large Gray Bat cave in the South was harvested for its guano.

You can help protect bats and their homes by starting a Little Brown Bat Bring Back the Wild Campaign today!

5) Poop is a great way to hide!? But hey… not in real poop!

Seen during safari tour at Namibia, Africa.
Some species of spiders like the bird dropping spider disguise themselves to look like poop to ward off predators, and a bird called the double-banded courser even disguises its eggs to look like poop.

4) Sloths Poo Dance!

Smiling baby Brown-throated Three-toed sloth in the mangrove, Caribbean,  Costa Rica
Sloths might be known for chilling high up in the trees most of the time, but they journey down every once and a while. Once a week, they will make a special trip from their tree hang outs to do their “business” in what some experts call THE POO DANCE. Don’t try this at home!

3) Poop that plants a sea garden!

The tambaqui, a species of fish found in the Amazon and all over South America, eats sea-fruit and plant seeds. Since seeds can be tough to digest, a lot of them come out in the fish’s poop! These seeds then can get caught in the right water current and travel up to 5 km away before sinking to the ground and getting replanted. These fish are superb sea gardeners and they don’t even know it!

2) Animal rocket poo!

Hippos and penguins rocket into second place on this list of craziest poop facts because they launch their poo! Ew! To attract a mate, hippos use something that we like to call a rotor tail move, where they spin their tail to launch their poop under water. Penguins also send their poo flying, but they do it to keep their beautiful feathers free from doo-doo!

1) Lighten your load before take off!!

If Earth Rangers has visited your school, it’s likely one of our amazing Animal Ambassadors flew over your head. But how did we make sure you didn’t get pooped on? Birds of prey, like Peregrine Falcons, tend to poop before take-off to lighten their load when flying!

You can help protect Peregrine Falcons by starting your own Bring Back the Wild Campaign!


Introducing Magnificent Madelyn


We’d like to give a warm welcome to Madelyn, our newest Super Ranger! Madelyn’s fundraising efforts over the past month will certainly go a long way in helping to protect Little Brown Bats.

Super Ranger Madelyn jumped at the chance to become an Earth Ranger and help protect animals after seeing an Earth Rangers Public Service Announcement on TV.


Last month, Madelyn started her very own Little Brown Bat Bring Back the Wild Campaign. She created a presentation for her teacher to give to her classmates on why Little Brown Bats need our help. Madelyn also sent out emails to family and friends asking for donations and she was able to raise a MASSIVE $325!

But Madelyn’s not going to stop here. She just recently raised her Bring Back the Wild fundraising goal to $500! Madelyn is also planning to do a battery collection from local neighbors and businesses when the weather warms up.

In her spare time, Super Ranger Madelyn spends her time reading through the Earth Rangers website learning about energy efficiency. She takes what she has learned from the website and teaches it to her classmates. She is a true environmentalist with a huge passion for protecting animals!

Madelyn would like other kids to know that animals are important for our ecosystem. “They need to be treated with respect as many are going extinct and that’s not right! We need to protect them as they cannot protect themselves.”

From one Earth Ranger to another, keep up the amazing work Madelyn!

What Animal Ambassador Are You?

The Earth Rangers team is a wild bunch, we’ve got foxes, lemurs, a lynx and more! These amazing Animal Ambassadors visit schools and community events to educate and inspire audiences to help protect animals. They are quite the crew and no two are alike! Take the quiz below to find out what Animal Ambassador you are most like.

A Message From Super Ranger Adam


Super Ranger Adam has been really busy taking action to help protect animals! He’s taken part in multiple missions and has written us a message all about his animal saving activities.

Adam, completing his Operation Conservation Mission!
Adam, completing his Operation Conservation Mission

I am Adam .I became an earth ranger few weeks ago.

I started with the opperation conversation mission. I got shocked after reading the information because my family and I were wasting too much energy.
I started looking for culprits all over the house ,and passed on all the information to my family.

My dad used to brush his teeth and shave with the water running I started following him and turn off the water. My mother loves coffee but she keeps the coffee maker plugged in. But now she unplugs the coffee maker and other unused small appliances. I did unplug the unused electronics in the house.

But even thought I couldn’t sleep well over night . I thought there was a small ghost comes to my house at night and use my toilet. Yes because every night I could hear the flush sound. I told my dad he laughed and went to check the toilet. He realized that the flapper should be replaced. And he did it the same day. Now I can sleep well and save water.

See you next mission.

kid bird feeder
Adam, completing his For the Birds Mission

Top Ten Cutest Animal Ambassador Moments

The Earth Rangers’ Animal Ambassadors have all kinds of crazy adventures, and we’ve got the photos to prove it! Countdown through Hudson, Koho, Cosmo and Forrest’s cutest moments, then take the gang home when you pick up one of our new Animal Ambassador Stuffed Animals.

“Follow me, adventure’s this way!”

Hudson the lynx cub
Hudson as a cub

“We’re so fluffy and cute!”

Red fox cubs
Forrest and his brother Finn as cubs

“I’ve spotted something…I’ll attack it with my laser eyes!”

Koho the bald eagle
Koho the bald eagle

“Hey you, whatcha up to?”

hudson the lynx
Hudson the lynx

“Look deep into my eyes…you are getting veeerrry sleeepy”

cosmo the ring tailed  lemur
Cosmo the ring-tailed lemur

“I’m totally going to win this game of hide-and-seek”

Forrest the fox in leaves
Forrest the red fox

“O’man, is it my turn to vacuum again?”

hudson lynx with vacume
Hudson the lynx

“Ultimate Brother Fighting Force”

Red fox brothers Forrest and Finn

“I got it guys! I’ve saved us from another pumpkin attack!”

Hudson playing with a pumpkin
Hudson the lynx

“Can I get the door for you?”

Cosmo ring tailed lemur
Cosmo the ring-tailed lemur

Super Ranger Jacob’s Birthday, Missions and More!


Super Ranger Jacob loves being an Earth Ranger! He knows how important it is to help protect animals and the environment and he’s doing his part to make a difference. Here’s what Jacob has to say about what it’s like to be an Earth Ranger.

Jacobs Earth Ranger Birthday

Hi, my name is Jacob and I am an Earth Ranger. I love being an Earth Ranger. Last year I had a Bring Back the Wild birthday party and instead of birthday gifts, I raised $75 to help protect the Beluga Whales .I discovered Earth Rangers on a commercial I seen on TV. After seeing the commercial, I realized that animals and the environment do need our help so I went on the computer and signed up to be an Earth Ranger. So far, I have completed 9 missions, and each of them was a lot of fun to do and I enjoyed learning about how we can help to save the environment and the animals. I really like it when I see my achievements and badges on my Earth Rangers website page. I also received an Earth Rangers t-shirt for a Christmas gift and I received some pins to wear on my shirt for raising money to save the Beluga Whales. I enjoy wearing my shirt and when people ask what an Earth Ranger is, I like to explain how to become an Earth ranger and what we do. Many of my friends and other kids in the neighbourhood have also become Earth Rangers after I told them about it. I explained the missions and how much I enjoy being an Earth Ranger. If you want to help save animals with over one hundred thousand earth rangers that are already saving animals go to https: and click the green button at the top that says ‘Become an Earth Ranger’. My family and I also attended the solid waste authority in our city to learn more about recycling (what can be recycled and how animals can be hurt and killed if we let garbage into our environment and water sources). We also learned about the importance of bringing paint, batteries and hazardous materials directly the dump and not throwing them in our garbage and landfills. We collect these kinds of things from our neighbours, family and friends and bring them to the dump to make sure they don’t go in the garbage.
Ranger Jacob

super ranger jacob at Christmas