Un-loching the Nessie Nonesense


Join Earth Ranger Emma on an adventure to the misty Scottish Highlands, where she tackles one of the world’s greatest mysteries: the Loch Ness Monster! Is Nessie just a tall tale, or could there be something lurking beneath those murky waters? While Ryan is determined to prove the monster’s existence, Emma sets off on a mission to uncover the truth with a splash of science, a bit of history, and a few surprises. Will she find the Loch Ness Monster, or just more fish tales? Tune in to find out!

Ryan’s back…and he’s started a new podcast “Earth Investigators”. But there’s one problem – it shares a ton of info that’s wrong! Ryan’s on a mission to prove creatures like Mothman or the Yeti are real. These myths have been spread for ages, and they’re fun tales… but they’re not real! Emma is determined to debunk them with science and facts and prove that many cryptid sightings can be linked to some very real – yet no less fascinating – animals.

Emma’s first myth-busting adventure takes her to the heart of Scotland to a special freshwater loch: Loch Ness! She’s here to investigate the renowned Loch Ness Monster, or Nessie for short.

Word of Nessie’s existence first began back in the 7th Century, when a medieval monk named Adomnán wrote a book describing a dangerous beast who swam the waters of the River and Loch Ness. The legend, not unlike the Brothers Grimm’s fairy tales, was supposed to warn the people of that time to stay safe. Especially during stormy and dark nights, the idea of a monster in the depths would keep reckless swimmers and boaters from getting into danger.

The legend was then passed down through the generations, especially in the 1930s when Robert Kenneth Wilson supposedly took “the surgeon’s photograph” to prove Nessie’s existence. This photo was revealed to be a hoax, crafted out of a toy submarine and wood putty pieces.

The same year that the photo was taken, Arthur Grant reported that he’d passed by the monster on his motorcycle. It is believed that he mistook a seal or an otter in the dark and exaggerated the encounter. As technology has advanced, sonar readings of the Loch prove that there is no monster swimming in its waters…

What do you think of the Loch Ness Monster Legend? Do you wish it was real?
Let us know some other cool cryptids you wish Ryan or Emma talked about! Ryan’s going nuts coming up with some, but why not talk about other cool legends here?

Do you have what it takes to become a Backyard Biologist?

Fall leaves clutter the ground, the skies are getting darker and animals are preparing to migrate. This is the perfect time for budding backyard biologists to get out and catch new sights!

What’s a backyard biologist? Well, it’s someone who explores natural areas to study the amazing plants and wildlife they’re filled with! You don’t need to go far: just step out into your garden, visit a nearby park, or walk along a trail. If you head out now, animals of all shapes and sizes will be preparing for the winter to come, and this is the best time to see them!

Don’t Forget This Important Tool!

One important tool for any good backyard biologist is a camera. This can be a phone camera, a small one, or a big fancy one. The type of camera doesn’t matter, it’s  the experience and the photos taken that count!

Taking photos of what we’re researching is key to later understanding what happens around us. While you’re on a walk, or simply exploring your backyard, many fabulous moments can be captured and remembered.

Don’t Miss the Small Things!

While you’re out, don’t forget to look down, Earth Ranger! So much happens under our feet that we don’t pay attention to. Lift a couple of dead leaves, and you might find some critters crawling about! A good backyard biologist should investigate these hidden lives.

Need more tips and tricks to become a backyard biologist? Check out the Backyard Biologist Mission! We’ll give you a guide to help you identify your creepy and cool fall findings, and when you submit your Mission, your work as a backyard biologist will become part of what we call “citizen science”, where the public (you, your friends, family, and neighbours) help collect and analyze data that can improve the scientific community. This is super important, but it can also be SUPER FUN!

Don’t Miss the Contest!

Now that you know how important (and fun) citizen science is, and you’re ready to become a backyard biologist, wanna win cool prizes while you’re out?!

Until November 18th 2024, you can win when you enter our Backyard Biologist contest! Submit a picture of the wildlife in your neighbourhood, backyard, or fave outdoor space,  and you’ll be entered to win 1 of 3 Canon Rebel R100 Camera Prizes AND a framed piece of your photo from Canon’s frame labs and printing service!

We’ve got 3 categories for you to choose from: Backyard Safari, Critter Closeup, and Water Worlds. You can submit one photo for each, or focus on your best try of one. There’s so much to explore!

So, what are you waiting for? Time to head out!

Click here to learn more and submit your pictures!

The Backyard Biologist Contest is generously supported by:

Would you Rather #75

Would you rather…

Tackle The Tote Bag Terror or Outsmart The Organic Ogre?

Tell us which one you pick in the comments!

More “Would You Rather” Questions!

Ready to bust some climate change myths? There is a lot of talk about climate change. What is true and what is totally false? By learning the truth, YOU can help fight climate change for real. Join the Myth-Buster Challenge now! Together, we can create positive change.

Pixel Puzzler #52: Part 1

Let’s put your identification skills to the test! Can you figure out what is hidden in this picture? Make your guess in the comments.

Check back next week for the answer!

Tap here for more cool stuff like this!

Spot the Fake!

Spot the Fake!

Time:5 min Difficulty:Easy  

Hmmm… it appears we have animals trying to slip in with those they don’t belong! Can you spot the fake in each picture?

Post your results in the comments below to let us know how you did!
Who’s your favourite hidden animal?

Are you the ultimate climate change MYTH-BUSTER?


Hey, myth-busters! Have you ever heard something about climate change that didn’t sound quite right? Maybe you’ve heard that cold weather means climate change isn’t real, or that planting more trees can fix climate change? Well, not everything we hear is true, and there’s no one better than YOU to help bust some myths!

Get ready for a myth-busting adventure where you’ll uncover surprising truths about climate change.
Let’s get started!

Let us know how well you did in the comments. Whether you got all the answers right or learned something new, you’re now armed with facts that can help protect our planet. Remember, knowing the truth about climate change is the first step in making a difference. And who knows, maybe you’ll inspire others to become myth-busters too!

RAWR to celebrate World Animal Day!

Fall has finally arrived. Soon, the roads and woods will be covered in beautiful leaves of all shapes, sizes, and colours.

Here at Earth Rangers, we LOVE the fall leaves! They’re fun to play in, beautiful to look at, and the undergrowth these leaves form becomes a home for many of the animals we love. That’s why it’s so important to prevent trash from getting on the ground, where it can get covered by leaves and pose a danger to animals.

When we don’t recycle properly, animals become drawn to our stinky garbage cans and recycling bins. Trying to get in and eat food they’re not supposed to can hurt them and make them sick. Some animals, like raccoons, are especially good at getting into garbage cans that aren’t sealed properly – creating a buffet for other wild animals who drop by for a visit.

Celebrate fall, and animals, for World Animal Day!

Today is World Animal Day, a day all about making the world a better place for animals! Join us and many others around the world to let out your loudest RAWR! It’s not just the sound that a lion makes, it’s also the name of a very important Earth Rangers Mission, where RAWR stands for Respect Animals While Recycling!

RAWR – Respect Animals While Recycling!

Fall is when animals start preparing for winter. Some gather food before they hibernate, while others fill up before migrating south. This is a time where we need to be careful about what we throw out. Before taking out your recycling box or garbage can, remember to do the following:

  • Clean all bottles, jars, cans, and other containers to prevent food smells from attracting animals.
  • Crush soda cans and rotate the tabs to cover the openings, preventing small animals from crawling inside.
  • Cut up six-pack rings to avoid animals getting entangled in them.
  • If your organic waste has a strong smell, store it in the freezer to minimize the stench.
  • Wait until the morning of collection day to set out your items, reducing the chance of attracting nocturnal animals.

Don’t forget these handy tools!

Your province is here to help! Not sure where some recycling items go? Don’t immediately throw them out. Look online for recycling information!

Manitoba makes this research even easier with its app, “Recyclepedia,” where users can find a ton of useful information about what goes in the special blue bins. British Columbia has a similar app, called RecycleBC, while the city of Toronto in Ontario offers “TOWaste”. Don’t live in Manitoba, Ontario, or British Columbia? Don’t worry! Ask a grown-up to help you find a similar recycling tool in your province.

Want to celebrate World Animal Day?
Head to the mission section of the Earth Rangers app and accept the RAWR Mission today!

Tortilla Deer

Tortilla Deer

Time:10 min Difficulty:Easy  

Oh deer, are you feeling peckish? We’ve got some tasty snacks that you can fawn over!

Here’s what you need:

  • Tortilla wraps
  • Ham (or a vegan alternative)
  • A sandwich spread (mayonnaise, butter, cream cheese, ketchup, ect…)
  • Tomatoes, Olives, Radishes, Grapes
  • Pretzels

Here’s how you make it:

Step 1: With an adult to help, warm your tortilla wraps up. This can be done on the stove, in the oven, or in the microwave.

Step 2: Spread your chosen sandwich spread over each tortilla wrap.

Step 3: Lay some ham (or vegan alternative) along your wrap.

Step 4: Roll up each wrap into a sausage shape. Slice each roll into even pieces.

Step 5: Pop on a couple of pretzels (or halved pretzel pieces if they are too big) on each wedge for the antlers.

Step 6: Finally, make the noses by pushing your olives or tomatoes into the centre of each roll-up.

What are you doe-ing? It’s time to dig in!

You made a BIG SPLASH!


Earth Rangers, your AMAZING work in the Big Splash Challenge is making WAVES!

As part of the challenge, you logged over 250,000 climate-friendly habits to help protect water! To celebrate, we teamed up with Water Rangers to get water quality testing kits to two awesome programs. Les Scientifines and the Métis Nation of Ontario (MNO) Water Monitoring Program are using these kits to teach young people to take care of rivers, lakes, and ponds, keeping them clean and healthy for everyone!

Les Scientifines: Helping girls discover the wonders of science

The water quality testing kits are helping the work of Les Scientifines in Montreal. They inspire girls with fun, hands-on STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) activities. With these kits, the girls get to test water, discover tiny bacteria, and learn about water pollution. This fun learning helps them get the skills to solve real problems that’ll help to keep our planet safe!

Credit: Graham Perry, Water Rangers

MNO Water Monitoring Program: Helping young people protect water

The MNO Water Monitoring Program is training Métis youth across Ontario how to check the water quality in their communities. They’re learning how pollution and climate change are affecting the lakes and rivers in their traditional territories. This hands-on learning helps them become stewards of ‘no tèr pi noz o’ (our lands and waters), teaching them why water quality is so important and how to keep it safe!

Credit: Metis Nation of Ontario

Making waves

Thanks to your amazing work, these two programs are making a BIG SPLASH in their communities! With these awesome tools, young people are learning about science and how to protect one of our planet’s most precious treasures—water!

But guess what? The fun isn’t over! Whether you joined the Big Splash Challenge or missed it, you can still help out. Check out our new Myth-Buster Challenge! In this challenge, you’ll become the ultimate myth-buster! You’ll tackle villains that spread climate myths. Join us now to keep learning, exploring, and making a big difference for our planet!

Pawsitively Hilarious Jokes #36


What do you call a rabbit who tells good jokes?

A funny bunny.

TRIVIA: “Funny bunny” is a term used to describe someone who’s odd or eccentric – so funny!