Caption this: What are these frogs saying?

We need your help! This animal is trying to tell us something but we can’t figure it out! Do you know what is these two frogs are saying?

Post your ideas in the comment section below.

Tap here for more cool stuff like this!

Would you Rather #84

Would you rather have…

A moose’s antlers or a ram’s horns?

Tell us which one you pick in the comments!

Sneak Attack!


Gasp! What’s that?! A pumpkin? How DARE that pumpkin just sit there, looking all innocent in my space! I think it’s time that I, Hudson the lynx, show that pumpkin a thing or two. It’s pouncing time! 

Were you impressed by Hudson’s jumping skills? 

Help Your Child Become an Animal-saving Hero!


Animals across Canada are facing serious threats. The good news? Your child can protect them!
Through Earth Rangers’ Bring Back the Wild campaign, your kid can save animals by fundraising for
important conservation projects. Join children all across Canada who are pouring lemonade, washing
cars, and strutting their stuff in community dance-a-thons–all to keep our country’s wild spaces wild!

Get Started

Getting involved is easy! Just follow these simple steps to set up your child’s fundraising campaign.
Looking for something a little more original than a lemonade stand? We’ve got you covered! Check out
our free resources and fun ideas for fundraising!

Earn Rewards

As your child collects donations, they’ll earn amazing rewards! From a personal shout-out on the Earth
Rangers Podcast to a virtual meet-and-greet with our Animal Ambassadors, we’ve got plenty of great
prizes to celebrate your child’s philanthropy. Check out the full list of rewards!

Choose an Animal to Protect

Your child can choose one of five incredible species to support! Take a look at the full list! From sea
turtle hatcheries on Nicaragua’s sandy beaches to cougar dens in a Saskatchewan ecosystem that
survived the ice age, each conservation project is a worthy Earth Month cause. Which animal will your
child choose?

By participating in Bring Back the Wild, your child will develop leadership and entrepreneurship skills
that last a lifetime. Plus, they’ll be protecting animals and preserving our wild spaces for generations to

Start your fundraising journey today and help your child Bring Back the Wild!

The Colourful Tale of Vulture Communitcation

Vultures have an un-feathered part of their face that can turn bright red. This face flushing is an important way for these birds to communicate things like their status in the group,  kinda like a colour-coded website update for vultures!

lapped faced vultures in grass

Baby Seal Loves His Bath Mat And…A GIANT GREEN BRAIN?!


When heroes and honorary Earth Rangers from Seal Rescue Ireland saved Spruce, the baby seal, they were worried that he’d never grow big enough to go back to the wild. But Spruce was determined! And after months of fish school, heated bath mats, and one…giant green brain…Spruce was finally ready to go home to where he belongs: the wild ocean! Special thanks to our friends at Seal Rescue Ireland.

Who else loves seals?

Baby Beaver Loses an Eye But Finds a Home!


You see that beaver? That’s me, Bo! But, I’m not just your average rescue beaver. There’s something special about me: I only have ONE EYE! It’s not always easy to see, but that doesn’t stop me from doing all kinds of beaver things! That’s because honorary Earth Ranger Alexis is here to help!

What do you like most about Beavers?

Are you a cat, owl, squirrel, or caribou?

New Challenge alert! Ready to hand it down, hermit crab style? Do the beluga whale wash? Or snack like a rabbit? Look for “Act Like An Animal” in the Challenges section of the Earth Rangers App!

Animals around the world are impacted by climate change. It’s making it harder for them to survive in the wild. In this Challenge, let’s learn a few climate-friendly habits from our animal friends.

When you join this challenge, you will do things like…

Spot the light like an owl

Snack like a rabbit

Take a cat bath

Do the beluga whale wash

Plant seeds like a squirrel

Hoof it like a caribou

Hand it down hermit crab style

Layer up like a polar bear

There are lots of things we can do to help slow climate change. We’re challenging you to help us meet our goal of 250,000 climate-friendly habits. Come back every day to log your habits, and unlock some awesome rewards along the way! Can you collect them all?

Let us hear your loudest roar and help all sort of animals in the Act Like An Animal Challenge! When we work together, climate change doesn’t stand a chance.

Top Ten Animals that Love the Snow

As the season changes from fall to winter check out this list of top ten animals playing, hiding, hunting and loving the snow. You might be inspired to grab your boots and coat and head outside for some fun of your own!

1) Do you think they can see me?

harp seal in snow
Harp seal

2) Oh yah…this is nice.

Japanese Macaque with baby
Japanese macaque

3) Watch out, I’m going in!

Wild fox jumping in snow

4) Just blending in.

white tailed deer
White tailed deer

5) Snow fight!

polar bear snow
Polar bear

6) Snowshoeing anyone?

Snowshoe Hare
Snowshoe Hare

7) The snow just brings out the romantic in me…sigh…

Gentoo penguins
Gentoo penguins

8) Come on everyone…I know the way.

Young Emperor Penguins
Young Emperor Penguins

9) Who’s ready for a snowball fight?


10) Hey, where did everybody go?


Pixel Puzzler #58: The Great Reveal

We got tons of great guesses on Part 1 of this Pixel Puzzler and now it’s time for the answer. Are you ready for the great reveal? Find out if you got it right!

The answer to this Pixel Puzzler is (drum roll please) A Bat! How did you do? Tell us in the comments!

Tap here for more cool stuff like this!