Eco-Activity: Conserve and Connect!


Conserve and Connect!

You’ve probably seen lots of creative ways people are connecting with friends and family while still practicing social distancing. Things like hanging pictures in windows, waving from cars, and video calling are just a few examples. For today’s eco activity, we want you to connect with friends or family by creating a forest friendly card by using only recycled or natural materials. Send it to them in the mail, leave it on their doorstep, or text them a picture of it to brighten their day!

The key is not to use any “new” paper products for this project. Canada is lucky enough to have some of the world’s healthiest and most beautiful forests. Let’s help keep it that way by reducing and reusing paper products!

Here’s how to make a homemade card:

Step 1: Find a base for your card, like cereal or snack boxes, paper plates or an old greeting card.

Step 2: Cut it into the shape you want.

Step 3: Write a kind message to a friend or family member.

Step 4: Decorate it with things from nature, like leaves, twigs and pine cones. You can use crayons to “rub” the imprint of leaves onto your card too!

Step 5: Decide on the best and safest way to send it along!

Don’t forget to share it on social media using the hashtag #EarthMonthforAnimals !

Bonus challenge: Make your own recycled paper by following these instructions.

Hurry! Tomorrow is the last day to get free shipping on all plushie adoption kits!  You can help support important conservation work by purchasing an adoption kit for one of Canada’s amazing animals, like the Western Bumblebee and many other amazing animals through the Earth Rangers App or our estore! Just use code EM32020 at checkout!