The EARTH RANGERS MOST WANTED ENERGY WASTERS are on the loose again and are looking to make trouble in your home this winter! For today’s Eco-Activity, help Captain Conservation stop the sneaky Thermo Inferno and Devious Draft!
Follow these steps and help take down the Thermo Inferno and Devious Draft!
With the help of an adult, find your family’s thermostat. Turn it down by two degrees. The Thermo Inferno does NOT like being cold in the winter. You can keep warm with some extra cozy layers! Ask an adult to consider turning the temperature down at night, and when nobody’s home.
Run the back of your hand around your windows and doors. If you feel any wind or cold air, that’s the Devious Draft sneaking in! With the help of an adult, seal off any of the cracks or holes you find to keep this energy waster out of your home.
These are just two of the Earth Rangers’ Most Wanted Energy Wasters. Learn how to stop the others by accepting the Operation Conservation Mission in the Earth Rangers App!
I’m working on the Operation Conservation mission!
I already did it. It was super fun!