How to make your animal ears!

Did You Know?

  • Rabbits are the plant-eating creatures with long ears (which can be as long as 10 centimetres sometimes!) and a fluffy little tail.
  • There are multiple types of rabbits in Canada, such as the Eastern Cottontail.
  • A female rabbit is called a doe, a male rabbit is called a buck and a baby rabbit is called a kit - how cute!
  • Eastern cottontails are under threat due to habitat loss - this means rabbits have nowhere to source food, escape predators or raise their young.

Take Action to Protect Rabbits

The best way to help rabbits is to conserve their natural habitat - this means protecting natural areas like forests and grasslands from development. Development and urbanization causes rabbits to lose their habitats, often placing them within urbanized areas where they're more susceptible to human-caused disturbances.

By completing ‘Eco Activity #111:  Slow and Steady Planters’, you can help create a beautiful and safe garden for our rabbit friends to reside in, increasing their habitat space!

If you would like to take your action a step further, become an Earth Ranger to access the Backyard Biologist Mission! Exploring the outdoors and all of the biodiversity that it has to offer helps connect us to nature and helps us learn more about it! This mission encourages you to get outside and see what kinds of interesting plants and animals you can find nearby. Take photographs and notes, remembering to share what you found when you’re done - maybe you’ll even find an Eastern cottontail rabbit!