Tortilla Deer

Tortilla Deer

Time:10 min Difficulty:Easy  

Oh deer, are you feeling peckish? We’ve got some tasty snacks that you can fawn over!

Here’s what you need:

  • Tortilla wraps
  • Ham (or a vegan alternative)
  • A sandwich spread (mayonnaise, butter, cream cheese, ketchup, ect…)
  • Tomatoes, Olives, Radishes, Grapes
  • Pretzels

Here’s how you make it:

Step 1: With an adult to help, warm your tortilla wraps up. This can be done on the stove, in the oven, or in the microwave.

Step 2: Spread your chosen sandwich spread over each tortilla wrap.

Step 3: Lay some ham (or vegan alternative) along your wrap.

Step 4: Roll up each wrap into a sausage shape. Slice each roll into even pieces.

Step 5: Pop on a couple of pretzels (or halved pretzel pieces if they are too big) on each wedge for the antlers.

Step 6: Finally, make the noses by pushing your olives or tomatoes into the centre of each roll-up.

What are you doe-ing? It’s time to dig in!

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