Teddy Bear Pancakes

Teddy Bear Pancakes

Time:30 min Difficulty:Medium  

We’ve come up with a delicious meal if you’re feeling a rumbly in your tumbly. Even the littlest cubs at home can help make this with their bear hands!

Here’s what you need:

  • Pancake batter
  • Toppings (you could use bananas, berries, raisins, or chocolate chips)
  • Cooked oatmeal (optional)

Here’s how you make it:

Step 1:

Mix up your favourite pancake batter. Feel free to add in some cooked oatmeal for an added nutritional boost like we did!

Step 2:

Make one large and two small pancakes for each teddy bear you are making.

Step 3:

Place the large pancake in the middle of a plate and cut one of the small pancakes in half. Place each half on top of the large pancake to make your teddy ears, then place the other small pancake in the middle of the big one for the snout.

Step 4:

Add bananas, berries, raisins, or chocolate chips for the nose, eyes and mouth and your teddy bear is complete and ready to enjoy!

Bonus: Collect teddy bears you have at home and invite them to join you for a teddy bear picnic!

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